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Why do YOU blog?

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My blog is really just a way for me to organize my thoughts. I write our homeschool weekly reports (though I'm not always consistent with that, I try to be because this keeps me accountable). I write about things that I'm learning about (my ever-changing "rabbit trails"). I also share some of my homeschool planning notes (books/resources/etc. that I've found). I have NO homeschooling friends IRL, so the blog is often my way of sorting through things. I have no idea how many people read my blog (certainly my family doesn't) & frankly don't want to know - I'm very introverted & comments have been known to freak me out because I forget that people can read it.

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I blog because I love hearing myself speak, but I'd run out of people to listen to me.




Oh gee. Me too.


And to share information. I'm sort of new to it, but I find it helps me organize my own thoughts. Plus, it keeps me motivated to read new things (I also blog about children's books).

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Oh yes, someone mentioned this already, but to make a book every year of our experiences homeschooling! I don't scrapbook, so it's great to be able to order a beautiful book and use it as a photo album of our life.


I have considered doing this with my reading journal. I'd love to have it in print with a cover image along side each entry. What company do you use for your books?

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Guest Cindie2dds
Crissy, I haven't done it yet, but I will this fall and get a few copies. I'll give one to the grandparents for Christmas and one for ourselves. Here's a link to one who does several blogs like your own domain on Wordpress:



Here's another:





When you decide how you are going to do this, please let us know! This is the main reason we blog, although I haven't printed anything yet. ;)

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Guest Dulcimeramy
Crissy, I haven't done it yet, but I will this fall and get a few copies. I'll give one to the grandparents for Christmas and one for ourselves. Here's a link to one who does several blogs like your own domain on Wordpress:



Here's another:



Oh, my goodness. Thank you so much!

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For the most part, I blog as a way to keep things I recommend, resources I find, and lesson plans I write in one place. I also upload my cards, scrapbook layouts and free crafting resources I find.


I post about my boys too -- it makes them happy.


I don't divulge personal details too much, though. I don't think anyone I know in real life really reads it anyway. Actually, very few people do. LOL But, I still post.

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Crissy, I haven't done it yet, but I will this fall and get a few copies. I'll give one to the grandparents for Christmas and one for ourselves. Here's a link to one who does several blogs like your own domain on Wordpress:



Here's another:



Awesome! I use Blurb for photo books and I love the quality. I didn't know they offered blog books. Thank you!

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I blog rather narrowly anymore - it's only band news. Prior to that I blogged because I just want to socialize too much. :tongue_smilie: I quit the first one because I was worried about keeping an audience, so I had to be either clever or controversial to do that. That's a tough thing for me... at least the "clever" part. Controversial sucked my life away because I'd end up taking forever wording things correctly, arguing a point, etc. :willy_nilly:


The second one was just for family. My parents, whom I share a lot in common with, had no interest in reading it much. My mother-in-law, whom I have almost zero common beliefs with, would read it all the time, so to keep things peaceful, I had to be super neutral, a.k.a. "boring". That got boring for me, since an excessive need to socialize was one of the points in doing it. :thumbdown:


The current one is an off-shoot of our band, it simply chronicles what we've been up to, where we've played, video clips, etc., because I happen to find it interesting and can finally say, :001_tt2: if no one else does.



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Just to have a written record of what we've done before I have to report to the school district.


Can you tell me more about how you use your blog as a written record for your school district?


Oh yes, someone mentioned this already, but to make a book every year of our experiences homeschooling! I don't scrapbook, so it's great to be able to order a beautiful book and use it as a photo album of our life.


OMG, I didn't know you could actually get a blog printed out as a scrapbook! That changes everything! I wish I'd known that when the boys were young!!!

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For me, there are four main reasons:


  1. I started it for my mom. My family wasn't super-supportive when we started homeschooling, and I wanted to show them that we really were doing stuff! (My mom is a retired PS teacher.) She is now so amazingly supportive of homeschooling! She loves to know that my kids are getting a good education, but I think she also likes to be able to jump into the "what my grandkids are doing in school" conversation with her friends.
  2. I learned that I loved it! It's fun to go back and take a stroll down memory lane. (And now that my oldest is a solid reader, she even likes doing that.)
  3. It keeps me accountable. I know my mom is going to want to see what we did each week, so I better make sure to include the hands-on projects and things I'm so tempted to just skip over to "get done."
  4. And here's the egocentric one: We use MFW, and you just can't tell a lot about the daily ins and outs of the curriculum from the sparse online samples. When I started blogging, I kind of thought maybe I could serve as a way for people to get a better feel for the curriculum to see whether it would be a good match for them. In hindsight, I probably did way too much detail! I'm working now on more pictures and less words, but the main goal of giving people a glimpse of the curriculum remains the same.


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I blog for the creative outlet and connection with like-minded people. My blog started out a couple of years ago as a hodge-podge of stuff--homemaking, scrapbooking, and books, mainly. Now it has evolved into primarily books and homeschooling. I post reviews of almost every book I read, I participate in (and host!) reading challenges, and I connect with other readers. Now that my children are older, it has also become more and more about homeschooling--but it's still mainly about books. I even host a weekly meme called Read Aloud Thursday in which bloggers and readers share what their families are reading together. Anyone is welcome to join in!

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I blog because I'd drive my husband insane if I didn't. :D


:lol: That's what I was going to say! I have little kids and don't always get enough grown-up time, and some days I feel like I'm going to EXPLODE from the build-up of thoughts and ideas that I don't have anyone to talk to about.


So I blog to unload the mental build-up, which means dh and I can actually have a conversation when he gets home from work instead of me running a monologue all night. :D

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For me, it's like an online scrapbook- diary- photo album- nature journal... only much easier and cheaper to make, edit, save and share because it is online. I enjoy looking at it and laughing over the funny things my daughters do...




or the places we've been...




or seeing how my kids have grown...




or keeping track of my thoughts about home school...




I keep a blog for lots of reasons, the least of which is that other people happen to be able to see it. (Though, I do try to keep in mind the fact that my teenage nieces and nephews are reading it, and so are my inlaws and parents... so unfortunately, there are things I can't talk about with that audience in mind). But, all in all, it's a great outlet for my creative energy.


And just like everyone else said, I find that I do not have to depend on my husband as much for communication now that I blog. I am not desperate to talk to him like I used to be. Now, I work my thoughts out on my blog and then he reads them there in a coherent form and we can talk about them like civilized people when he gets home. :D

Edited by VBoulden
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