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Which co-op to choose? CHOICES...UGH!!

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I know, I know, this should be an easy decision? Unfortunately, I hate decision making. 7th grade 2 choices..... we live in the country....


choice 1 .... same coop as last year..... only this year it will meet 2 times per month,from 9-1 instead of once a week where she went from 11-1. My daughter will be on of the oldest there. All of her classes will be with 3rd grade and up. Bible, Reading Club (books chosen to meet the needs of the lowest readers), History (SOTW4), and Art..... It was good last year, but more socialization that learning.


choice 2.... a weekly coop where my daughter will be in a 7th - 12 grade group.... Choir, worship, spanish, art, drama, and volleyball.... I really like this idea, but the idea of 1 whole day 8:30 - 2 with her out of the house each week is alot of time not spent on math, english and science. But, I do think she would get alot out of the art and drama classes particularly.



Asked dd, and her response was "both" which is out of the question. She wants to go back to the old one to see friends, but says it's basically pointless because of the "little kids" It was a bit chaotic last year. She wants to go to the second choice because of the classes.


Now, it should be easy to just choose the 2nd one, but friendships are involved and misunderstandings. I don't want to offend anyone. UGH!


Any thoughts?:confused:


DS 14 MFW Ancient History and lit, Saxon Alg 1, Apologia Biology, Rosetta Potuguese, writeathome comp I, SAT prep with lots of literature, piano, currently working on Eagle scout project.


DD 12, Rod and Staff English 6, Saxon 8/7, Wordly Wise 7, Editor in Chief B1, French, CLP spelling 6, Information Resources 7, Artistic Pursuits, Building Thinking skills 3 figural, piano, writeathome7th grade comp, apologia general science

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I would vote for choice #2 for the classes, but I would probably prefer it if I could switch one fine arts option for an academic class. I think Science and English can easily be accomplished 4 days/week, but it would be nice if one of those subjects was offered at co-op. Science labs at co-op are a huge burden off of you at home. She can do math when she gets home, or you can require her to do one lesson on the weekends.


There is one reason I would not stay in option #1. In my experience, the longer kids are in classes that are low quality, the more likely they are to develop bad habits. I had several families enter our co-op from another program which was more "enrichment" oriented. It was a huge adjustment for these kids to learn to meet deadlines, earn grades, take tests, and pay attention in class.

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Just from the class choices I would say option #2. Most, if not all of those classes are hard to do at home. Some of them are not really possible at all. There are some great choices on that list.


Secondly, She would be around kids more her age which would challenge her to work harder than if she were in a coop that involved young elementary children.

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Personally if neither one fits your needs, then I wouldn't do either. We are board members in a co-op and sometimes I wish people would not use it as a socialization out, but take it more seriously for academics. If something did not work for my child, I would choose not to do it and either start something myself with other like minded people, or find other activities to fill my needs, but that's JMO. Good luck.

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Wow! Thanks for all of the great responses. My gut said coop 2 but I just needed to hear it from somewhere else, I guess.


Co-op's to fit our needs are few and far between in our area. This one actually fits the best.


I completey understand about not using coops just for socialization. That was one of my hang ups on sticking with the first co-op. It would have been almost purely for the socialization aspect. I will admit that if I am happy for the socialization aspect that she will get from whatever coop we do, but it is not my primary goal. Honestly the art, drama and volleyball are the ones I'm most thrilled about.



So, once a week here we come!


Now off to post about if LOF pre-algebra with Biology REALLY can count as a 7th grade science course.........

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