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Poll: Who is bored because it's raining?

Who is bored because it's raining?  

  1. 1. Who is bored because it's raining?

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I'm just frustrated 'cause my kids are stuck inside. The pollen is so bad here, ds is wheezing constantly, and dd's eyes swell up till I'm amazed she can see. I'm dosing them (especially ds) up on way more drugs than I'm comfortable with, but he's basically stuck having a low-level asthma attack at all times anyway. And if they open the back door, it's *worse*. Poor babies. :( The just want to go play outside!

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I'm just frustrated 'cause my kids are stuck inside. The pollen is so bad here, ds is wheezing constantly, and dd's eyes swell up till I'm amazed she can see. I'm dosing them (especially ds) up on way more drugs than I'm comfortable with, but he's basically stuck having a low-level asthma attack at all times anyway. And if they open the back door, it's *worse*. Poor babies. :( The just want to go play outside!


I know, I should be very grateful my dd's don't have pollen issues. Hope your guys feel better. It should rain tomorrow night, and hopefully that will help a little.

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Me, me, me!:hurray: It seems like it has been raining here for two weeks solid! Oh, and I'm gettin' just a tad bit tired of Tornados and hail too. I've been waiting for the insurance adjuster to come assess our roof damage and the damage the hail did to our new siding for a week they are so busy and I had to call them back today and tell them part of our back deck just flew away.:glare: By the time they come we may not have a house left.

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I'm just frustrated 'cause my kids are stuck inside. The pollen is so bad here, ds is wheezing constantly, and dd's eyes swell up till I'm amazed she can see. I'm dosing them (especially ds) up on way more drugs than I'm comfortable with, but he's basically stuck having a low-level asthma attack at all times anyway. And if they open the back door, it's *worse*. Poor babies. :( The just want to go play outside!


That sounds awful. I have one that stays pink around his eyes. Nothing seems to help.

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LOL! All the pear trees here have flowered at the same time and have been shedding their petals this entire week. Today, with all the wind, there are petals falling all over town, even in areas where there are none of these trees around, like my backyard. My son was just certain it was snowing here, too, this afternoon! But it's about 70 degrees.....

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