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Gus, Secular, Other Roll/Poll Call

If you consider your self to be secular or GUS, which option 'applies' to you?  

  1. 1. If you consider your self to be secular or GUS, which option 'applies' to you?

    • Atheist
    • Agnostic
    • Pagan
    • Non Pagan GUS
    • Agnostic Atheist
    • Deist
    • Theist
    • Agnostic Theist
    • Pantheist
    • Other

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I answered too quickly. {facepalm} I consider myself an agnostic atheist, not a "strong" atheist (I don't think I can know there is no god, but I don't believe in one because the odds are so small given the evidence.)


I completely agree.


I voted atheist. FWIW all the atheists I have met agree to the above quote. I'm not saying there aren't any atheists who will go so far as to say, "I have empirical evidence that there is no god. I'm just not showing you so :tongue_smilie:." I'm just saying that there seem to be a lot of atheists who say something along the lines of, "Ok, well obviously I can't really KNOW, but I just really don't think there is a god."

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I voted atheist. FWIW all the atheists I have met agree to the above quote. I'm not saying there aren't any atheists who will go so far as to say, "I have empirical evidence that there is no god. I'm just not showing you so :tongue_smilie:." I'm just saying that there seem to be a lot of atheists who say something along the lines of, "Ok, well obviously I can't really KNOW, but I just really don't think there is a god."
I agree. #7 on Dawkins' scale is pretty rare.


I think most people who aren't atheists assume that when you call yourself an atheist that you are really saying, "I am so sure that you are wrong about God and that I am right!" and then they use that assumption to see all atheists as arrogant. :tongue_smilie:

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I think most people who aren't atheists assume that when you call yourself an atheist that you are really saying, "I am so sure that you are wrong about God and that I am right!" and then they use that assumption to see all atheists as arrogant. :tongue_smilie:


Arrogant? Nah, I usually think they are lazy. Too lazy to figure out a more descriptive set of personal labels.




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Sheesh, it's lucky that subscribing oneself to a label isn't compulsory!

Cause it's all getting rather complicated. :lol:


I would say I'm a 5 or 6 on that scale, probably 5.8 or thereabouts. I don't believe in anything supernatural: god(s), goddess(es), the FSM, angels, faeries, astrology, santa, holy spirits, ghosts, homeopathy, etc etc. But by "don't believe", I am not saying that I am certain these things are not true. Just that I have not seen sufficient evidence to believe that there is any likelihood of them being true, so I will assume they are not for the time being. I am open to changing my belief if somebody makes a compelling case for them with good reliable evidence and fallacy-free logic.

Edited by Hotdrink
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But by "don't believe", I am not saying that I am certain these things are not true. Just that I have not seen sufficient evidence to believe that there is any likelihood of them being true, so I will assume they are not for the time being. I am open to changing my belief if somebody makes a compelling case for them with good reliable evidence and fallacy-free logic.


I thought the idea of ghosts was too ridiculous to be believed in, until I encountered one. Now I still think it is a ridiculous idea but it would be more ridiculous not to believe in it since I've seen one, so I'm obliged to believe. I'm still mildly irritated by that...



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I agree. #7 on Dawkins' scale is pretty rare.


I think most people who aren't atheists assume that when you call yourself an atheist that you are really saying, "I am so sure that you are wrong about God and that I am right!" and then they use that assumption to see all atheists as arrogant. :tongue_smilie:


It's interesting that even Dawkins' scale starts from a core assumption about theism---that the only possible one worth talking about is monotheism. Most folks I have met who identify as atheists really strike me as mostly a-monotheists---the God they don't believe in is the Abrahamic one.


I like Terry Pratchett's quote from Witches Abroad (disclaimer---I am not a witch of any sort, despite identifying as Neopagan, but I agree with the sentiment *g*): "Most witches don’t believe in gods. They know that the gods exist, of course. They even deal with them occasionally. But they don’t believe in them. They know them too well. It would be like believing in the postman." (my italics added as this is the way I hear it in my head when I read it)

Edited by KarenNC
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I generally prefer secular curriculum - particularly when it comes to science. Yet, I do believe in God and in all the major religions. We're Baha'is. Perhaps I shouldn't even be posting on this thread :001_huh:.
It seems that way, but theists are a poll option... I started out thinking I needed all secular materials but I am finding that I can adapt. Edited by Lovedtodeath
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That is an interesting idea, not believing in a particular god. Isn't that kind of like saying I'd like fruit salad without cream instead of without ice-cream?


