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Open and go curriculm for K4 and K/1?


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I'm a little overwhelmed planning for my older dd's. I know I need to get more of a plan for my youngers, or it just won't get done. I'd love something with daily lesson plans already made. I'm having to work so hard on the older girls' lesson plans. I need something easy. I don't want to have to read or prepare too much. I'm doing TOG with the older girls and can choose LG books to read to them. I really just need the basics with maybe some art and fun thrown in. I could plan it myself, but know I won't. I'm already tired!


Thanks for any suggestions.:001_smile:

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Thank you ladies!


I am doing some searching. I have good stuff. I'm just tired and frustrated. I really need a plan or it doesn't get done. I may get to it. I have some RSG for the Code books. I have Phonics Pathways, MUS videos, and want MM1. I think I can do it. I'm just tired and looking for an easy way out.:glare::glare:


I need to set out daily lesson plans or I will leave my littles behind. I was great with my older ones, but now that I am overwhelmed with 4, I don't do nearly as much with my little ones as I did with my older ones when they were little.


I never had a lesson plan for little ones before, but I think I need one now.

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I'll second HOD's Little Hearts for His Glory. Very little prep, very engaging. Plus, you can use whatever phonics and math you want with it, so if you already have something you like you can stick with it. Are you concerned about planning math and phonics? For me we usually just do what's next in the book and I look ahead every week or so to make sure I know where we're headed and get games and other extras ready. So my math lesson plan is "do lesson 29." But we're using RightStart, which is scripted. But even with Phonics Pathways--I just keep a bookmark where we are and pick back up there the next time.

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I vote for FIAR! It is very open and go. It takes no more than 30 minutes per day and covers social studies, language arts, art, math and science. You can combine the 2 kids so you can do it together. It is all you need for K/4, except that you may want to do some phonics, too. Your 6yo will need math, too.


My dd learned so much from it. And she loved it so much that we are still doing it even though the school year is over.

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Thanks ladies. I will have to give HOD and FIAR another look. I just need to find a way to make sure things get done with my little ones. I gave my older two so much more attention and worked with them so much more. Teaching my younger two seems to be squeezed in here and there. Maybe my issue is more one of scheduling.:glare::001_smile:

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For K4, check out The Learning Box preschool. LOVE LOVE LOVE it! Very arts & crafts focused, but covers all the basics well. And everything is included. You open the month's curriculum guide to Day 1, open the baggie for Day 1, and go.

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:iagree: I have to agree with the previous posters who recommended HOD. You will feel like you're "cheating", it will be so easy to give your little ones a great, wholesome curriculum tailored to suit each of their needs and yours! It is very open and go, giving you a chance to just enjoy teaching them and not worrying about scheduling everything in. Each day of plans can be spread over a day or done in one sitting. The author has already done all of the leg work for you and you get to reap the benefits!! :)


I only wish that we could have started out our older kids with this curriculum! It's great! :)


If you have questions about anything, hop on over to the HOD message boards. There are a lot of great ladies over there that are very willing and knowledgeable to help you.


Blessings as you decide!



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Thanks ladies. I will have to give HOD and FIAR another look. I just need to find a way to make sure things get done with my little ones. I gave my older two so much more attention and worked with them so much more. Teaching my younger two seems to be squeezed in here and there. Maybe my issue is more one of scheduling.:glare::001_smile:


I understand the feeling :grouphug:.


I just wanted to remind you that your littles aren't growing up in the same family that your older 2 did, and that's okay. Your older girls didn't have older siblings to dote on them and read to them and play with them, but your littles do. Your littlest girl won't have a younger sibling pester her while she's trying to work, and that's okay, too. The littles also won't be your guinea pigs...think of all you will have learned by the time you're done with your olders! Carve out a time to teach your littles, but try to stop comparing what you did with your olders to what you're doing with your littles. It's okay if you do things differently.

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Thank you ladies!


I am doing some searching. I have good stuff. I'm just tired and frustrated. I really need a plan or it doesn't get done. I may get to it. I have some RSG for the Code books. I have Phonics Pathways, MUS videos, and want MM1. I think I can do it. I'm just tired and looking for an easy way out.:glare::glare:


I need to set out daily lesson plans or I will leave my littles behind. I was great with my older ones, but now that I am overwhelmed with 4, I don't do nearly as much with my little ones as I did with my older ones when they were little.


I never had a lesson plan for little ones before, but I think I need one now.


Boy am I right with you. I am having the hardest time getting motivated to school my 4 & 6yo's. I completely flaked on K for my now 6yo, so we will be doing K this year with him. (In my defense, we did have a very difficult year with family issues that made it hard for me to focus on homeschooling.) I ordered BJU K for him and am just going to have my 4yo listen to the lessons and do some PreK worksheets as he requests.

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Have you looked at MFW? Their K program is, bar none, the best I've seen. It's very easy to use and doesn't take much time at all. MFW has a great message board with lots of fun ideas if you want to add in crafts and such. They do have plenty of activities, but before I had Schmooey, we had time for other fun things.


Also, you could combine MFW 1 for history and science, and give them their own LA. MFW 1 includes math for both grades. I thought the K math was excellent, but had a hard time teaching their 1st grade math. In retrospect, my dd1 is a late bloomer with math and needed a MUCH slower pace.


The only thing about MFW is you do need trips to the library. I ended up getting tons and tons of books used, so can to K out of my house. Not as many for 1; not sure why. They do use a lot of picture books for their 1st grade math, which can be harder to find if you don't have a great library. There is always something that will work, though, if you KWIM.


Your older 2 are old enough to help the youngers a bit, if you wanted them to do that. Just whispering that in your ear... :D

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