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I just don't get it. I THINK there is probably some value in what they offer and am tempted to look into it. Then I open up an email from them and am overwhelmed by all that is in it. So...just in case others know something I don't...exactly WHAT is it? Do you buy resources? Am I buying a spot in a class? Has anyone done their online courses? Are there valuable things you wouldn't want to do without? Any input from those who have utilized them would help me stop holding on to these emails not knowing if I should open them or not!

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We haven't done an ongoing class yet, but we have done the one time classes. I think they are only $5 for the family. My kids really enjoyed it!! How it usually works is that the teacher comes on in a small box in the corner. The kids can interact with them through the chat box. Then there is a PowerPoint presentation, followed by Q&A. The teacher usually emails transcripts and further activities and materials after the session is over. We plan on doing more this year. I would eventually like to do one of the book clubs, but da isn't old enough yet:)

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I've purchased several items from currclick. I haven't done the online classes, just the e-books. Most of what I have purchased are workbooks. I like having access to them immediately, vs buying from another source and waiting for shipping.


Yes, often their prices for books from Scholastic etc are very good and I can use them instantly.

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We've bought the Science Jim classes - my girls "attended" the entire Physical Science/Olympics series. My oldest has also participated in one of the Harry Potter book discussions.


Both were truly excellent. Science Jim is awesome. He has lesson plans, papers for the kids to read through after the class has ended AND you get a link afterwards to a recorded version of the class, so you can watch it again.


My one complaint is that some of the other kids attending were being goofy and distracting in the "chat margin." Not rude or obscene or anything - but S.J. would ask a question and get dozens of goofy answers, so he (and the other kids reading) would have to sift through a lot of silliness to get to the actual questions. My girls' questions were sometimes overlooked because they would be sandwiched between 5 silly comments (ie. "I LIKE BASEBALL!!!!!!! I REALLYREALLY LIKE BASEBALL!!!!!!! DO YOU LIKE BASEBALL???") on either side of their question.


Science Jim didn't want to turn off the "chat" function (because he was using it to get the kids to reply to his questions, and ask questions themselves) - but ... it was frustrating for everyone, I think. There were a couple of times when a kid would turn on their mic and start making goofy noises. SJ has his speakers turned off, and wouldn't realize it (he has the ability to mute people... whereas we couldn't figure out how to do it without muting SJ), so the sidebar would start filling up with "BE QUIET!!!! BE QUIEEEEETTTTT!!!" over and over and over again.


I think CurrClick should require an "online ettiquette" class before anyone can enroll in one of their e-classes. ;)


The Book Discussion seemed cool, but I didn't overhear any of it. My daughter wore a headset with a microphone. The instructor would "allow" only certain people to talk at a time to answer her questions. It seemed very organized and my daughter really enjoyed it.


With all that said - while I thought the classes were pretty great overall - I don't plan to enroll in any other classes. I feel in a good place with the curriculum/schedule/plan we have and just don't feel the need to supplement with anything else for this year. Although the Writing Classes have tempted me.

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I just don't get it. I THINK there is probably some value in what they offer and am tempted to look into it. Then I open up an email from them and am overwhelmed by all that is in it. So...just in case others know something I don't...exactly WHAT is it? Do you buy resources? Am I buying a spot in a class? Has anyone done their online courses? Are there valuable things you wouldn't want to do without? Any input from those who have utilized them would help me stop holding on to these emails not knowing if I should open them or not!


I have purchased quite a few things from CC for download. I love the ease with which I can have access to things I need right away. I use them for copywork and handwriting as well as some history items. I think you just have to know what you are looking for. Their sales are fantastic, but their regular prices are good too. I have purchased at both times. :001_smile:

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