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OK How do I schedule this? (Long)

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I have calmed down, I have been positively frantic the last three days. I started working part-time, it is from home.


However it seems that it has taken so much time that I have to other time to do anything schoolish with the kids. Out of the last 5 days we have gotten 2 full days done and the rest less than half.


I don't have a set schedule for work. I post my own hours (and I have to post in 30 min increments). I am supposed to work 23 hours a week ( I am trying to get out of that but it isn't easy at all. I also can (and want to) schedule my work 7 days a week so I am not working 4 or 5 hours a day. Oh and with the work I do I have to be sequestered in my room, I have to have a quiet area while working so I can't just stop at will.


My husband also works from home part-time. He can do his hours any time.


You'd think... wow... both work from home part-time? That's easy!


Huh. Not so much.


I can't work after 9pm because that is right before bedtime and ds2 sleeps in our room (where the work comp is) so I can't be working (I have to talk on the phone) while he is asleep.


I can't work before 8am because of the same reason above.


The kids don't get up until 10ish (sometimes later... this is probably going to have to change).


We have Karate on Tues & Thurs evenings and Sat mid afternoon.


So based on the info above when should I schedule work, school, meals, playtime etc...


I have been literally running around like a chicken with my head cut off that last three days and I just can't do it anymore. I have to work, we can't live off dh income alone. I don't mind working (although don't get me started on the job) but I have to figure out how to work it. If I had a bigger house with another room (or even a garage) I could set up an office and take care of more than half my workload after the kids are asleep but... alas... not the case.


So please anyone btdt or any scheduling queens out there that can help?

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Can you explain your house setup, so we can see if moving 2yo to another room is poss? (My 4 all sleep together, incl a 2yo.)


If you don't want to move 2yo, how many hrs do you need for school? What time do you wake up? You mentioned that you couldn't work before 8 because of 2yo, but then you said they don't get up till 10--is 2yo waking up at 8, but bigs not till later? I guess that means 8-10 is probably out for work because you're watching 2yo?


Does dh have an office? Where does he do his work? (I'm wondering about a sharing possibility between y'all here.)


If dc don't get up till 10, could they do school w/ you in the eves? Say from 8-10?

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Can you explain your house setup, so we can see if moving 2yo to another room is poss? (My 4 all sleep together, incl a 2yo.)


2yo co-sleeps so our bed is his bed, the only other option is sleeping in ds8, the problem I have with that (I have thought of it) is that our bed is on the floor, and it is a king bed. Ds8's bed isn't on the floor and it is a twin bed, I really am afraid of him falling out of the bed.



If you don't want to move 2yo, how many hrs do you need for school?


Hmmm hours...depends about 3-4 depending on what we are doing.


What time do you wake up?


I wake up about 7-8 (sometimes 8:30 but rarely).


You mentioned that you couldn't work before 8 because of 2yo, but then you said they don't get up till 10--is 2yo waking up at 8, but bigs not till later?


Yes, little gets up around my time, usually within 30 mins or so.


I guess that means 8-10 is probably out for work because you're watching 2yo?


Yes, I do.


Does dh have an office? Where does he do his work? (I'm wondering about a sharing possibility between y'all here.)


Dh comp is in the living room, so no office (/sigh I wish)


If dc don't get up till 10, could they do school w/ you in the eves? Say from 8-10?


Never tried that late, I am usually tuckered by then, however, we may just have to try! :)


Please feel free to ask more I am all :bigear:!

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How labor intensive would it be to put the twin mattress on the floor?


Now don't go using logic with me young lady :tongue_smilie:


I might have to try that... although with the bed made it might be a pita but one must do what one must do...



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I think co-sleeping is often a lovely option, I really do.

But in this case, I'd change that.

And I'd start training myself to get up earlier, say 6 or 6:30.


I know.:svengo:


But... but... I homeschool so I don't have to get up that early!


Seriously though, with the way I have to work how is getting up earlier going to help? I can't work that early.


One thing I am not ready to do is wean him off. ds2 still nurses at night and he would wake up the house 2 or 3 times a night if I put him in a different bed.


We live in a double wide with walls made of rice paper (well almost rice paper but I can hear dd and ds if they are talking at night in dd's room and it is one room away.


And besides I don't have anywhere for him to sleep right now, no crib or bed other than ours.


I swear I am not making excuses (I mean OK I am but they are legitimate!) these just seem like major obstacles that I can't get over!

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Who is watching your little one while you work? The older kids? DH?

I would get everybody up in the morning, say 6:30. In our house, breakfast is at 7, school starts at 8, and we can do all school work before lunch, with a few afternoon assignments. (I work, too, about 25 hours, 10 of them at home. )

If you started school early, you'd be done by lunchtime and then you can work in the afternoon while the kids play/do their afternoon assignments.

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Who is watching your little one while you work? The older kids? DH?

I would get everybody up in the morning, say 6:30. In our house, breakfast is at 7, school starts at 8, and we can do all school work before lunch, with a few afternoon assignments. (I work, too, about 25 hours, 10 of them at home. )

If you started school early, you'd be done by lunchtime and then you can work in the afternoon while the kids play/do their afternoon assignments.




This is what I would do.


Wake early, school done before lunch. DH can work during the mornings.


Afternoons. You work and DH watches the younger kids.

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Who is watching your little one while you work? The older kids? DH?

I would get everybody up in the morning, say 6:30. In our house, breakfast is at 7, school starts at 8, and we can do all school work before lunch, with a few afternoon assignments. (I work, too, about 25 hours, 10 of them at home. )

If you started school early, you'd be done by lunchtime and then you can work in the afternoon while the kids play/do their afternoon assignments.



