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Dh is "letting" me do another marathon because he likes what all the extra running does to my rear end.


Can't post it on FB because I'm friends with 13-16 yo. I just don't think it would be appropriate. But things are a bit less known here. You may know things about me that some of my actual RL friends don't know. But you don't know me. Well, one of you does.


So I still need to sign up. I'm going to wait until next week to sign up to make sure I really want to do this. But if I decide to actually do it, this is the marathon I'm going to do. Best thing about the race? It's on a soft surface, well most of it. There are several miles on roads, but most of it is "soft". The second best thing? The start line is less than 1/2 hour from my house.


Anyone else want to join me, maybe?

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Cheryl...I love your marathon!! That was my first choice but I chose the Feb. 17th Myrtle Beach because the date works out better for me. I live about 3 hours NW of you - about an hour from Asheville. This will be my first and I am so excited or that feeling may just be concern. What marathons have you done in the past? How do you train? I have done a local 10K here in Spruce Pine, NC for several years. It is all mountain horse trails thru the rivers and over the mountains. My passion is trail running but I think I am ready for a marathon. I didn't sleep too good the night after I signed up because I was wondering what I had done...I'm glad that you are counting the cost before you sign up...but if I can do it...you can.

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Cheryl...I love your marathon!! That was my first choice but I chose the Feb. 17th Myrtle Beach because the date works out better for me. I live about 3 hours NW of you - about an hour from Asheville. This will be my first and I am so excited or that feeling may just be concern. What marathons have you done in the past? How do you train? I have done a local 10K here in Spruce Pine, NC for several years. It is all mountain horse trails thru the rivers and over the mountains. My passion is trail running but I think I am ready for a marathon. I didn't sleep too good the night after I signed up because I was wondering what I had done...I'm glad that you are counting the cost before you sign up...but if I can do it...you can.


I've done the Disney World marathon in '07. Then I did the Shamrock in Va Beach in '09. I guess it's an odd year thing for me. :001_smile:


For Disney, I used Hal Higdon's beginner marathon program. Then for the Shamrock, I used the beginner one printed on their site. I haven't decided yet what I'm using this time. I may try one of Higdon's intermediate programs.


Scarey thing is I'm halfway contemplating an ultra race! They have a 50 mile and 100 mile race here in town. I can't find it on line. It's like 10 loops through Umstead State Park. DH and I had no idea it was going on when we showed up there for a bike ride. We still rode, but got home and had to figure out what was going on!

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I really *want* to complete a marathon (or at least a half) sometime in my life. Unfortunately, "desiring" to do so has not yet translated to me actually running! I did do some of the Couch-2-5K in the spring, but then fizzled. I just cannot find the time to set aside to run on a consistent basis. Good luck in your decision. You are very close-by to me. We live near Fuquay-Varina, also in Wake County! We've taken the kids to ride bikes on the Tobacco Trail! I imagine that it would be a neat place to run a marathon!

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One more question - I just looked up the Hal Higdon plan. Did you ever go beyond the 20 mile run before your race? I'm following Jeff Galloway and he has you going the entire distance before the race. I am modifying that a little and planning on a 23 − 25 mile run, but I'm dreading it!!!


I've never even gone 20 before the race. Something always happens int he weeks between 18 and 20. One year it was new shoes and blisters. I could barely run 7! I got another pair of new shoes! The other time I think I caught a cold or something.


I even had a friend who has run marathons before tell me to never run 26 unless you get a medal. :lol: It's just not worth it. If you can run 20, you can run 26.

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I even had a friend who has run marathons before tell me to never run 26 unless you get a medal. :lol: It's just not worth it. If you can run 20, you can run 26.


I agree with your friend. Heck, I'm doing Twin Cities in a couple weeks as a training run.


Jennifer, during a normal training cycle (which this has not been), I like to finish with a 21 miler, because mentally, I like thinking, "Oh, it's just 5.2 more to go after this" v. "Oh, it's another 10K to go." 10Ks are not my sweet spot in racing, hence the mental difference for me.


As for 50 states, I've only done VA, DE and NJ to date! MN and PA are this fall, then MA next spring, assuming I get in during Boston's registration. I thought it was be a fun way to incorporate a bit of US geography as my children are growing up.

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I even had a friend who has run marathons before tell me to never run 26 unless you get a medal. :lol: It's just not worth it. If you can run 20, you can run 26.


Great advice! When I ran many moons ago with Team in Training, they said the same thing. Never, ever run the 26 miles before your race. One-your body will not be ready for the 2nd 26 miles. Two-You don't get the medal if you don't cross the finish line. Save your 26 for the medal! One more thing they said-a marathon is just your 20 mile training run plus a really tough 10K at the end.


Congrats on another marathon!

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I've never even gone 20 before the race. Something always happens int he weeks between 18 and 20. One year it was new shoes and blisters. I could barely run 7! I got another pair of new shoes! The other time I think I caught a cold or something.


I even had a friend who has run marathons before tell me to never run 26 unless you get a medal. :lol: It's just not worth it. If you can run 20, you can run 26.


Really? It just seems like the difference between 20 and 26 is SOOO long!!! Man, I remember when I couldn't even run 6! I do like the idea of just going to 20 though. Hmmmm . . . I'll think about it. Maybe I'll run 20 and then just walk a couple more as a cool down. I don't know! I'm just so nervous about the whole thing!




That's a great reason! It sounds like fun. I think doing a trail would be nice.


I think someday I would like to try a marathon, maybe at least a half.


You SHOULD try!!!!! Believe me, three years ago, I never thought I'd be running a full. But, I did the half (LOTS of fun!!!) and I'm doing another one in a month. I think I'll be ready for the full in January. Pick a half, pick a training program and go for it!!!!


I agree with your friend. Heck, I'm doing Twin Cities in a couple weeks as a training run.


Jennifer, during a normal training cycle (which this has not been), I like to finish with a 21 miler, because mentally, I like thinking, "Oh, it's just 5.2 more to go after this" v. "Oh, it's another 10K to go." 10Ks are not my sweet spot in racing, hence the mental difference for me.


As for 50 states, I've only done VA, DE and NJ to date! MN and PA are this fall, then MA next spring, assuming I get in during Boston's registration. I thought it was be a fun way to incorporate a bit of US geography as my children are growing up.


Makes sense! I love how you go to 21 miles instead of 20 because of the 10K difference. Running is such a mental game, isn't it?


Plan on Detroit next October! Really, it's a great race!


Great advice! When I ran many moons ago with Team in Training, they said the same thing. Never, ever run the 26 miles before your race. One-your body will not be ready for the 2nd 26 miles. Two-You don't get the medal if you don't cross the finish line. Save your 26 for the medal! One more thing they said-a marathon is just your 20 mile training run plus a really tough 10K at the end.


Congrats on another marathon!


Okay. I guess I see the rationale. It just feels weird to me! I mean, it's SIX more miles!!!! That's a lot! I guess I'll play it by ear. Two of my long runs happen on holidays (my birthday and Christmas), so I knew I'd have to change something up. Might as well change up the distance too!!!

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