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What could be causing this nausea?

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I have been nauseous for about a week now. This is not upset stomach kind of nausea but more of the head spinning variety, like being motion sick all the time. I don't have an ear ache or anything else that seems like it could be causing it. I have noticed that it rarely comes on before I have eaten anything for the day but as soon as I eat anything or even have a coffee then I get nauseous right away. I have tried the sea bands, ginger, Dramamine, and Bonnine without relief. Sometimes it is so bad that I have to lay down and close my eyes. I really don't have time for a dr.'s visit.


I am definitely not pregnant. I am periemenopausal, just had my period two weeks ago and my hubby had a V 10 years ago. Plus this doesn't feel like that kind of nausea. Any idea what is could be or what I could do about it short of going to the dr.

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I've been hearing over the last, oh, year or so, about viruses causing dizziness/vertigo/nausea. It's been mentioned on these boards more than once, IIRC. My dc had a virus last year with fever and dizziness/nausea.


Just a thought...


I hope you feel better soon; that doesn't sound like fun!



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I have had the same thing going on for awhile now. I've narrowed it down to being triggered by sweet drinks. Specifically, sweet drinks with hfcs. I'll be watching to see if anyone has any ideas for you. Mine is mostly the head spinning nausea, but I also have stomach pain if I drink a Dr. Pepper.

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My aunt just had stomach surgery, she was unable to eat solids (without throwing up) for 6 months. She's fine now and can eat. Hers came on suddenly, just as you describe, and was largely centred around consuming food or drinking, with effects happening within minutes. Sometimes a visit to the doctor is in order.

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A build up of ear wax? I've had that before. It threw my inner ear out of whack and I felt a little spacey/nauseous. I had it cleaned out by a doctor with a little vacuum type thing and felt better afterwards. Also, the crystals in your inner ear can "come loose" and move around. I've also had that happen. The doctor said it could take about a week to fix itself. She also gave me some head exercises to try in order to get them back in place. In about a week I was fine.

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To see if you have vertigo (which is really just a symptom and not a "diagnosis") Stand with your feet together, your arms held out in front of you, palms up. Then, close your eyes. If you start falling to one side or swaying dramatically then you are probably having an inner ear/balance issue.


Like asta said, that can relate to your meds.


Other things that come to mind, an atypical migraine (very prevalent in this heat), dehydration (also due to the heat).

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A build up of ear wax? I've had that before. It threw my inner ear out of whack and I felt a little spacey/nauseous. I had it cleaned out by a doctor with a little vacuum type thing and felt better afterwards. Also, the crystals in your inner ear can "come loose" and move around. I've also had that happen. The doctor said it could take about a week to fix itself. She also gave me some head exercises to try in order to get them back in place. In about a week I was fine.


They checked my ears and said I had a little fluid build up but not enough that it should be causing problems. I took a decongestant anyhow.

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To see if you have vertigo (which is really just a symptom and not a "diagnosis") Stand with your feet together, your arms held out in front of you, palms up. Then, close your eyes. If you start falling to one side or swaying dramatically then you are probably having an inner ear/balance issue.


Like asta said, that can relate to your meds.


Other things that come to mind, an atypical migraine (very prevalent in this heat), dehydration (also due to the heat).


I naturally have terribly balance. I am the person that can walk across the room and trip over nothing at all. I have been drinking extra because of the heat. I have migraine but this isn't the same kind of nausea. Now that Asta mentioned it I bet it is my meds.

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I have had the same thing going on for awhile now. I've narrowed it down to being triggered by sweet drinks. Specifically, sweet drinks with hfcs. I'll be watching to see if anyone has any ideas for you. Mine is mostly the head spinning nausea, but I also have stomach pain if I drink a Dr. Pepper.


No sweet drinks here and probably very little hfcs.

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My mother has had similar symptoms most of the summer because of the heat.


She has been hiding in her air conditioned house on really hot/humid days.


Yeah, I am not very tolerant of the heat and try to not go out doors unless the house is burning down or something else critical like that. :tongue_smilie:

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Gall Bladder maybe? Here are other symptoms:



  • Moderate to severe pain under the right side of the rib cage
  • Pain may radiate through to the back or to the right shoulder
  • Severe upper abdominal pain (biliary colic)
  • Nausea
  • Queasiness
  • Vomiting
  • Gas
  • Burping or belching
  • Attacks are often at night
  • Attacks often occur after overeating
  • Pain will often but not always follow a meal with fats or grease
  • Pain may be worse with deep inhalation
  • Attacks can last from 15 minutes to 15 hours


Good luck!

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Lamictal increase? Heat?


Most definitely meds.






(oh, and if you've had any ovulatory anything or have drank any alcohol, your LTG levels will be messed up as well, leading to nausea)


Thanks Asta. This is probably the case. You're amazing. Sometimes I swear you know more than my doctors about these things.

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