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Another Shred/exercise ?

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I did Shred Level 1 Day 1 today. I have two dilemmas.


The first dilemma: I could do everything except for the crunches. I kept using my neck. This has always been a problem for me. The only way I can do crunches w/o using my neck is with the machines at the YMCA.


First question is:

How do I do crunches w/o using my neck?


Next dilemma


After doing the jumping jacks (which I haven't done since I quit teaching tennis 4 years ago) the sides of both of my feet hurt.


Multiple questions:

Could this be due to

1) inadequate shoes? I was wearing brand new Reebok tennis shoes (actual tennis shoes for the tennis court, not running shoes or walking shoes)

2) residual damage due to broken toes (both little toes have been broken in the last four years, along with both big toes - but the big toes didn't hurt - just the outside of my feet)?

3) incorrect jumping jack form?


I'll see how it goes tomorrow. I hope I can correct the crunches and do the jumping jacks pain free. Tying my shoes tighter and wearing an extra pair of socks might help.

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Not really sure what to do about the crunches, but I have a thought regarding the jumping jacks.

When I do jj, I have to concentrate on putting equal weight on both my inner and outer foot as I jump. If I don't, I find that the weight tends to roll to the outer foot and my feet hurt afterward. If I keep the weight evenly distributed, I don't get foot pain. I don't know if this will work for you, but you could try it.

Exercising is no fun when it is causing pain.


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I think that reverse crunches would be fine--you can hold on to the underside or legs of the couch and bring your bent legs up. Leg lifting/lowering with straight legs while flat on your back are also good. Is there a bicycle type move, too? You can do that flat on your back and just bring your legs up to your chest, again holding onto something if you need to. You might not be able to do some of the oblique variations (going to the side) as easily or at all, but you'd be working your abs! You could even throw some planks in there, mix it up. :)

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ooooh, ooooh, pick me! (and, am I going to have to go out and buy you your OWN HUMMER? ;))


Anyway, the jumping jacks WRECKED my knee -- I had to take four days off and sit with ice and lots of ibuprofen. I have NEVER had to do THAT ever before in my life. Even after running mini-marathons.


I went back to level one today........ was able to do it as effortlessly as one is able to do level one. I am NOT doing jumping jacks - they are there for cardio, so anything will do. I did arm punches instead - and barely coming off the floor jump rope (her version). I made it through without any difficulty. The lateral move in jumping jacks can be a problem - I think it's best to do something else.


As for the crunch thing - I'm sure this is not much help but what I do is concentrate on my neck (throat) looking at ceiling and my eyes looking at the ceiling - that keeps my neck out of it.


Way to go, D.A.! Big pat on the back!

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Not really sure what to do about the crunches, but I have a thought regarding the jumping jacks.

When I do jj, I have to concentrate on putting equal weight on both my inner and outer foot as I jump. If I don't, I find that the weight tends to roll to the outer foot and my feet hurt afterward. If I keep the weight evenly distributed, I don't get foot pain. I don't know if this will work for you, but you could try it.

Exercising is no fun when it is causing pain.



Thanks for the advice. I will try this when I do Day 2 this evening.

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ooooh, ooooh, pick me! (and, am I going to have to go out and buy you your OWN HUMMER? ;)) Um...YES!!! A bright blue one, please. I need it to match the VW.


Anyway, the jumping jacks WRECKED my knee -- I had to take four days off and sit with ice and lots of ibuprofen. I have NEVER had to do THAT ever before in my life. Even after running mini-marathons.


I went back to level one today........ was able to do it as effortlessly as one is able to do level one. I am NOT doing jumping jacks - they are there for cardio, so anything will do. I did arm punches instead - and barely coming off the floor jump rope (her version). I made it through without any difficulty. The lateral move in jumping jacks can be a problem - I think it's best to do something else. Sorry about your knee. I enjoyed the jumping jacks until my feet hurt. The jump rope thing - not so crazy about that - I felt kind of stupid without a rope but I did it.


As for the crunch thing - I'm sure this is not much help but what I do is concentrate on my neck (throat) looking at ceiling and my eyes looking at the ceiling - that keeps my neck out of it. You mean I am going to have to multitask to do crunches? How can I keep my belly sucked in, my butt tucked under, my fingers behind my ears, my chin up, my eyes on the ceiling, neck relaxed --what was I trying to do? Oh yeah, work my abs. Hello? Just thinking about it makes me want a chai.


