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My Nefarious Well-Trained Mind Plan

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Well, it's their own fault. They hired me to revamp the curriculum at this school! Hee Hee. :D


So I changed the Science program to a 3-year rotation (we couldn't do a 4 year due to some other timing issues). I also got them away from using textbooks in the elementary and doing primarily hands-on science. In the middle school they are now using the Prentice Hall Science Explorer series combined with the God's Design for Science series.


And this year I have changed the "social studies" program in the elementary to using Story of the World! My ds is in 1st grade and they are mummifying a chicken next week! The kids are loving it, the parents love it and the teachers love using it!


Right now we are using Reading A-Z and Writing A-Z for Language Arts but I plan to try and sneak WWE in when they aren't looking.


We also switched over to the Children Desiring God curriculum for their Bible lessons (not WTM but fabulous). And the new math series was co-authored by Liping Ma!


So far my evil plan to WTM-ize them is almost complete! Muahahahaha!

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