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More explode the code questions-- Help I am on overload!

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Ok, so looking at the books, book 1 says for 1st grade. Isnt book 1 just basic sounds? Would a kindergartner be able to do that? My ds is starting PP and RP. He is only up to page 17 right now and we are stopping there for a while to play the train blends game for a while (possibly for a few weeks if thats what it takes until he just knows without having to think about it) Before the code is just learning letters and letter sounds, right? I am so confused :confused: HELP!!! I am on overload trying to make last minute decisions! :confused:

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I used ETC last year to teach my DS to read. He was 4 and already knew his sounds so we started with Book 1. The books are not leveled for grades. They just progress through a systematic phonics sequence. I wouldn't teach them out of order as one book builds upon another.

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My middle DS was almost finished with book 3 (midway through 1st grade) before I looked it up and realized what the grade recommendations were. He definitely did book 1 when he was 5, and I think also book 2. As someone else mentioned, the amount of writing was sometimes an issue, but I cut out some of that and/or wrote for him. I would say you can start the first book once they understand blending; if they're not sounding out CVC words fairly well, I think ETC would move too fast and get frustrating quickly.

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I believe Book 1 works with the short vowel sounds, so lots of CVC words. Book 2 works with the blends..bl, sl, sn, sp-, -ck, -ll, etc. with the short vowels so words like spin, snip, spell, smell. I'd start with Book 1 as the Get Ready A, b and C were easy..just focusing on letter sounds, recognizing the letters and words that begin with the letter for that page (such as frog, fan, etc. for F). It really depends on where he is in his phonics though :)

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Ok, so looking at the books, book 1 says for 1st grade. Isnt book 1 just basic sounds? Would a kindergartner be able to do that? My ds is starting PP and RP. He is only up to page 17 right now and we are stopping there for a while to play the train blends game for a while (possibly for a few weeks if thats what it takes until he just knows without having to think about it) Before the code is just learning letters and letter sounds, right? I am so confused :confused: HELP!!! I am on overload trying to make last minute decisions! :confused:


My 11 yo dd is STRONG in language arts, grammar, spelling etc due to the foundation of using Abeka phonics. In 2nd grade she scored OFF.THE.TEST.CHART at 12.9!!!


We use Abeka grammar and I used to supplement with ETC from primary to grade 6. It's really too easy for her and we're skipping ETC 7 and above.


To me a child should have a basic working knowledge and ability of the phonics rules, special sounds, etc. I don't remember what is in book one. Wouldn't it be short vowels?


Sorry I'm not more help. Sheryl <><

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My kids love these books. We haven't started school yet, but they ask to do them quite frequently (so I let them).


DS5 just finished book 1 today and he just turned five 2 weeks ago but he is definitely reading bob books already. Almost all CVC words but also "doll" and "rock" at the very end of the book. Here are the lessons:

1: short a with final t

2: short a with final n, m, d, t

3: short a with final consonants

4: short i

5: review short a, i

6: short u

7: review short a, i, u

8: short e

9: review short a, i , u, e

10: short o

11: review all short vowels


DS6.5 will start first grade. I started him in book 3 which has to do with the silent e on the end. Here are those lessons:

1: 1 syllable words ending in long vowel

2: silent e

3: silent e

4: silent e with consonant blends

5: digraph sh

6: digraph th, wh

7: digraph ch, trigraph tch

8: digraphs ng, ck

9: digraphs with silent e (review)

10: vowel digraphs ee, ea

11: vowel digraphs ai, ay

12: vowel digraphs oa, ow

13: vowel digraphs review

Hope that helps you decide!

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I really worded that wrong. What I mean by basic sounds, was the beginning sounds of works (such as circle the sound you hear in front of the work Bat.. .that type of thing) He knows his letter sounds, and we are just starting basic blending sounds in Phonics Pathways. So, I am thinking if I get it, then start it when we are a bit farther into PP. Thank you everybody! :D

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He will be 6 in october amd he LOVES workbooky type things. So I told him I would find a good phonics workbook and he got SOOOO excited! I cant take that away from him! :001_smile:


Not to add to your decision making, but have you looked at Plaid Phonics? I like both series of workbooks (um, and actually use both), so I wanted to mention it to you :). I like Plaid Phonics because I think it reinforces phonics through spelling, where ETC reinforces phonics through reading, if that makes sense. I also use PP and Pyramids, and use Plaid Phonics as my main supplement and ETC as my supplement's supplement :001_huh: :lol:.

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I really worded that wrong. What I mean by basic sounds, was the beginning sounds of works (such as circle the sound you hear in front of the work Bat.. .that type of thing) He knows his letter sounds, and we are just starting basic blending sounds in Phonics Pathways. So, I am thinking if I get it, then start it when we are a bit farther into PP. Thank you everybody! :D


pssst.....you could start Plaid Phonics A right away.....

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We started with ETC this year, and I started with book 1. We aren't doing every page and I have a 3 week schedule for the book. The reason I am doing that is because we also started at the beginning with All About Spelling. My son reads fine, but I wanted to review the phonics for spelling and to make sure he has a grasp on the rules and can practice his spelling and writing with ETC. We are doing the 36 week filing schedule and I believe we will be in the middle of book 4 when the year ends.

Where you begin depends on what you want ETC to do for your child.

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Not to add to your decision making, but have you looked at Plaid Phonics? I like both series of workbooks (um, and actually use both), so I wanted to mention it to you :). I like Plaid Phonics because I think it reinforces phonics through spelling, where ETC reinforces phonics through reading, if that makes sense. I also use PP and Pyramids, and use Plaid Phonics as my main supplement and ETC as my supplement's supplement :001_huh: :lol:.


pssst.....you could start Plaid Phonics A right away.....



Its because of people like YOU that I have 5 different math programs sitting on my shelf for my 5 year old ds :smilielol5::smilielol5: (MUS primer, miquon, horizons K, making math meaningful and liberty math)



OK... So I have been told about plaid phonics before. I really considered it. Now I am considering it again (thanks :001_huh:) Now, my question for you is, would Phonics Pathways, Reading Pathways, Word Works, explode the code and plaid phonics be to much?? Because I seriously thought I could swing having my ds do MUS primer, miquon, horizons K, making math meaningful and liberty math (and yes, I bought them all :blink:) So would I wake up to the same problem If I also got plaid phonics? Really was torn between the two.


But, if I did them slowly year round for K and 1st then It wouldnt be to much right? He does LOVE workbooky type stuff...


Oh no I am trying to justify this again- just like I did with the math.. HELP! Would that work? Seriously, would it be to much? We can do this, right???

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Plaid phonics, is that by modern curriculum press? I have a phonics book that has red plaid cover and the word phonics is in plaid and it says book A. Its an older book-- copywrite 1988 would that work? I wouldnt have to get a newer version of book A would I?????? :confused:

Edited by wy_kid_wrangler04
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PP is phonics pathways and RP is reading pathways, sorry! :blush:

No problem ;) I just wanted to warn you that I didn't know what you were doing in addition to ETC.

Plaid phonics, is that by modern curriculum press? I have a phonics book that has red plaid cover and the word phonics is in plaid and it says book A. Its an older book-- copywrite 1988 would that work? I wouldnt have to get a newer version of book A would I?????? :confused:

I don't really know, but I'd imagine phonics would stay about the same...

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Plaid phonics, is that by modern curriculum press? I have a phonics book that has red plaid cover and the word phonics is in plaid and it says book A. Its an older book-- copywrite 1988 would that work? I wouldnt have to get a newer version of book A would I?????? :confused:


I don't think so! I like the new version because of the pictures (they're nice photographs), but the old one should work.

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