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Getting a 2.5 yo foster placement tomorrow.

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We have had one other: a 14 yo.


We have also done respite for babies.


Schedule. That is a good question to ask. Thank you!


having just had a an 18 month old foster placement 2 weeks ago. . . .


-- fav. foods

-- schedule

-- what size clothing. Coming from another foster placement will he bring his clothing or will you have to buy new?

-- potty training progress?

--does he have a fav. lovey?

-- does he bite?

-- naps or no naps?

-- does he use a high chair?

-- has he only slept in a crib, pack and play, or regular bed.


Oh just thinking of this makes me tired. :grouphug: to you and your newest. It's exciting and exhausting.

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having just had a an 18 month old foster placement 2 weeks ago. . . .


-- fav. foods

-- schedule

-- what size clothing. Coming from another foster placement will he bring his clothing or will you have to buy new?

-- potty training progress?

--does he have a fav. lovey?

-- does he bite?

-- naps or no naps?

-- does he use a high chair?

-- has he only slept in a crib, pack and play, or regular bed.


Oh just thinking of this makes me tired. :grouphug: to you and your newest. It's exciting and exhausting.


I remember your post about your 18 mo. I was envious! LOL


I am still exhausted from the respite I just did for a 6 mo. Sleeping through the night is NOT overrated. :D Thanks for the additions to my list.

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Do you speak any Spanish? If not, you may want to take a crash course and learn some basic phrases that you'll need. You can also have some Spanish DVD's for children, from the library, so he can maintain what he's learned already. Other than that, he'll learn English quickly being in your home. It's a great age to learn different languages, and he's got a head start. :)


If you don't have Spanish on your schedule for this school year, you may want to add it. :)

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Getting ready to leave to go pick him up. Social worker said they would try to have a translator there but just in case I had Google translate some questions for me.


Did you remember to replenish your stash of when-I-need-a-moment-but-don't-have-one?!


I didn't realize how much my little guy would miss his momma. He can barely speak and yet he asks me daily, "Where's Momma?" It's heart breaking, really.

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I didn't realize how much my little guy would miss his momma. He can barely speak and yet he asks me daily, "Where's Momma?" It's heart breaking, really.


:crying::crying::crying: Poor little guy! OP, I think you will be surprised at how quickly your little FC will learn his new language.


How is it going? Why did he have to leave the last foster family? POOR little guy!!!

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What about putting some sort of a picture book together for him? You could clip pics from magazines or find them on the internet. You could have one page of foods, one for common household objects, body parts, etc. He can point to communicate with you, tell you the Spanish word and then you can tell him the English word.

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Did you remember to replenish your stash of when-I-need-a-moment-but-don't-have-one?!


I didn't realize how much my little guy would miss his momma. He can barely speak and yet he asks me daily, "Where's Momma?" It's heart breaking, really.




He started calling me "mama" after about 2 hours. Yesterday he started calling DH "papa"

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:crying::crying::crying: Poor little guy! OP, I think you will be surprised at how quickly your little FC will learn his new language.


How is it going? Why did he have to leave the last foster family? POOR little guy!!!


It is going pretty well. He loves my kids and they love him. Which of course will be oh-so-fun when he has to move on. . .


He is busy and very attached to toys. he piles all of them in his arms and tries to carry them around everywhere.


He does get frustrated with transitions but what 2 yo doesn't? LOL

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I haven't done foster care let alone for a child that doesn't speak english but can you make up a book with pictures on it with stuff like bath, milk, cookie, sandwich, cup, night night, book, etc etc? That way you can have him/her point to the pictures of what they need. You could also name the stuff in spanish and say it to him in spanish and english and hopefully he would catch on quickly? Just a thought. Good luck!

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He started calling me "mama" after about 2 hours. Yesterday he started calling DH "papa"


Yup, I'm Mama now too for our little dude. It's getting easier. He's been with us 2 weeks now and I think he's starting to realize that he can trust me.


He's pitching less now. I started to only give him a couple sips in his cups and I asked him to put it on the table when he's done. It's working.


We went camping this weekend and he loved it. :001_smile: I am going to miss him when he leaves next month.

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It is going pretty well. He loves my kids and they love him. Which of course will be oh-so-fun when he has to move on. . .




but why would the poor little guy need to be moved again? He at least needs long term placement. If he keeps being moved and moved and moved, he's not going to attach to anyone, and then he's going to become a problem!


Is this normal, for kids to regularly be moved around? That's one of the saddest things I've ever heard.

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but why would the poor little guy need to be moved again? He at least needs long term placement. If he keeps being moved and moved and moved, he's not going to attach to anyone, and then he's going to become a problem!


Is this normal, for kids to regularly be moved around? That's one of the saddest things I've ever heard.


He is up for adoption so if he moves again it will likely be permanent.

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