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At what age do kids need computers?

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Ds has decided that he loves writing, just not physically holding a pencil & scrawling across paper. He's decided he's going to save up for his own computer (although that will take him so long, there's virtually no chance it will happen).


I've been telling dh for about a yr now that I can see a time coming when the kids will need a computer, but I'm not sure if they need their own or how exactly to handle it. We've got two right now, but my laptop is mine. That's not even up for debate, lol.


So then there's the desktop. It's in our room right now, mainly for space issues, but dh & I watch movies, etc in the evenings, so moving it would be a pretty big disruption, if that makes sense. It sounds pretty petty, & we're both willing to move it if necessary, but...we like it where it is.


Ds listens to his Latin chants in there most days, & I've let him type up papers in there on occasion, but...it's pretty far removed from the rest of the house. One time, he clicked on the wrong thing & was playing Battleship when I checked on him. He thought it was a Latin game (which was allowed) & was complaining that it hadn't asked him any vocab yet. at. all. :lol:


I'm not worried about the internet (yet). Mainly 9yo boy goofing off & not doing his work. Anyway, I'd like him to have a computer he can work at w/ supervision. I wonder if it's not time to buy a kid computer. If $ were no object, we'd have already gotten one, but it is, so I want to...make sure I'm not overreacting to a "need."


Otoh, I don't fall into the frugal-is-better school of thought w/ regard to education. I'm not a faddish bells & whistles kind of gal, but I don't want to scrimp in the wrong places. We didn't have a computer at home when I was growing up, but when my sis moved in w/ my dad, he bought her one. My first home-access to a computer was about 3yrs into my BA, when I married dh.


Ime, that was too far on the frugal end of what was good for us. I'm looking for middle road answers, if that makes sense. :001_huh: Rereading, it looks clear as mud. :glare: Sorry!

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We had one for the girls from 8 on. But, they have been doing online school all those years.


Hmmm, writing doesnt require a computer, youngest dd , just uses notebooks, and has just started writing on a computer, she doesnt like it as much. I think pre computer she has written 10-12 novels. I have lost count now.


I'm rambling, I dont think its a huge requirement, I would say middle school b/c they have to up their typing skills and start buckling down.

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Netbooks are pretty cheap. You don't have to let it access the internet. My youngest HATED writing. Before we got the netbook at Christmas, it was like pulling teeth to get her to write more than one or two sentences. Since we got the netbook she has written a full novel (over 100 typed pages in 12-point font, single-spaced) and many Warriors fan-fiction stories (each over 20 pages in 12-point font, single-spaced).


What she hated was the physical act of writing. She LOVES composing stories and she's actually a very good writer.

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My kids are currently using my computer, but when dh and I upgrade ours it will become the kid computer. :001_smile: I'm finding the computer is needed more and more now that my oldest is a teen. He has a newsletter he's writing, much of his latin is online workbooks, history (this coming year) has many references to various sites for more information, and his vocabulary program is on-line. I believe it's safe to say, we'll need a computer assigned for children's needs by highschool. It would be nice to have it for middle school, but it wasn't an issue while all my children were elementary age.

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I used to hate writing on the computer, too. The yr before dh & I married, we were taking an English class together, & it made him nuts how much time it took me to write, rewrite, & eventually type my papers.


Once he convinced me to *write* them on the computer, I did actually get a lot more done, enjoyed the process more, & suddenly insisted I needed a laptop, lol.


Does a person *need* a computer to write? Of course not! But if a reluctant writer finds that they actually enjoy the process w/out the pencil...that's pretty compelling, imo. And I'm pretty anti-appliances when it comes to school.


Angie, I was actually thinking a netbook. Everything ds wants to do could be done on one of those, I think. There are a couple of games we let him play occasionally, but we own those. There are probably some math game sites I'd sort-of like him to be able to access, but...eh. Not that big a deal.


So would something like a netbook be...a good idea if not absolutely necessary...in 4th g? 6th? I'd think by 7th or 8th, some kind of computer would be necessary, but then there's the question of whether it should be the family computer or if another one would be a good idea. Hmm....

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I wouldn't get a net book for the kids. I think that the small price difference between a laptop and a netbook isn't worth the lack of a cd drive and small computing capacity. I would get the kids a basic notebook. That way it isn't stuck on a desk, and they can use it for whatever you would like. They can listen to CD, watch DVDs, do computer lessons, type/write/edit/revise, and play on line. If it is only a kid computer you can max out all the parent controls, set the homepage to a kid safe search engine, and I think there are even programs that can monitor and limit the amount of time they spend on it.

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Just a few ideas....


