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favorite "learn to type" program?


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I'm looking for a typing program for my dd10 (entering 6th grade in the fall). I've ignored it up until now because her handwriting is reasonably neat and quick and I didn't want to slow her down with her assignments (she does enough of that on her own, :tongue_smilie:0.


The program doesn't have to be tons of fun...just efficient and, if possible, not sheer drudgery. Any recommendations?



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Someone here recommended it for beginning typing. It is free and while somewhat childish, I think will help with some basics for dd. After that, I am not sure what I am going to do. I have shown dd the program, but we haven't started it yet. Just add it to my list. :tongue_smilie:

:iagree: we enjoyed dance mat then moved on to typing web with great success (also free online)

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My kids started with the free Dance Mat, then they graduated to Typing Instructor for Kids. There's also Typing Instructor Deluxe, which I believe is the same program, just with different games.


All of my kids now type over 40 wpm (and they still sometimes play Typing Instructor games for fun - you can set the wpm level as high as you want, so it's still challenging).


I never even had to assign this or make it part their school day - they just did it!

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Tying Instructor Platinum is our favorite. I used Typing Instructor Deluxe with my older girls when they were in jr.high and they loved it. We couldn't find it when time came to use it again, so we got the "newer version" and it rocks!


At 6th grade, I think you daughter may prefer the older version instead of the kids version mentioned earlier.



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