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Talk to me about blighted ovums

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I am going through this right now as well. I am supposed to have my third sonogram this afternoon. It has been an emotional roller coaster. Every time I go to the doctor or have blood work done I get a different message. I just don't know what to think any more.



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When I had my blighted ovum, I was told that it was a fertilized egg that for some reason never developed. I think I was around 9 weeks when I miscarried. (It's been over a decade, so the details are a little fuzzy.)


I'm so sorry.


This is what I experienced but it was about 8 weeks when I miscarried. :grouphug:

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They took blood and will see me again in a week with another sono if I haven't miscarried by then. They said an empty sac less than 2 cm has little hope, a sac larger has no hope. Honestly, I don't do well with false hope. Quite frankly, it p*sses me off when drs do that. I don't know this group well enough to tell one way or the other.

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When I had my blighted ovum, I was told that it was a fertilized egg that for some reason never developed. I think I was around 9 weeks when I miscarried. (It's been over a decade, so the details are a little fuzzy.)


I'm so sorry.


This happened to me, too, and I miscarried at just over 10 weeks. :grouphug:

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I had this too. I went for my first appointment at 5 weeks. I excitedly told my ob that the vomiting had stopped at 2 weeks (I start vomiting the morning after). He immediately wanted to do an ultrasound. The ultrasound showed a 2-week fetus in a 5-week sac and no heartbeat. He said that I should come back in two weeks to make sure. I started bleeding the morning of the appointment and miscarried that night (7 weeks). At the appointment, the fetus and the sac were still exactly the same size they had been two weeks earlier. The ob scheduled me for a D&C, but had me do an ultrasound first. The ultrasound confirmed that my miscarriage had been complete, so they cancelled the D&C.

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Another miscarriage queen here. And, yeah, they're not usually completely sure very early on and need to do a couple of US to verify the baby isn't growing before they do a D&C. It's just so hard to tell before 8 weeks or so. And, sometimes the blood work is ambiguous, too. However, when the doc suspects blighted ovum, that's usually what it ends up being. Most times just an empty sac with no embryo inside.


I'm sorry, I know it's no fun going in for those repeated tests. I got to the point where a positive pregnancy test meant nothing to me. It certainly didn't mean I was going to have a baby. I hope they can get this all straightened out for you as quickly as possible.


Diane W.

married for 22 years

homeschooling 3 kiddos for 16 years

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