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Here I am again, another weekend in bed

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I'm so sorry that you are still not well. :(



Things I like to do while stuck in bed that I don't otherwise have time to do:


1. Read

2. Make lists of projects I'd like to accomplish, and the steps it will take to get each one done

3. School planning/research

4. Artsy stuff, like drawing, cross stitching, or any kind of bed-friendly crafting

5. Online research of interests/hobbies I'd like to learn more about (for me, this is photography)


Hope you feel better soon!

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I'm so sorry that you are still not well. :(



Things I like to do while stuck in bed that I don't otherwise have time to do:


1. Read

2. Make lists of projects I'd like to accomplish, and the steps it will take to get each one done

3. School planning/research

4. Artsy stuff, like drawing, cross stitching, or any kind of bed-friendly crafting

5. Online research of interests/hobbies I'd like to learn more about (for me, this is photography)


Hope you feel better soon!


hey, you're making me look bad. :D

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Pam... Foot Massages? That's what I'd want.. Chocolate (with salt is my favorite, now!!) Hansen's sodas! Special Water! Good Movies (fun!! nice!!) Chips and Salsa! Guacomole (Baja Fresh with salsa and chips...) although the chips from Chipotle's are really good... they have lime salt on them (yum!)

Candles.... Wanna come to a candle party with us? One of the only candles I can handle is the Partylite candles (only some of them)

Love... I love you!!

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Pam... Foot Massages? That's what I'd want..




Okay, here is a story. It is actually my sister's story, but she gets all the good ones. Back in the 50's she was engaged to a Navy boy named Dick. She was hot to see him, and when he was in Chicago on a visit, she begged my mother to train up there with her (as chaperone...I read a letter of my mother's saying she was dreading it) so she could see him. The hotel was hosting a barber shop quartet conference, and all day and night, in the elevators, everywhere, tipsy men were breaking into hum...Hum....HuM....HUM.


My sister is the adventuresome kind, and when she and her intended were touring the natural history museum, they came upon a stuffed elephants foot with a little sign: Feel. My sister felt. She then bent down to sniff. He was outraged and wanted to know "how dare she do that while he was in uniform" (he was an Annapolis student). They had a fight and broke up.

Over smelling a stuffed elephant's foot.



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A friend of mines story...it is a kid story so if you don't want to read it now, that is understandable.





She was at Walmart with her 4-5yoish son who had raging ADHD. He was the type to run around and be in constant full body movements. In order to quell the constant fight between them, she just kinda gave in on this July day. It was summer, hot outside and she was on the picnic aisle. No one else was around so she was letting him get some energy out while she shopped. Her son was picking things up, making guns or swords out of them, jumping up and down, running-sliding on the floor, leaping into the air and landing in a full barrel roll, pretending to be fighting an imaginary army, hiding at the end of the aisle and then making surprise attacks on her, and pretty much running amok as usual. (Her words-not mine LOL) She was just kinda of glossy eyed, exhausted from his constant antics. She wasn't really paying attention but knew there wasn't anyone around so she just kinda zoned out at the choices in front of her, appreciating the cool air conditioned store. He son found a hand shaped fly swatter and was busy attacking the enemy. In a distant murmur, heard someone on the next aisle and after a few minutes, finally, slowly came out of her fog. The person was talking to someone and then would occasionally saw "Ow, stop it". She really didn't think much of it, and just kept shopping. My friend decided to continue on her shopping trip by going down the card aisle. She rounded the corner of the aisle just in time to see her son, go up to this complete stranger, who was quite rough looking, and slap her on her 'quite round, very white-but turning pink, tush hanging out of her shorts' with that hand shaped fly swatter. The last 5 minutes came flooding back to her, as she realized her son had done that at least 7-8 times ... judging by the "ow, stop its" that she heard.


She apologized, turned and left as fast as she could. She says that she was trying so hard to contain her own laughing that it was coming out as snorts. She was afraid the lady was going to come after her, beating her with the same fly swatter; chasing her as she ran snorting and laughing down the aisles. She left the store ASAP and was watching her back the whole way. Half terrified, half in hysterical laughter. She said she was just sooo stressed, and to realize that her son was doing such a thing, just sent her into some crazy, laughing hysterics for the rest of the day. Every time she wanted to punish him, she would start snorting again, and couldn't say a word.


It was months before she returned to that store and even longer before she brought her son back, fearing they would run into the lady again.

Edited by Tap, tap, tap
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My brother is four years younger than I am and we've always been close. When he was in the army I would send him care packages--things like homemade brownies, cookies, candy, etc. Care packages were very popular with everyone and if he wasn't around when his arrived in the mail sometimes all he saw of it were the crumbs. To counter that I once sent the most disgusting looking treats I could find, including some big gummy rats, but that backfired as they turned out to be the most popular and the guys were fighting to get them.


When he graduated from Ranger school I couldn't attend the ceremony so my mom drove out of her way to pick up the care package I prepared for the occasion. The movie "Rambo" had been released around that time so I bought Rambo party plates, cups, hats, a table cloth and a Rambo lunchbox filled with treats so they could have a little party. Back at the fort that lunchbox turned out to be even more popular than the gummy rats--he said all the guys wanted it.



He isn't the kind that belongings mean much to, but he kept that lunchbox, using it to store his cheapie mismatched silverware in. One day he came home to find his place had been broken into and ramsacked pretty badly so he went through everything carefully, expecting that they'd made off with a lot of stuff. Strangely enough everything seemed to be accounted for.


A few weeks later he needed some spare silverware and reached for the lunchbox and that's when it hit him.


The only thing the thieves had taken was his Rambo lunchbox.

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This made us all guffaw at the dinner table not long ago. Hopefully, I can tell it well enough to at least bring a smile to your face.


Dh took his mother to the pharmacy a few weeks ago to get a prescription filled. She had just received a new pharmacy card and when dh tried to purchase the medicine the clerk told him the card needed to be activated before he could make the purchase. So he sat down on a bench nearby and dialed the 800 number on the back of the card and then proceeded to use his bluetooth device.


The recording kept asking him questions, verifying his answers and then going on to another question. It went something like this. (Keep in mind that all the folks standing in line and shopping nearby could not hear the person on the recording, they could only hear dh giving the answers.):


Recording: If you are calling to activate your new card please say "Yes."


Dh: Yes


Recording repeats statement as if it hadn't heard dh's response.


Dh (more loudly): YES!


Recording: Please say name and address of cardholder.


Dh (loudly): Mary Smith, 123 Main Street, Anytown, USA!


Recording repeats name and address and says, "If that is correct, say 'move on.'"


Dh (forgetting to speak up): Move on.


Recording repeats last statement.




Recording: Asks question


Dh: Answers "Yes!" loudly


Recording: Verifies question and tells dh to say "move on."






Dh: YES!








Dh: Yes!






repeat five more times.:)


Finally, the deed is done - the card is activated.


Dh sheepishly walks over to dear mil, hands her the card and says, "Please don't ever ask me to do that again."


I'm not sure the humor came through with my telling of the tale. It was much better at the dinner table when dh related it, hollering "Move on!" over and over again. It's become a family joke to randomly interject "Move on!" into our daily life ever since.

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