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What's up with the Math Mammoth Answer key??

plain jane

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Am I the only one who is finding a lot of wrong answers in the answer key? :confused:


What would *you* say are the answers to the following problems?


Add and subtract mentally:


a) 5,000+ _______ = 8,200


b) ____ + 200 = 10,000


c) _____ - 200 = 2,200



I'm wondering if I'm totally out to lunch or if the answer key for this program is full of errors.


And if the answer key is a mess, what's the curriculum like??




ETA: has anybody else experienced problems with MM and the answer key? I don't *need* it to check work, but it does make my life a lot easier now that I have 3 levels of math going at one time. If this is a consistent issue with MM, I'd love to know that now before the school year officially starts. :)

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If you're sure you've lined up the correct answers with the correct problems, I would email Maria so she can correct them. She's very responsive.


ETA: What book/page is this in?





I have checked several times and the thought did occur to me that I *am* losing my mind. :blush: It wouldn't be the first time. :lol:


However, all the other answers for the question match-up.


It's for level 3B. Review Page 33; Page 8 of the answer key. Question 3: d, e, f.

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I have noticed some wrong answers in the 4A answer key. I'm not too concerned, because MM is an excellent program in all other ways.


True, I agree with you. But...


I just went back and checked other answers that I had marked.


There's a page where almost all the answers in the key are incorrect. :001_huh:




2800 + 100= 5900

3100 + 200= 5900

3100 + 400= 5900


6800 + 400= 3200

3800 + 800= 3000

2200 + 900 = 3200


It goes on and on. :tongue_smilie:



Yet, further on it has:


270 + 30 = 200

5270 + 30 = 5200




I never noticed this before because I've always marked without the answer key.


I'm a little frustrated. I know MM is a good program but I'm wondering if she'll give me a refund because I'm not sure it's going to work for us. :(

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:bigear: I did look those up and from what I see they are wrong also. lots of them are. No offense, but I do want a correct answer key. One or two wrong answers might be alright, but that is a lot. I suck at Math and I may not have the time to correct on my own. I feel if I buy a curriculum I expect it to be right. I will email her and ask also

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I'm a little frustrated. I know MM is a good program but I'm wondering if she'll give me a refund because I'm not sure it's going to work for us. :(

I would just ask for a corrected answer key. I have most of her books, and although I don't use the answers keys often, I certainly haven't found them all to be riddled with errors. I assume that since she writes all of the books herself, and creates all of the problems by hand (she doesn't use a software program to automatically generate problems for the worksheets) this was probably just a case of transposing answers or copying and pasting from the wrong place or something.



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I agree that I would want my answer key to be correct! Isn't Math Mammoth still fairly new? Just a guess, but I'm thinking that with something new there will be some issues to work out (especially if she is not with a huge publisher). I wouldn't let this ruin the reputation of the math program itself. It could still be an amazing math program. Perhaps this is less of a "math" issue and more of a publishing/editing issue. I would bring it to her attention and expect it to be corrected quickly, but I wouldn't throw the whole program out at this point. Just saying...

Edited by Amie
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I agree that I would want my answer key to be correct! Isn't Math Mammoth still fairly new? Just a guess, but I'm thinking that with something new there will be some issues to work out (especially if she is not with a huge publisher). I wouldn't let this ruin the reputation of the math program itself. It could still be an amazing math program. Perhaps this is less of a "math" issue and more of a publishing/editing issue. I would bring it to her attention and expect it to be corrected quickly, but I wouldn't throw the whole program out at this point. Just saying...


No, I'm not trying to slander the program. :(


I do like it. I just need something reliable because I have a lot on my plate this fall.


I thought at first it was a problem with me because I'd read so many threads on here about MM before purchasing it and I never once heard any complaints about the answer key.


I guess I'm just in panic mode. I need to get school started up in a few short weeks and this is throwing me for a curve ball. :willy_nilly:

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I agree that I would want my answer key to be correct! Isn't Math Mammoth still fairly new? Just a guess, but I'm thinking that with something new there will be some issues to work out (especially if she is not with a huge publisher). I wouldn't let this ruin the reputation of the math program itself. It could still be an amazing math program. Perhaps this is less of a "math" issue and more of a publishing/editing issue. I would bring it to her attention and expect it to be corrected quickly, but I wouldn't throw the whole program out at this point. Just saying...

Yes, she writes and self-publishes all of the books as PDFs to keep the cost as low as possible for homeschoolers. (You can get the complete program for grades 1-6, which can be used with multiple kids, for around $100 or less.) I think it's a massive undertaking for one person, so I would cut her some slack regarding typos and technical errors.