Hmmm, I like this, although I don't think 6:30 is doable now, we will have to acclimate to that, but I think I will be waking them up about 30 mintues earlier every few days until we get up at 7. Anything before that would just be torture. There are a couple things they can do independently so they can do that in the afternoon while I work.


They are just going to have to go to bed earlier and get up earlier. Jeez, whoda thunk it could be so simple:glare:. Leave it to me to make it way more complicated than it needs to be:001_rolleyes:

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Who is watching your little one while you work? The older kids? DH?

I would get everybody up in the morning, say 6:30. In our house, breakfast is at 7, school starts at 8, and we can do all school work before lunch, with a few afternoon assignments. (I work, too, about 25 hours, 10 of them at home. )

If you started school early, you'd be done by lunchtime and then you can work in the afternoon while the kids play/do their afternoon assignments.




This is what I would do.


Wake early, school done before lunch. DH can work during the mornings.


Afternoons. You work and DH watches the younger kids.



Yep I am going to do this, I am naturally a morning person so won't be hard...however will be an adjustment for the kids.


Dh on the other hand? Forget it, he will sleep till 10 still and will not work until after noon, he is going to have to fit his hours in around mine :) He just won't get up that early. His problem though. Not mine!:tongue_smilie:

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Whenever I get into the mode of getting up by 7, I am always shocked at how much gets done in the day. For whatever reason me and my girls are SO much more productive before lunch. The same amount of work that might take 2 hours in the morning might take 4 in the afternoon.


It gives you the afternoon nap time to also get some extra work done...


At my house (on the ideal day) up at 7, dress and take a 20 minute walk (by myself so I can have at least 20 minutes of alone time that day). 7:30 get kids up if they are not already when I am home....make sure they make beds, get dressed, feed an animal, and THEN they are allowed to eat breakfast. I also get dh's clothes out and his breakfast taken care of. He usually leaves around 8. At 8 I eat some cereal, unload/reload the dishwasher and start a load of laundry. During this time, my two youngest are generally working on some independent stuff... educational computer games or independent book work (handwriting, drill sheets, etc.) Then I'll read a few stories to my youngest two. After that I work one on one with my 3rd grader for 1-2 hours. Usually my 3rd grader is done by 11, at which time I can work with my Ker for an hour. My oldest works mostly independently, although sometimes my time with my other 2 gte interrupted by a ? from her. She leaves her books on the table at lunch when I can correct them. The afternoon is free for cleaning and laundry, but I set aside my ds's naptime for special projects that I really can't do with him around (for you this might be work time)


I said all that to say this...you CAN do it, but you may have to switch some things around in the morning. If you can get in 2 hours of work during naptime, and maybe another hour and a half later in the afternoon or evening, you may be able to swing it. You are definitely going to need your oldest kids to be able to work independently quite a bit (maybe a curriculum change if need be) and EVERYONE must help out in the house.


Mom does not have time to pick up anyone else's slack!!!

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You CAN get up early. You WILL get used to it. You WILL be amazed.


I am a night owl; have been all my life. When we started hs'ing everyone slept until about 9 and then we would rush, rush, rush to get everything accomplished because we certainly didn't want to be doing school past 3. Well, the two olders and I have been getting up at 6, making beds, taking care of personal hygiene, eating breakfast and cleaning up, and are sitting down to do Latin at 7. The other 3 don't get up until 8:30. We get so much done and the day is so relaxed.


It was absolute, bamboo under the nails, torture the first few weeks (for me). Now I see the huge benefits of it and I love it. YOU CAN DO IT!:D

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I'll give a shot, but it changes your sleeping hours.


You and hubby are up and ready to do battle (dressed, coffeed) by 6. He works for two hours while you prep your daily meals, clean, organize, get your school stuff out. At 8 am he takes over kid-shifts (all get up together), feeds brekkie to them, cleans up kitchen and whatever else needs to be taken care of for 2 hours. This happens 6 days a week. You now have both worked 2 hours and done housework/meals/kids for 2 hours each. You've clocked in 12 hours! Yea!


Now, the hour is 10ish, and you start school. He can run errands, do outside work, laundry, nap, etc. You break for lunch at 12. Kids have an hour after lunch to play, chill, and you put in an hour work. Hubby takes on toddler. You now have 18 hours in. Yahoo.


Back to school, and finish things off that way. When that is done, you take over toddler and prep dinner. Hubby can work or whatever else. After dinner, he cleans kitchen and wrangles kid M-W-F, for 1.5 hours. You now have your 23. He goes to work, you put the kids down etc.

This gives you some time off on T-Th-Sa and all day Sunday off.


Will something like that work??

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One thing I am not ready to do is wean him off. ds2 still nurses at night and he would wake up the house 2 or 3 times a night if I put him in a different bed.



I co-slept, but my kids always went to bed in their own room, and I'd bring them in whenever they woke up - and that included when they were nursing (even nursing all.night.long.) My kids all day-weaned before they night-weaned.


I also had my younger dd co-sleep with her sisters - is there anyway you could just tuck that 2yo in with older siblings for a first bit of sleep? Then you'd have your room to work in till whenever he wakes up (at least 2-3 hours??) I found younger dd went to bed in a different room more easily if she was cuddled with a sibling.


This is also a great way to transition to eventually not co-sleeping - eventually they wake up later and later and then hey- it's morning!

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Do you have 3 bedrooms? One for ds, one for dd, and one for you? If so, I would keep 2 yo in your bed (I understand how important that is!) and move ds' bed into your room as well. Then move your computer into his room. You can keep all his stuff in that room, but just move his bed out which makes room for the computer. Then you can work in the evening after you've gotten the kids to sleep and then work in the AM too, before the others get up.

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