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Chucking it all (except math) and just doing Bible


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Any suggestions for ideas? God is putting it on my heart to just take some time out and work on studying the Word together, working on our heart attitudes, recentering ourselves on the foundation of the Rock. (Dd8 is really advanced academically, so it will not hinder us in that way to do this.) Probably for a few months, I'm thinking (we school year-round.) Of course we'll read the Bible a TON, but I wanted some things to guide our studies a little. Any great suggestions? I'm even going to pull our spelling, etc., from the Bible passages.


Has anyone else ever done this-how did it go?

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Could you throw in a few fun Bible-based recipes and crafts for fun? Old Testament Times and Gobble Up the Bible are really fun and have lots of ideas.

How about praying for and writing to a missionary? Starting to collect some things for a shoebox to send to Samaritan? Doing a daily "quiet" kindness for someone, with the expectation of only Jesus knowing your good work?


Just some ideas. I think your idea is rock solid and lovely.

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Have you ever looked at Truthquest or KONOS? Those two sources may give you some good ideas.


I love Chris in VA's ideas.


You could do some Kay Arthur Discover 4 Yourself Kid's studies. I think they really help get you into the Word.

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The dc have been fighting non-stop and the amount of disobedience and disrespect has reached an all-time high despite punitive measures to curb it. It's rubbing off on my sweet little 2yo who repeats what she hears and to hear my 2yo name-calling like her olders sibs...well it just breaks my heart to see her innocence disappear. And, it breaks my heart to see the other children at each others throats and disrespecting mom and dad so much.


I'm interested in ideas as well. Perhaps THIS will be our summer, too, instead of the academic work I had planned. History, Science and Bible. Hmmm...keep the ideas coming and thanks for the great inspiration!

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That sounds awesome. What a blessing for you and your children! I think it sounds wonderful but don't make it too complicated... that may get in the way of the results you are praying for. I don't know. I tend to enjoy letting the Bible stand on it's own from time to time. Not that there aren't some exciting curriculum options, but there's something about the Bible-only that REALLY excites me.


How old are your children?


Have you ever looked at any of the products by Doorposts? I have their Instructions in Righteousness. That would be really good for what you are considering. They also have Plants Grown Up (for boys) and Polished Cornerstones (for girls). They are huge resources full of ideas to implement a discipleship program for your own children.


Have you ever heard of Bedell Curriculum? Not much info. about that one on the web, but I have the first volume in their set. It focuses on Creation and the Fall of Man. It is really interesting because this fellow has put together a whole curriculum based only on the Bible. He takes you through the Bible and you study all of the "normal" school topics (history, science, art, etc.) as it comes up in Scripture. It's hard to explain. I wouldn't do it justice. But, he's done a good job making all areas of study relate to the Bible.



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2 years ago, we found our youngest daughter, lieing about lighting matches and throwing them in the trash can. We realized we needed to spend some quality - quanity time on Biblical Character traits. I ditched everything, and bought Pearables 3 Kingdom Stories books along w/ The Narrow Way Curriculum



More than just reading a lot of Biblical based stories and Studying, it gave way for a lot of discussion that didn't have to be rushed for other subjects, It was very profitable, and helped spend some valuable time w/ our daughter.:001_wub:


Hope this helps


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We've been slowly working our way through the Institute for Basic Life Principles Character Sketches. It tells about an animal (in detail) from nature and how they demonstrate a certain character trait. Then it goes into detail with a Bible story about why that trait is important. For younger kids it's a great jumping off platform for science and then the biblical character discussions. You can get them at IBLP or on amazon. It's a really beautiful book. The Keepers of the Faith character booklets are also really good and very inexpensive. They have discussion, verses to look up, memory work, and then a journal to track progress on the given trait. I think it's a great idea to take a break and work on heart issues. If your kids are brilliant scholars and unkind to each other, or not growing in character and learning to love and respect their family and others - then it's time for a break. If it were me, I would stick with character training and drop things like spelling and grammar for now. Maybe put together a really nice character notebook - copywork verses and pictures that the kids had drawn (beautifully and neatly), family photos, etc. Something you could use and have the kids go back to when they slide back into unkind behavior.