Of course I also understand the need to have an accurate answer key! I'm sure Maria will get that corrected ASAP once she's aware of the problem. She's always responded very quickly to any questions or concerns I've had.



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I thought at first it was a problem with me because I'd read so many threads on here about MM before purchasing it and I never once heard any complaints about the answer key.


I haven't noticed appreciably more errors in the answer keys for the MM "blue" workbooks I've used than in other programs. There have been a few scattered here & there but nothing like what you mentioned seeing in 3B.

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I am finishing up Singapore Stds 2A with my ds before we switch over to Math Mammoth and I have found several mistakes in the HIG. The mistakes I found are mainly page number listing for the lessons but can be frustrating when you are trying to figure out which pages of the text you should be covering for the lesson so even the big curriculum companies are not immune to mistakes.



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I don't think you are slamming anything, and I don't think you are crazy for expecting an answer key to be accurate.


No, I'm not trying to slander the program. :(


I do like it. I just need something reliable because I have a lot on my plate this fall.


I thought at first it was a problem with me because I'd read so many threads on here about MM before purchasing it and I never once heard any complaints about the answer key.


I guess I'm just in panic mode. I need to get school started up in a few short weeks and this is throwing me for a curve ball. :willy_nilly:

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No, I'm not trying to slander the program. :(


I do like it. I just need something reliable because I have a lot on my plate this fall.


I thought at first it was a problem with me because I'd read so many threads on here about MM before purchasing it and I never once heard any complaints about the answer key.


I guess I'm just in panic mode. I need to get school started up in a few short weeks and this is throwing me for a curve ball. :willy_nilly:


Just to clarify, I don't think you are slandering or being unreasonable. You should definitely expect an answer key to be correct (why rely on one if it isn't?!). I'm just suggesting that if you really like the program otherwise, you may want to try and get this corrected (asap) and continue using it. I just wouldn't want an editing issue to give you doubts about how well you are teaching your children math. Hey I remember back when there were even a couple of mistakes in the old Saxon Math answer keys we had when I was a kid.

Oh, and btw I'm glad you said something about it. With the number of typos you mentioned, I'm surprised this hasn't come up yet (that I have seen).

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I am hoping that this is corrected before we get into the higher levels and that I can get the corrections for free since I already bought 6 years worth.


I've received free updates in the past. When my son was in 1st grade it was updated 3 times and I was able to download the new one each time. Currclick makes it very easy to get updates! For this fall used Kagi, I'm hoping it's just as easy.

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Guest MariaMiller

First of all, I am very sorry for the errors. Concerning the errors in the lesson Mental Adding and Subtracting, p19, grade 3-B:

This type of error has probably come about in one of two manners. First of all, it probably involves the fact that I've at some point revised the lesson and some problems in it. Then, either for some reason the answer key did not get updated, OR, since the same files are used in the Light Blue and Blue, the lesson file itself did not get copied and overwritten. Sometimes the lessons in both Blue and Light Blue are nearly identical but not quite, and this seems to the case here with p. 19. The errors in that lesson's answer key apparently stem from that fact -- perhaps the answers just got copied from the corresponding lesson in Blue book but they didn't match. I'm glad the errors were found though!


The fact that these are sold as electronic books allows me to make revisions or small changes and improvements practically constantly. Unfortunately it then increases the chance of such errors creeping in.


I do realize the need of rechecking the answer keys due to these frequent revisions, and I did give that task (quite a while ago) to a friend who has often checked my work right before new releases. Unfortunately, he has taken a very long time, and I have tried to be patient. However, after I saw what was posted on this board, I decided I cannot wait any longer, and I have given that job to another person now. Therefore, it shouldn't take too long now to have the 3-B answer key rechecked.

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We have only used level 2, and I did notice some wrong answers in the key, but I wasn't concerned enough to stop using the program. I don't really use the key anyway, but I will need it with later levels. :D This program has probably saved my dd, because I had just about enough whining over math! Even with the mistakes in the key I think it was more than worth the cost.

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Thank you, Maria, for your reply. We are excited about starting MM this year. My middle daughter will be doing 3rd. How will we know when the corrections are done? Will you include that in your newsletter? The curriculum looks great. I am glad that I found it!



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Guest MariaMiller
Thank you, Maria, for your reply. We are excited about starting MM this year. My middle daughter will be doing 3rd. How will we know when the corrections are done? Will you include that in your newsletter? The curriculum looks great. I am glad that I found it!




No, it won't be in the newsletter. I will email the customers who've bought this product, using the email address they used when ordering.

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