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Meeting w/ new oncologist Thurs at 2 PM - please pray, more inside

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Please be praying for us Thursday at 2:00 as we meet w/ Dr. Walker and team. He specializes in just lung cancer. Pray for my nerves to be calm and that we will have wisdom/discernment about our mtg.


Please pray for my arm to heal properly. I'm still in PT. A normal, healthy person takes 6-8 wks to heal from a fracture. Mine will obviously take longer. It hurts and I'm ready to sleep in my bed!!! Dr. wants me to sleep in recliner to keep from breaking it again. Thursday marks seven weeks since it got broken. What helps bones to grow strong besides calcium? I have 7 calcium kidney stones.


Also, could you pray that if they want me to have an MRI, that I can get an appt. next week? I need an open MRI and those appts. go fast. I have a new pain in my back that they want to check out.




As always, thanks for covering us in prayer!





Edited by MJN
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Your quote from "Calm My Anxious Heart" drew me in from lurking. ;) That book was my lifeline this last spring when my husband was diagnosed with prostate cancer. He has since had surgery and is recovering, but I'm all too familiar with the endless dr. appts. and decisions and emotions and such that come with a diagnosis.


All that to say :001_smile: I will pray for you tomorrow, and watch for an update. He IS faithful. :grouphug:

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Thursday marks seven weeks since it got broken. What helps bones to grow strong besides calcium? I have 7 calcium kidney stones.




I will be praying, Molly.


I know that Vitamin D helps the absorption of calcium. . .

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