I would reccomend a computer with a full size keyboard - especially if learning how to type. Many laptops and netbooks have very small keyboards.


Even if you aren't worried about ds going somewhere on purpose inappropriately online - the amount of stuff that will pop up on a basic Google search is frightening, and I heghly recommend some sort of internet parental controls (we use Norton Family Online - free and has a lot of options).


As for what age, mine were starting to use a computer for schoolwork around 9 or 10.

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Just a few ideas....


I would reccomend a computer with a full size keyboard - especially if learning how to type. Many laptops and netbooks have very small keyboards.


Even if you aren't worried about ds going somewhere on purpose inappropriately online - the amount of stuff that will pop up on a basic Google search is frightening, and I heghly recommend some sort of internet parental controls (we use Norton Family Online - free and has a lot of options).


As for what age, mine were starting to use a computer for schoolwork around 9 or 10.


Oh, sorry; I meant I'm not worried right now because he doesn't use the internet. I mean...the button is there to open Explorer, & I'm sure he could figure it out, given enough unsupervised time & curiosity, but I'm not worried about *that* at this point.


As far as google searches, I don't even do those for the kids for school while they're over my shoulder. I pull up what I want & then show them. Unfortunately, I've found (not the hard way, thankfully) that that's probably best.

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Because Dh is a computer freak....Our kids have been using computers since they were about 3-5 yrs old.


Ds15 started using computer for nearly all his writing in 4th grade. He was in ps and got an IEP for autism.


All our kids have been in ps (K-8th grade for Ds#1 and Dd, and younger two still in ps) they have been using computers in school starting in kindergarten.


IMO, kids do need a computer now days for education. They need to be knowledgable and comfortable using a computer. I think a laptop or desktop is best. The minis and netbooks don't have CD drives (that I know of) and for the price, they are limited in memory, etc. My laptop cost me $450 and I love it.


I have my laptop (other than me, only Dh is allowed to touch it, and he rarely does-LOL),

Dh has a mini laptop,

Dh has a desktop (in basement),

Kids have a desktop (in living room).


We also have another computer that is hooked up to our large screen TV that we use to watch TV/movies, and use magic jack for phone service.


Kids can use Dh's desktop and theirs anytime for educational stuff. We don't allow video/computer games except from Friday 4pm through bedtime Sunday.


15yr old Ds is saving up money to buy himself a laptop. But we will likely buy him one in another year (if he graduates high school by then). We buy the kids their own laptop or desktop when they head off to college.

Edited by AnitaMcC
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I think kids need computers about the time you're ready to upgrade your laptop. ;) At least that's how it worked in our house. Ds was probably 10 when he got his own, the hand me down from dad. We still use my laptop for some DVDs, but I'm the one operating it.

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I think kids need computers about the time you're ready to upgrade your laptop. ;) At least that's how it worked in our house. Ds was probably 10 when he got his own, the hand me down from dad. We still use my laptop for some DVDs, but I'm the one operating it.


Well, I used my last one until the screen died; then dh took notes on it blind & downloaded them to the desktop for review. It's so slow & buggy now, it can't handle the internet.


My conclusion on that front has been...when you're a novice, it's really nice to have a machine that works. But we do, technically, have frankentop in the living room w/ a spare monitor hooked up to it, if anybody gets truly desperate. Dh suggested letting the kids have that one. :glare:

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Since DH teaches computer classes at both the high school and university, DS has been on a laptop since he was 3. DH replaces his laptop about every 15-18 months and they get passed down to me and then from me to DS


We use Net Nanny as DS very quickly figured out the Internet. :eek: (He had the Rice Krispies box by his computer and was typing in the address to get a prize!) He uses educational games, both CD and online. His laptop is positioned right next to mine and used more like a desktop. He has a full size keyboard and mouse.


For the summer, DS has been using Mavis Beacon to learn typing. It is amazing how quickly the littles pick up something that would take much longer when they got older.


I think it is important for our children to be comfortable on a computer. We have preschools around us that have the children already on desktops. It is an essential skill in this day and age.

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Theoretically, never. My kids started using computers by age 6. For the oldest it was out of necessity. He had/continues to have severe fine motor issues. He did OT for 2.5 years twice a week because of this. We worked on handwriting, but around 6, maybe 7 I taught him to touch type. Learning to type was not easier for him than learning handwriting, but the end result was people could read his work. At 15 he is an accurate typist with decent speed (90wpm).


If you aren't doing online school, I don't think it's "necessary" to have a computer until high school, but I think preferably middle school. I would think it would be good to have a computer for a year before taking an online course, so if you think you will start that in middle school, back up a year. I think it's important for kids to be thoroughly familiar with multiple computer applications before they graduate.

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