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A not-even-near-epic disaster

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but still....


We got our paperwork for our fall exchange student from China.


She's allergic to GARLIC. :svengo:


A year without garlic. :svengo::svengo:


(And yes, we'll probably prepare some garlic meals with non-garlic portions, and I love welcoming these young women into our home, and I am mostly being silly. But still...garlic???? Sigh.)




Although, now that I think of it, I can't imagine having to live a lifetime without garlic. Poor thing.....



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Although, now that I think of it, I can't imagine having to live a lifetime without garlic. Poor thing.....





:iagree: That is just tragic.


Though I knew a girl who was allergic to garlic, chilli, tomato and onion. Would life be worth living? Well, she obviously thought so, since she was alive to tell the story. If it were me, I'm not so sure. I think it would give me life long food psychosis, and having lived through two bouts of that (thanks to gestational diabetes) a whole lifetime of would be horrible!


Make the most of life, Rosie! Eat that bowl of garlicky soup you have sitting next to you. Yum yum.




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but still....


We got our paperwork for our fall exchange student from China.


She's allergic to GARLIC. :svengo:


A year without garlic. :svengo::svengo:


(And yes, we'll probably prepare some garlic meals with non-garlic portions, and I love welcoming these young women into our home, and I am mostly being silly. But still...garlic???? Sigh.)




Although, now that I think of it, I can't imagine having to live a lifetime without garlic. Poor thing.....




Ask for another girl, citing irreconcilable differences. :D

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My dh is allergic to garlic. He loves garlic as do the rest of us. But I'm cooking without it.:crying: Just a warning that garlic is found in a LOT of prepared foods.


So how allergic and what happens if he eats garlic? We don't eat a lot of prepared foods, but is there something in particular that might surprise us? I expect we'll have to be careful of anything prepared in a restaurant too, since so many foods have garlic.


We have a child with a peanut allergy, so we're used to reading labels and so forth. I'm wondering if that's part of the reason she was placed with us, because we're used to dealing with a food allergy.


The good news is that she cooks for her family (and does other household chores--Yay!), so she can make us some non-garlicky Chinese food. I am drooling already thinking of it.



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So how allergic and what happens if he eats garlic? We don't eat a lot of prepared foods, but is there something in particular that might surprise us? I expect we'll have to be careful of anything prepared in a restaurant too, since so many foods have garlic.


We have a child with a peanut allergy, so we're used to reading labels and so forth. I'm wondering if that's part of the reason she was placed with us, because we're used to dealing with a food allergy.


The good news is that she cooks for her family (and does other household chores--Yay!), so she can make us some non-garlicky Chinese food. I am drooling already thinking of it.




Dh gets sinus problems with garlic. So far it hasn't been a huge deal but we do try to avoid is as much as we possibly can. Of course, her reaction to garlic may be very different.

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Garlic makes my son vomit repeatedly. I fed him veggies that I had inadvertently cooked with sausage that contained garlic. He didn't eat the sausage. He was very sick.


He doesn't react to smell though...I don't think...now I'm wondering though if that might be our mystery vomiting episodes. Rats.

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