I've also heard good things about Our 24 Family Ways: Family Devotional Guide by Clay Clarkson and it has a companion coloring book. Maybe you could use that as a jumping off point and the basis for your character scrapbook and then add in scripture memory, copy work and family photos and stuff. Just an idea. I think you're going to do a great job - your kids are blessed to have a mom who cares so much about their heart training!

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there must be something in the air :glare: I could have written your post, I was just telling dh yesterday that something needs to give with attitudes here, we also school year round and I am thinking of taking a break except for math flashcards, calculadders and reading, to work on character, I will be watching this thread closely, I am going to check into the pearables curriculum, it has always intrigued me.

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My kids seem to get so much more when we just read the Bible and pray. God will impress upon my heart something that I can make a parallel to or something to talk to them about. It's great! They love our "Bible" time. We have also used the Missionary lapbook from HOAC. It was a freebie this time last year. We've only gotten through Gladys Alyward, but they have REALLY enjoyed it. Of course, I have 2 girls (very crafty).


I've heard great things about Doorposts, IBLP, Kay Arthur. There have been some wonderful ideas posted. Make it real. I like the service project ideas.


Wish I could be of more help. God will surely bless this time you devote to Him and your kids.



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all dealing w/ scripture verses. It is a new product. There are 5 different "books"...Life of Jesus, New Test. stories, Old Test. stories, Fav. Old Test. and another I can't remember. The entire collection is available for download for just $8! It's not really a "study" persay, but what I think it is is a collection of stories and verses w/ pages to illustrate and copy the scriptures and write your own narration of them. I'm comptemplating doing this w/ my dc in place of History for right now and adding in some character study and devotions. Just thought I'd share.

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I have not read the responses, so this may have already been suggested, but we use The Narrow Way from the Pearables..It is a character curriculum and teaches the virtues as stated in 2 Peter 1 4-8.


It covers quite thoroughly the following virtues: Faith, Virtue, Knowledge, Temperance, Godliness, Brotherly kindness, Charity.


We have also used Our Families 24 Ways by Clay and Sally Clarkson and that was wonderful... we will probably reuse that book when we are done with The Narrow Way. These are both very meaty.


Hope this helps! I applaud you for obeying the Lord!!

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I am using this company's Responsibility for Boys curriculum. I love it. It is giving bare basic responsibilities, but powerful messages.


I want to tell you that I think that your children will probably get the best education ever doing the Bible and math! That really is all you need for school. If you think about it, if you use the King James Version of the Bible, you have your literature. If you study about the kings of Israel, you have your ancient history. If you follow how they brake down the numbers in the King James Version, you will study place value. If you study about the different animals that are forbidden to eat, you have science. If you study about the different tree and plants from that area, you have botany. If you focus on the "thees and thous" in the King James Version of the Bible, you can teach a grammar lesson.


The Bible is an all encompassing book.


Fabulous Job you are doing!:thumbup:





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Bedell Bible Study curriculum. You can see samples at bedellcurriculum.com


You can also email the writer, he is very helpful. I just got the first volume and am very impressed.


We also use The Bible Study Guide student pages and love these! You can see samples of them at biblestudyguide.com


Don't ask me how, but I will be utilizing both next year. The Bible Study Guide allows me to go from old testament stories to new testament and it is very important that the majority of my bible lessons be centered on Jesus right now.


The Bedell allows me to take science from every word of God and see it from God's perspective.


Both of them have me reading direct from the bible.


For me, God has put in my heart that His Word has to be the final and ultimate authority. It is the base from which all other knowledge flows. Everything next year will have to take a back seat to these two things and I will trust God that if I seek first His kingdom, He will add all other things unto me.




Dee in FL

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