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Weight Loss Question ????

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Has anyone successfully used Jenny Craig to get the first 20lbs off then resume preparing meals yourself?

I swore I would never use one of these programs but DH and I are past the point of needing to lose weight --it's time for action! We both need to part with 40 pounds --my first confession!:tongue_smilie:

What has been your experience? I know I need to learn about portion control but is Jenny worth it?


Dina :001_smile:

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I looked into these types of programs when I needed a jump start. My BIL/SIL did Nutri-System and told me that really it was all about portion control. After a couple months (where they did lose weight!), they decided to apply what they'd learned about portions on their own. They're doing fine!


I started Weight Watchers a while back because I just couldn't go with pre-packaged foods. I just don't eat that way. But, with WW I can eat whatever I want - I just have to watch quantity/points. It's VERY easy.


Anyway, I'm at my original goal weight. But, I've revised my goal weight down another 10 pounds. I'm currently working on that!!!


Good luck!

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I've been doing WW for the last 17 weeks. I did it for the accountability of the weigh in. It was also good to have some boundaries with my eating (i.e. points allowance etc.) I did o.k. but struggled a lot because I am an emotional eater. I only lost about 12 pounds. However, about 2 weeks ago I started to eat a lot "healthier" foods. By that I mean food that isn't processed. After the first couple of days I felt sooooooo good and full of energy that I just kept on eating this way. Now, after only 2 weeks, my clothes are starting to get very loose and I'm really starting to see a difference and I feel a lot better. I'm not saying it is for everyone, but It sure has helped me. I don't really count my points anymore. Just try to stay away from things with white flour, chemicals etc. So I eat mostly fruit, vegetables and chicken. I use "Ezekiel" bread....it's expensive but so worth it. I don't feel deprived because I really like all the food that I eat. I will always struggle with using food to "cope" with life, but I have noticed such a huge difference in the amount of times I am tempted to use food for this reason. I can't help but think it is all related somehow. This has been my experience. Hope that helps.

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I highly recommend checking out www.sparkpeople.com

I am calorie counting and have lost 25 lbs (as of this morning). I track my nutrition on their site and you learn to make your calories count and not "spend" them on poor food selections. I have not tracked my fitness, but loosing weight is more about what you eat (and don't eat) than it is about exercise...it's all about calorie in (and calories burned--that's the exercise part). But the bottom line is if you eat the correct number of calories you should lose weight.


Good luck!!!! I know it's hard, but if I can do it, anyone can!!! I still have a LONG way to go but it's nice to get that first 25 off!

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I second Weight Watchers! I have lost 17 lbs in 4 months and (including 3 lbs on vacation.) Weight Watchers is not about "being on a diet" but about making lifestyle changes that are for the long term. Too many of the programs out there use drastic calorie reduction that are not sustainable long-term. I have to say that I was very grumpy in the first 2 weeks trying to figure out how to make this work for me, but since then, I am only hungry-grumpy at expected times (PMS) and have made smarter eating and portion control a part of my life. 13 more pounds to go!


ETA: I tried spark people, and, while it is a great program, it did not address so much why I was overeating. For me, the meetings have been so helpful. As I am a nutrition nut, I really have not learned anything new, but it has reinforced the important points and the support is fantastic. Then again, one of my love languages is "words of affirmation" and WW has plenty of that:).

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Jenny Craig is way over priced and, depending upon your age, the sugar content in the meals is not good. I have done it twice: once to get that baby fat off and then again 16 years later... The second time was a huge disappointment in terms of customer service via the direct program. I realize the company was sold but it really turned me off forever to the outfit. WW and Sparkpeople are both great.



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I am considering joining, because I have 30-35 pounds to lose. I exercise consistently, but so do I eat. (I do have to say running/walking 3 miles a day and not having the scale budge is frustrating!)


But, what is the routine? Can you give me an example of your week and what the program does for you? How often do you weigh in and do you do classes, etc.? Thanks.

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For me, this is how WW works.


I go to a meeting each week. I weigh in. The staff is very supportive and private. They encourage, celebrate my victories. After that, a leader, who has personally lost weight on WW, leads a discussion on a topic of the week (like staying on plan while on vacation, for example.) I am free to share my weekly success with the group ... or not. Many people who come to the meetings eat lots of WW products, but I don't. I try not to eat highly processed foods, and sometimes get annoyed with the suggestions people come up with. Okay, I am a food snob, but that is another story:). But, the people are supportive (not in a corny way, but the positive atmosphere is encouraging.)


During the week, I try to track what I eat. I can either use the e-tools or just track on paper. I also track my activity. For me, trying to stay within my daily points plus my activity points with just a little over has been successful. Others work differently. In the early weeks, when I didn't track, I wasn't as successful. I got better at it and saw the needle move on the scale. I can't say I track as much as I should, but I have developed good habits - portion control and making better choices (than the whole cereal box.)


Some people do only e-tools, but I don't see how that would be different than SparkPeople. I think the meetings are important - at least they are important for me.

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I highly recommend checking out www.sparkpeople.com

I am calorie counting and have lost 25 lbs (as of this morning). I track my nutrition on their site and you learn to make your calories count and not "spend" them on poor food selections. I have not tracked my fitness, but loosing weight is more about what you eat (and don't eat) than it is about exercise...it's all about calorie in (and calories burned--that's the exercise part). But the bottom line is if you eat the correct number of calories you should lose weight.


Good luck!!!! I know it's hard, but if I can do it, anyone can!!! I still have a LONG way to go but it's nice to get that first 25 off!


I am going to second calorie counting. All the programs out there - some good some not- are not the answer. The bottom line is eat less and move more. I use www.fitday.com to track my calories. I weigh and measure everything and have lost 23 pounds in the last 9 weeks. Weighing and meausring teaches you what a serving really looks like. I hear a lot of overweight people say "I really don't eat that much." Well, yes we do. I was shocked to find out what ONE serving of pasta looked like!


Counting calories is FREEDOM. I can eat what I want and don't have forbidden foods because I can work them into my day if I want to.


www.fitday.com and www.sparkpeople.com also have calorie calculators so you know how many calories you are allowed per day for your height, weight and age.

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Love sparkpeople. Check out the tools, visit blogs and message boards and you'll find it's all you need unless you specifically want ready made food and even then there are "teams" for Jenny Craig and other programs.

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