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Speaking of Quiverof10s "confession"

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about weight issues...


...Even though it was nearly 8 PM and even though I was tired, I decided to go do something proactive, and I popped in one of my "Walk Away The Pounds" DVD's and I went ahead and did it just a little while ago.


Yay me!


I would like to challenge/encourage each of you who are trying to do something about your weight to go and do something proactive RIGHT NOW, right after you read this!


And then come back and post about it and let us know what it was, so we can all give each other a little pat on the back.


I don't care if it's a 30 minute exercise DVD, a walk around the block, 20 sit ups or jumping jacks...


...just go do SOMETHING. I promise, it will feel good!


And then come share :)


P.S. Go already!! I meant NOW! :D :D

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:hurray::hurray::hurray: to everyone of you!!!


For myself, my total steps for today are 15,608 (6.4 miles).

I walked around the mall twice + an outdoor walk + some shopping.

Also, remember I'm single - no dogs, no kids, no husband that I have to give time to, and I work only 3 (12 hour) days a week.

Let's all keep up the good work.

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:hurray::hurray::hurray: to everyone of you!!!


For myself, my total steps for today are 15,608 (6.4 miles).

I walked around the mall twice + an outdoor walk + some shopping.

Also, remember I'm single - no dogs, no kids, no husband that I have to give time to, and I work only 3 (12 hour) days a week.

Let's all keep up the good work.


Excellent!! That's a lot of miles! I think I have a pedometer somewhere, I should try to find it and start using it!


I KNEW I should have waited until tomorrow to read this thread!


I just finished my work, ate half a Hershey bar and now I'm headed for a shower and my comfy bed.


I promise I'll do better tomorrow! :)


LOL well at least it was just HALF a Hershey bar! Like Jean said, post sometime today instead :D


I didn't do this last night but I did walk 30 min yesterday. I am planning to again today.


That's good! It feels good to be doing something proactive again even though I'm disappointed that I'm basically starting all over again!

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:hurray::hurray::hurray: to everyone of you!!!




why thank you.

Denise and Crissy, just post on this thread tomorrow and we promise not to look at the dates at the top;)


I need coffee. I laid in bed until 9:15. NO workers in the home today, NO schooling yet. I have one week to go.


But, I did find my purple wrap for my horses leg (never used it) and will try to wrap my leg and an aircast/splint thingie so I can slowly start to walk again while giving extra support to my ankle. I'm talking slowly. Bone bruises take FOREVER to heal and I twisted my ankle again, in my full aircast, in DC. But I can't take sitting anymore! My dr. gave me vicodin and I'm tempted to use it for my sore rear end. Forget the foot and ankle!


Dh bought me some handbells. (is that what they're called? That doesn't sound right. Weights?) I need to start to tone.

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Ouch, sorry to hear you are going through that!



Good for you! I hope you enjoy your walk!


The kids and I went on a field trip today that involved quite a bit of walking as we toured an old mining village, so I'm counting that as today's exercise!

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