Way to go, D.A.! Big pat on the back!

Thank you, Mariann. I can't let you have all of the fun. Plus, it takes a bit of effort to climb into that Hummer of yours. My VW sits lower and it's easy in- easy out.

Edited by The Dragon Academy
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For crunches I do them the way the instructor on my pilates DVD explains them: arch your back just slightly so that your tailbone is on the floor and there's a small space between the floor and the small of your back, then exhale and lift your shoulder blades off the floor, keeping your neck and chin parallel to your sternum. DEFFINATELY keep your eyes on the ceiling. DO NOT lower your chin at all. If you start looking at your knees or your chest you'll start using your neck. Also, I find that if I juuuuust barely touch my hands to my ears, instead of putting them completely behind my head, I'm less likely to try using my neck.

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I understand the neck problems. If you are still having difficulties, get thyself to Walmart and purchase an AbRoller or similar product with a pillow to support your neck. You'll still have to mentally pretend your neck is not there and concentrate on your abs, but I find it helps me to surrender the neck. :001_smile:

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For crunches I do them the way the instructor on my pilates DVD explains them: arch your back just slightly so that your tailbone is on the floor and there's a small space between the floor and the small of your back, then exhale and lift your shoulder blades off the floor, keeping your neck and chin parallel to your sternum. DEFFINATELY keep your eyes on the ceiling. DO NOT lower your chin at all. If you start looking at your knees or your chest you'll start using your neck. Also, I find that if I juuuuust barely touch my hands to my ears, instead of putting them completely behind my head, I'm less likely to try using my neck.


In bold (and the other stuff too):iagree:


Shame to say, but I fell off the Shredding wagon after only a week. (I went on vacation.) I'll be starting up tomorrow. Where's the smiley hanging his head in shame and begging for no more torture? ;)


I'd be interested in hearing how you find it after having it done it for a week and then taking a week off. I'll bet it ight not be as torturous as you think it will be -- let me know. I took four days off with an injury and went to lvl 1 today -- it was as effortless as doing level one can be - kwim?

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Fine. I will get out my DVD and actually put it in the player. Oh, yeah, and work out with it. *sigh*


Instead today I took the kids out and they rode bikes while I walked on the track. It's 147 degrees here today with 300% humidity, so it was a super fun workout. That was an hour ago and I'm still sweating. :tongue_smilie:


Working out with the gal I adore/despise most in the world does sound better, so tomorrow I SHRED!

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In bold (and the other stuff too):iagree:




I'd be interested in hearing how you find it after having it done it for a week and then taking a week off. I'll bet it ight not be as torturous as you think it will be -- let me know. I took four days off with an injury and went to lvl 1 today -- it was as effortless as doing level one can be - kwim?



Oh, I took more than a week off! :blush: (more like 3) I'm NOT motivated to get back to it. I need it though, so tomorrow morning it is. I'll probably have to start all over again. That's okay though, I just need to get my behind into gear. I'd like to drop 30 lbs. Guess I'll have to start dieting too.

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Oh, I took more than a week off! :blush: (more like 3) I'm NOT motivated to get back to it. I need it though, so tomorrow morning it is. I'll probably have to start all over again. That's okay though, I just need to get my behind into gear. I'd like to drop 30 lbs. Guess I'll have to start dieting too.



One thing at a time -- start shredding and your appetite is likely to decrease -- whenever you feel hungry, just drink water. Let me know how it goes.:001_smile:

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Try doing your sit ups with your hands across your chest, each hand toward the opposite shoulder.


Another variation is to straighten your arms above your head and clasp your hands together. This allows your head to rest on your arms, forcing you to use your abs to crunch rather than your neck.



As for the jumping jacks, do alternating heels to the front, we used to call them heel jacks. As you alternate your feet, you can move your arms the same way she does for the full jacks.


Good Luck!


I'm not exercising at all because I'm injured again. Better to modify the exercises than do something that is going to hurt you and prevent you from working out for weeks.

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Thanks for the crunch advice ladies. I have been trying the different techniques and am seeimg some success. My neck isn't used as much but I am still not feeling a burn in my abdomen so I know I am not working those muscles like I should be.