I'm not sure I'm totally getting your meaning. To expand on what I said, by virtue of being a polytheist, I am also an a-monotheist (or atheist by Dawkins' scale). I don't believe that a singular omniscient, omnipotent, omnipresent, omnibenevolent God who designed, created and directs all things exists, either. That doesn't make me atheist, though. By most folks' definition, the problem is not that I don't have a God, it's that I have too many of Them.;)

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We're Baha'is. Perhaps I shouldn't even be posting on this thread :001_huh:.


I don't suppose you fit into the category we were discussing, but I don't believe anyone has been damaged by reading your post. ;)


Post where you like, Love. Others do. (:o)



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Originally Posted by Negin in Grenada viewpost.gif

I generally prefer secular curriculum - particularly when it comes to science. Yet, I do believe in God and in all the major religions. We're Baha'is. Perhaps I shouldn't even be posting on this thread :001_huh:.






:confused::confused::confused: huh? Why shouldn't she be posting here any more than the rest of us that believe in something but that use secular curriculum? My own beliefs have a great deal of overlap with the Baha'i's (at least what I understand of them).

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I'm not sure I'm totally getting your meaning. To expand on what I said, by virtue of being a polytheist, I am also an a-monotheist (or atheist by Dawkins' scale). I don't believe that a singular omniscient, omnipotent, omnipresent, omnibenevolent God who designed, created and directs all things exists, either. That doesn't make me atheist, though. By most folks' definition, the problem is not that I don't have a God, it's that I have too many of Them.;)

Most atheists I've talked to say they believe in 'one less god' than Christians/etc. I don't believe in ANY gods/goddesses/unicorns/fairies/goblins/orbiting tea cups/etc.

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I voted other. I suppose within the parameters of the poll and using Geek's handy chart I would be an agnostic pantheist. At least today. I try to switch off periodically, just to make sure all my bases are covered. According to dh next week it is time to strongly consider the existence of Mumbo Jumbo God of the Congo, and pay all dues owed to Him.


Also, who is this Borg person people keep referring to, and should I even bother with resistance?




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My ideas and faith are based only on my own experiences.....I do not know if there is a name for that.


I try to practice reverence for anything I find positive or beautiful.


I'm attracted to the ideas of the Eightfold Path and mindfulness, but not a practicing Buddhist.




Mostly I'm just here.

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I don't suppose you fit into the category we were discussing, but I don't believe anyone has been damaged by reading your post. ;)

Post where you like, Love. Others do. (:o)



Rosie, btw, love your siggy quote. ;)

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I like Terry Pratchett's quote from Witches Abroad (disclaimer---I am not a witch of any sort, despite identifying as Neopagan, but I agree with the sentiment *g*): "Most witches don’t believe in gods. They know that the gods exist, of course. They even deal with them occasionally. But they don’t believe in them. They know them too well. It would be like believing in the postman." (my italics added as this is the way I hear it in my head when I read it)


Oh I just love this!! Ha! Perfect. (Adding this book to my reading list... I love Terry Pratchett.)

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Oh I just love this!! Ha! Perfect. (Adding this book to my reading list... I love Terry Pratchett.)


Honestly, I find him one of the most powerful religious thinkers, even if it is all cloaked comic fantasy. The Hogfather is a particularly good one, IMO.

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Honestly, I find him one of the most powerful religious thinkers, even if it is all cloaked comic fantasy. The Hogfather is a particularly good one, IMO.


I was going to start a thread saying "if you love the Dresden Files, then you'll love..." to look for recommendations for fantasy fiction that is fun to read and also speaks to my spiritual beliefs. I think working through some Terry Pratchett might be just the ticket! Thanks for the reminder. :D

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I voted other. I suppose within the parameters of the poll and using Geek's handy chart I would be an agnostic pantheist. At least today. I try to switch off periodically, just to make sure all my bases are covered. According to dh next week it is time to strongly consider the existence of Mumbo Jumbo God of the Congo, and pay all dues owed to Him.
I like your husband.


Also, who is this Borg person people keep referring to, and should I even bother with resistance?





No. Don't bother. Resistance is, indeed, futile.
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