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Need a baby gate for 126lb *baby*


I don't want to come across as indelicate but, honestly, if your baby weighs 126lbs, I think the gate is the least of your problems. Besides, at 126lbs wouldn't he just look like Jabba the Hut or something? He probably isn't going to get anywhere fast so I'm sure you'd be able to catch up to him quick enough. :thumbup:

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resources for war of 1812?


Well, by today's standards they didn't have many resources at all. Some calvary and infantry, cannons, muskets, bayonets. Not much really. Just think if they had had the benefit of carpet bombing back then!

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painting, recarpeting, reflooring - how painful is it??? And need ideas, please


it is not that bad, just make sure the salon and beautician/stylist are reputable and ask lots of question beforehand.

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Anyone tried WTM, then SL, and then come back to WTM


no, but i've seen it before. it is called yo-yo homeschooling...not to be confused with pin-ball homeschooling which involves bouncing around to at least two other curricula before going back to your original choice.

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Ham strikes again...this time he goes after SWB in earnest


Bad Piggie!! If you don't behave and leave Susan alone you will be turned into bacon and ham sandwiches!




:lol: but i don't get all of the fuss NOW. madmen was so 2010.

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Anyone tried WTM, then SL, and then come back to WTM


no, but i've seen it before. it is called yo-yo homeschooling...not to be confused with pin-ball homeschooling which involves bouncing around to at least two other curricula before going back to your original choice.



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Help me get our memory work done!


Sure, I'd love to! Just let me read Tommy a bedtime story, get a load of laundry going, clear the dinner dishes, pick up around the house, check my email, give the dog a bath, run to the store for milk, and. . .


I'm so sorry, what was it you needed my help with again?

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What is going on here?


This is a forum game. A witty creation of one of your fellow hive members. You post threads with quirky or seemingly innocent titles and we make snarky, humorous comments for amusement and comic relief.


Honestly, I thought you would have figured that out by page 50 or so :001_huh:

Edited by *~Tina~*
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I need permission...


Now what did I tell you yesterday? I said no and that's what I mean. Why? Because I said so that's why. No tears. . .I'll give you something to cry about. Are you listening to me? Look at me when I talk to you. Don't you roll your eyes at me! What did you just say young lady? I heard you say something. Don't you lie to me! I'll know if you're lying. Did you clean your room yet? Hop to it. Oh, so you're going to actually "hop" are you? Do you think you're funny? Well just see how funny you are when your father when gets home little missy.


Edited by *~Tina~*
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Termite Treatment--Which Option Would You Choose?


I'd choose the option that leaves them dead. But that's just me. I'm not known for my kind treatment of bugs.


My sister's wedding - what am I supposed to do?


I think you're supposed to go, but I guess it depends on how much you like your sister.


It happened to me, it can happen to you. A dream come true!


I thought Ed McMahon was dead.


Inclusive Homeschooling People: The planning site is up.


Email me, and I'll let you know if you can be included.




There it is!


Trying again-liberal homeschoolers


Darn Liberals are always tryin'.


This thread is so funny and addictive! Creative Genius Teachin'Mine!


I still haven't read through all 750 posts! Someday soon I'll have to get back to actually reading the threads instead of just rooting through the titles so I can post here :lol::lol::lol:


Nothing like a good dose of laughter before bed! :D Thanks a million!

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This thread is so funny and addictive! Creative Genius Teachin'Mine!


I still haven't read through all 750 posts! Someday soon I'll have to get back to actually reading the threads instead of just rooting through the titles so I can post here :lol::lol::lol:


Nothing like a good dose of laughter before bed! :D Thanks a million!


:iagree::iagree::iagree: LOL

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