I began doing shred in socks (no shoes) and I can do all of the exercises without foot pain so I am thinking it is indeed my shoes. I will be buying a new pair as soon as I can save for them.

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Bramfam - I hope you can find your motivation to get back to Shredding. Level 1 is becoming easier the longer I do it. NOt looking forward to level 2, though.


Level Two is actually - and I am not alone in this - not as BAD as lvl one -- perhaps one is stronger??????:confused: I don't know.


One of the movements on LVL 2 is how I injured my knee but THAT move was on her Banish Fat Boost Metabolism which IS a CHALLENGE.....40 minutes!


You CAN go back and forth b/c you do want to confuse your muscles and going back and forth between levels will certainly do that.


I have been substituting one movement on level two with something from level one so my knee doesn't get re-injured.


I just got Shred with weights from netflix and I am going to try that tomorrow.



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For crunches I do them the way the instructor on my pilates DVD explains them: arch your back just slightly so that your tailbone is on the floor and there's a small space between the floor and the small of your back, then exhale and lift your shoulder blades off the floor, keeping your neck and chin parallel to your sternum. DEFFINATELY keep your eyes on the ceiling. DO NOT lower your chin at all. If you start looking at your knees or your chest you'll start using your neck. Also, I find that if I juuuuust barely touch my hands to my ears, instead of putting them completely behind my head, I'm less likely to try using my neck.


Can you tell me which pilates DVD that is? I've been wanting to try pilates and that instructor sounds thorough and clear.

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Working on this. I am not spending my birthday money on shoes and have to wait until my payday at the end of the month.


I looked and my tennis shoes are Adidas. I usually buy KSwiss so I am going to go back to those. The Adidas were on sale when I bought them and I 'saved' $20. I guess that wasn't too much of a bargain, was it? What a waste.

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for the crunches, don't think about raising up. Concentrate on your abs, and try to shorten them. I try to feel them shortening, bringing the bottom of my rib cage closer to my belly button, and then lengthen again on the way down.


This is what I do standing up. I can do better crunches and feel the burn in a standing position but not lying down. As soon as I lie down my neck is involved. How weird is that?


I am thinking maybe I have weak neck muscles.

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Working on this. I am not spending my birthday money on shoes and have to wait until my payday at the end of the month.


I looked and my tennis shoes are Adidas. I usually buy KSwiss so I am going to go back to those. The Adidas were on sale when I bought them and I 'saved' $20. I guess that wasn't too much of a bargain, was it? What a waste.


I had that happen to me once - I bought NIKE boys' shoes b/c they were my size and much less expensive - ended up getting a stress fracture from the little bit more width in a boy's shoe.


You will want to look at cross-trainers or work out shoes or actually running shoes since she does have impact in her workouts. And, Thor-Lo socks, Mer. PM me your address and I will send you a couple of pairs for your birthday.:grouphug:.......oh, and your size.

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I had that happen to me once - I bought NIKE boys' shoes b/c they were my size and much less expensive - ended up getting a stress fracture from the little bit more width in a boy's shoe.


You will want to look at cross-trainers or work out shoes or actually running shoes since she does have impact in her workouts. And, Thor-Lo socks, Mer. PM me your address and I will send you a couple of pairs for your birthday.:grouphug:.......oh, and your size.


I don't have the spare funds to get both a new pair of tennis shoes and cross-trainers. I will need to think about which pair is going to get the most use. I play tennis two-three times a week for about 1.5-2 hours each time. The other shoes would be used for the Shred, biking, walking, etc. so they would probably get more overall use.


Mmmmm...what to do. I may just have to break into the birthday money and buy both pair.


Thanks for the sock offer. I will PM you.


ETA: Just wanted to let you know that the money issue is because I 'chose' to buy my car and now I am trying to pay it off quickly. The Dave Ramsey-TMM guilt is more than I can manage. I liked being debt free(but I do enjoy this VW).

Edited by The Dragon Academy
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Can you tell me which pilates DVD that is? I've been wanting to try pilates and that instructor sounds thorough and clear.

Well, she's not *quiet* as clear as the explaination I gave. :lol: At least, not all in one DVD. Susane Deason (who makes videos for Gaiam) is the one who "taught" me how to make sure my pelvis is in the proper position for ab moves. Rocking your pelvis from side to side one time so that your hip bones are equally balanced on the floor, and making sure that little space is there at the small of your back.

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