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DD rushing through work-------

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Does anyone else have the problem of any of their DC rushing through their work?


What do you do to stop it? I keep telling her it's going to be real hard to earn a credit when she only spends a very short period of time on it!


I wouldn't fuss, but she's sabotaging her grades in the process! No reading her texts with thought....... plowing through her written work like she has somewhere to go- she does not!


Not to mention the lack of use of a simple yet VERY useful item- an.......




Goodness! Anyone have any thoughts, input, advice.... or shall I just shoot myself in the foot and forget about it?!

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This can be hard to implement, but the best way to squelch this habit is to make it more work to do a sloppy job in the first place. If your dd has to do extra math problems, another writing assignment, or read the chapter over because she skimmed it so fast she can't narrate it, then she will (hopefully) eventually stop. Or you can assign extra chores because she has wasted your time in going back and forth with corrections. The hard part is that you must stay on top of this for it to work. If she learns you will drive her like a mule if she's sloppy, she should stop.


Sorry this is happening to you, but you have lots of company!



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Yes, I have to agree with the other poster. You have to make it where rushing through and doing sloppy work will end up taking her more time because when you see it you will only say, "I'm sorry honey, but this assignment must be done all over again because you didn't do it right."


No nagging, no screaming... just tell her like it is in a calm, cool voice. The extra work will eventually get old for her where she will one day want to do it right the first time, if for no other reason, because she won't want to have her workload doubled. Once a kid establishes good study habits, they do the right thing because they know it will be in their best interest.

Edited by Anna
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I am having this issue with my dd. I finally had to make the rule that regardless of if she is "done", she has to work until 3.


Then she started claiming to be done, when she wasn't, so that she could stop at 3.


So now she is having to work until I have checked her work and agree that it is done. It is a horrible punishment, for me, but hopefully it will be short lived and she will get her work done on her own again.

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I am having this issue with my dd. I finally had to make the rule that regardless of if she is "done", she has to work until 3.


Then she started claiming to be done, when she wasn't, so that she could stop at 3.


So now she is having to work until I have checked her work and agree that it is done. It is a horrible punishment, for me, but hopefully it will be short lived and she will get her work done on her own again.


:iagree:It is hard for mom! Character issues like these are the main reason we homeschool, though.



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You all have great points and ideas! I have been riding her about the sloppiness.. Marking things wrong if she writes over another letter w/o erasing. It seems horrible, and I feel terrible, but I don't want her to settle at turning in that level of work!


On the other hand- I know what you all are talking about with slow kids! I have two boys who fall into this category! Whih makes me go into the questioning myself mode- "Am I just being too hard?" But I usually come out of that pretty quickly, when I think- "NO! I WANT them to ALWAYS do their BEST!" It's just the 'getting there' that is SOO hard! Will I EVER get there?

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I am having this issue with my dd. I finally had to make the rule that regardless of if she is "done", she has to work until 3.


Then she started claiming to be done, when she wasn't, so that she could stop at 3.


So now she is having to work until I have checked her work and agree that it is done. It is a horrible punishment, for me, but hopefully it will be short lived and she will get her work done on her own again.


See, this is a problem- as I tell my kids to stop goofing off, as they are wasting their playtime.......... But.......... If they're going to rush through it...... They miss the *ENTIRE* point! :tongue_smilie: The other thing- she gets up and gets at it right away, so she will have playtime! AH! Why don't kids come with manuals??? I'd be in the "Trouble Shooting" section quite often! :D

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Who's characters? The kids' or ours? :001_huh:


Rosie- having character issues with herself today.

Ha ha - you guessed it - both!


There's nothing like having your children at home with you ALL DAY to bring out "character." In my case, I have dh at home, too.:)


I love them all soooo much, but sometimes I hide behind the bed just to get a moment alone. The bathroom doesn't work.



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I have had a very hard time with my oldest for years because of this.


Last year I did Windows to the World with my oldest and my middle together. My middle dd and I were extremely frustrated. My middle would spend several hours on the assignment for the week and have carefully crafted and well thought out answers. My oldest wouldn't even have complete sentences and it was generally something that she scribbled down in 15 minutes or so.


My oldest is taking almost all her classes at the cc now, so she has to answer to somebody other than me. She has good grades, so I guess she's doing enough to keep the teachers happy.


I have to actually limit the length of my 10th grader's answers. When I'm looking for a paragraph, she'll give me a page. When I'm looking for 1-2 sentences, she'll give me 6-8.

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I decide that when my kids start doing sloppy work that they "need" more "one on one" time with me. That means we'll do the work together - painstakingly.... thoroughly. I tell them this is a treat for them as I want to spend more time together on their schoolwork - aren't they lucky that they have a private tutor in me!Then when they beg to be left to their own devices (and believe me they will!) I have them work through 2-3 problems/sentences independently and then they have to stop and let me check their work together making corrects and improvements as needed. A few days of this...they get the idea! But every so often they backslide and need the "Mom's Attention" to get back on track again!



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I decide that when my kids start doing sloppy work that they "need" more "one on one" time with me. That means we'll do the work together - painstakingly.... thoroughly. I tell them this is a treat for them as I want to spend more time together on their schoolwork - aren't they lucky that they have a private tutor in me!Then when they beg to be left to their own devices (and believe me they will!) I have them work through 2-3 problems/sentences independently and then they have to stop and let me check their work together making corrects and improvements as needed. A few days of this...they get the idea! But every so often they backslide and need the "Mom's Attention" to get back on track again!


I do this too, and it works really, really well. :D



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