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If you've used MOTH, how long did you stick with it?

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I just borrowed a copy of Managers of Their Homes from a friend. I read the first chapter, and it was like a breath of fresh air. I've been avoiding that book, b/c I hate schedules. But I really think I need one. A good one to help me get things done, so I'll be less frazzled.


But now I'm curious.... If you've used MOTH, were you able to stick with your schedules? (I assume you'd have to modify them from time-to-time.) Or was the whole approach too rigid for you?

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I highly recommend the process of filling out the schedule sheets. Very enlightening for me- they made me realise why I couldn't possibly fit in everything I was trying to fit in, each day. No way could I use all the curricula I wanted to use, plus keep the house clean and cook and shop etc.

But no, I didnt stick to the schedules. I can never stick to schedules. BUt I still make them regularly...and then tweak them beyond recognition IRL. And over the years, I have become much more disciplined and organised...but it is more because fo the routines I have cultivated over the years, than any timed schedule.

Its not worthless even if you dont stick to the schedules...but you might want to copy them or do them in pencil.

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I began using MOTH in 1998 (I think?) and am still using it. It saved my sanity when I had 3 dc age 2 and under and has continued to do so ever since. I stick to the schedule consistently although I do change the schedule as our family's needs dictate. It was (for me) as the OP stated - a breath of fresh air.

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I still have my book and the first 3 years with every season, I would go through and do the schedule. We didn't always follow it but it helped.


Right now we are doing a rhythm thing. The rhythm chart lets me know what order we do things in during the day and what chores happen on which day of the week. It works out very well and doesn't have all those time constraints.


But I am not selling my copy of MOTHs it is too valuable to me.:001_smile:

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I bought the program early on in my homeschooling. I also bought their books and a couple CDs of conferences. Unfortunately, their conference materials and book turned me off so much that I threw out the baby with the bathwater, so I can't comment on it too much. I tried and failed with it pretty quickly.


But, at that time we also didn't know that my oldest had Asperger's and we were struggling with trying to make him a typical learner when he wasn't and that played a huge part in me not being able to implement anything like a schedule like that.



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Thats funny. YOu received 3 replies...one saying no way, one saying yes, partly, and one saying yes all the way!


That actually IS pretty funny. Now, you'll really not be able to decide...


If you google Managers of their Homes +Reviews....does it come up with anything? Also, I thought there have been several threads about this book before. You could do a search on the forums.

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and it was way too rigid. I sold it. I bought it again this summer because I just knew that our days needed more structure. It is working well now, but I have bigs and littles and I can have bigger kids have times to play with or do activities with my littles. Our schedule is still in flux afer the 4th week of school, but my kids like that we have a structure of the day. It varies how well each child sticks with it-- some are more free spirited like me. :D

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This sounds silly, but when I first saw your thread, I thought you meant Music of the Hemispheres. How long did I stick with it? Oh, ya' know, long enough to read through it. I'm sorry, I'm such a weirdo...:tongue_smilie:


Hee hee. That would be MotH, right? Capitalization matters. ;)

(And I am reading Music of the Hemispheres right now, too--it's taking a lot longer than I would have liked. Ya know, because I don't have a schedule.)

Edited by bonniebeth4
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I bought MOTH about eight or nine years ago and every year I make out a MOTH-like schedule. For us, it's more of a guideline than a hard and fast rule. It helps me to establish anchors in our home (music happens after breakfast, we finish writing before we eat lunch, etc.) instead of exact times. The times are some thing to shoot for, but I don't know if I've ever followed it minute for minute. It also helps me to find time for each of the kids - I know that I'll have time to help my littlest with his math while the older kids are working independently on theirs.


I think that reading MOTH and writing out a schedule is a very valuable experience - no matter what extent you actually implement the system.

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