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Prayer Request (DD29 & Her DH) (cc-obviously)

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Our family SO very much covets your prayers for our dear son in law, Chris. Tomorrow, he has an interview for an excellent position here in northern Virginia - the position is with his current employer, a large defense contractor. Sil has been on a contract for this employer for 2.5 years and the contract was lost in a re-compete. Translation: He is unemployed as of 7/20.:w00t:


He has been to San Francisco for an interview (he is by profession a Gymnastics Coach - an award winning Gymnastics Coach) and was offered a job there. He and dd declined the offer due to distance - dd is chronically ill with Lyme Disease and it would be a real hardship for them to be so far away with no support system.


He has been to Chicago for an interview and has been offered that position as well (Gymnastic Coach) but the gym owner has been less than pleasant to deal with during the negotiation phase which sends flags up to both sil and my dd as they are somewhat unwilling to move even that distance and have an unreasonable gym owner waiting for them.


And, yes, it does come down to the fact that they do truly want to stay here in northern Virginia (pointing to the fact that I am probably not THAT bad of MIL ;)..........OUCH! I hurt myself patting myself on the back).


So, as he has been doing since he learned of the lay-off, sil has been applying to internal positions at his present employer.


Yesterday afternoon, he received a phone call from HR and he has an interview tomorrow for an excellent career position (sil has an undergrad degree and has almost completed his Masters) in HR.


I know that we have some really faithful prayer warriors out there so I am asking for your prayers for Chris - he and my daughter have great peace about staying here in Va and alot of turmoil about leaving - and they have been in prayer about 'where' they should go for months.


And just to show what a great young man Chris is, read on: I am volunteering at the Northern Virginia Home Educator's Conference this Friday and Saturday (I have volunteered to sit at the Royal Fireworks Press booth - come by and say hi). I am able to enter the Expo Center at 7am on Friday and from 7am - 11am, I am able to get the booth 'set up.' Chris has offered to meet me there at 7am and do the set up for me. I was SO touched by his offer - THAT is the kind of young man he is.


Thank you in advance for your prayers. I will update. :grouphug:

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Ooooooooh, I will be praying for the NoVa job, Big P. God knows where your dear kids should be and He will give them the right job at the right time. Can we pray this is it?


And due to your 'condition' I would suggest getting one of these:

4608967.png I don't want you to continue to hurt or strain yourself, especially with all of those sales your going to make this weekend.

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Ooooooooh, I will be praying for the NoVa job, Big P. God knows where your dear kids should be and He will give them the right job at the right time. Can we pray this is it?


And due to your 'condition' I would suggest getting one of these:

4608967.png I don't want you to continue to hurt or strain yourself, especially with all of those sales your going to make this weekend.


Thank you so much, D.A. I am getting SO nervous about this weekend. I still have not had a response from T (I emailed him). I am going to do the typical Big Penguin thing and just trust that everything will be there when I arrive on Friday morning at '0-dark-thirty.' :glare: Oh, yes, and also show up with EVERYTHING you suggested!

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oh, I so know the feeling of following peace and trying to stay wanting to stay in God's will! God will lead, and God will provide!!! I pray that he gets a job in VA so your family can be together and support one another.


Go ahead and pat your back. Just don't knock the wind out of yourself. It's hard to catch a breath in this heat. ;)

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I will be praying for your sil.....he sounds like a sweetheart. We also live in nova and know that the job 'thing' here is unique. ( I should be at the NOVA conference on Friday afternoon- my friend, Leigh, is speaking......so I will seek out your booth.)

Wherever God sends these young people, He will provide for them. I know this not only because it's in His word, but we've lived it and know it's true.

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I will be praying for your sil.....he sounds like a sweetheart. We also live in nova and know that the job 'thing' here is unique. ( I should be at the NOVA conference on Friday afternoon- my friend, Leigh, is speaking......so I will seek out your booth.)

Wherever God sends these young people, He will provide for them. I know this not only because it's in His word, but we've lived it and know it's true.


Thank you so much!

And, I look forward to meeting you on Friday! I cannot believe that it is already July and this Conference finally going to happen!

See you then, and thanks for your prayers and wise words.:)

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