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Hunting, fishing, survival unit study? Does it exist?


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Oh my twins would LOVE this! Uncle and Papa do lots of it with them but to actually have a unit study! That would be sooo cool! :) I hope someone responds and knows of one! It never even crossed my mind and now I am so excited about it. I love this forum!

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I don't know what state you are in or if your state agency woudl have similar resources, but the Texas Parks & Wildlife website has a wealth of information you could use to do your own studies. It covers all the topics you mentioned and lots more. Granted, mcuh of the ionformation is Texas-specific, but certainly there is a lot you could use.


When I was getting my biology & PE teaching certification, I was trained in the TP&W "Project WILD" program for teachers and to be a certified ropes-course instructor. No flames for outdorr ed from me!! :D

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I was just browsing around this site http://www.alaskacenters.gov/ last night. On the left-hand side is a menu bar w/ tons of great stuff under "For Kids", "For Teachers", "History & Culture", and the Science one. There's stuff about fire safety, camping safety - incl. bear safety, etc. Loads of good stuff. I'll bet other states' Public Lands Information Centers offer similar stuff - just google them to find out.

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I'm not sure about hunting, but I know there are Boy Scout merit badges for wilderness survival and fishing, and they have some surprisingly meaty little booklets available at the Scout shop (or online, I'm sure) covering these topics. If you couldn't find an actual unit study, these might give you a start in pulling something together on your own. :)



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Have you checked with your state's Department of Natural Resources (or the equivalent)? I live in GA, and a couple of years ago, we stumbled upon a weekend DNR program at a state park that was all about introducing shooting, fishing and archery to kids. It was staffed mostly by volunteers, and the kids went around to various stations and shot bb guns, fished for trout (that were released just upstream throughout the day--it wasn't quite "shooting fish in a barrel," but it was close), shot bows and (my favorite) watched demonstrations of hunting and law enforcement dogs.


Since then, I have noticed other DNR programs in GA with similar goals. I've seen their promotions for "teach a kid to fish" day or something like that, though it may be a national program.


Sounds like a lot of fun. Can I send my kids over???



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Today, stopped by the used book store and found Hatchet and My Side of the Mountain for 2.50. Great suggestions! They didn't have Sign of the Beaver. I think we are going to start Hatchet tonight.


Haven't decided on my spine of my study yet. The Tom Brown Survival for children looks good and the Boy's Handy Book too.


I think I am going with Brown and read a little everyday and let the kids pick one reasonable thing to try a week as a family.


Thanks for all the help. I can't believe I was afraid of flames...all I got was great advice. This board is the best. :)

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In the DC Metro area we have Ancestral Knowlege. www.ancestralknowldege.org They have wilderness survival and naturalist programs from age 8 and up. (They are trying to start a 5-8 yr old one as well.) They have copy of their homeschool naturalist curriculum here:


Maybe you could use that to develop something....

:-) Natasha

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Don't know how I forgot these! The only one we don't have is The Field and Forest Handy Book, but I'll be remedying that shortly. My boys have LOVED the American Boys Handy Books.

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Don't flame me...but I have a third grader fascinated by all things outdoors...does anyone know a good unit study that has all or some of these things...hunting, fishing, survival skills? Please help.


Thanks a bunch.:)


Prepare And Pray! and Blessed Assurance!


We used P&P with my oldest two....right before Y2K :glare:

Feel free to ask questions.



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Don't flame me...but I have a third grader fascinated by all things outdoors...does anyone know a good unit study that has all or some of these things...hunting, fishing, survival skills? Please help.


Thanks a bunch.:)


Here are some. Just google it. I loved that book as a kid!! That might be the place to start? Amazon has a couple really good literature guides, too. Hope you find what you're looking for!


One more thing, I'm sure you've probably heard of the game, Worst Case Scenario? Survival game...either a board game or you can get a card game.







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