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citronella candles

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Have you tried the Off Clip Ons? They're pricey, but we used them at the ball field this year and they work very well.



Maybe instead of corsages we could all have a bug repellent clip on! :smilielol5:


No, I haven't tried those. I've wondered about them though. I need to ask the proprietress (wedding will be held in the yard of a B & B) if she sprays prior to events. Maybe I'll do the luminaries anyway... just for looks.


Would you use white bags or bags in the wedding colors?

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Citronella only works if you are in the plume of smoke from it. If your front side is in the plume, they will still bite your back side. LOL



This ineffectiveness, coupled with how many people are very, very intolerant to the stench, gets a big....nope, from me. I know a lot of people get headaches from them.




I would stock up on some odorless mosquito repellent and keep extra cans around if anyone wants it. Maybe a selection of natural and Deet based would be nice.

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The people that make those clip ons, also make a table top 'lantern' which looks like a lantern with a candle inside, but is actually a strip of bug repellent run by battery. When I googled I found lots of different styles. We have something that looks a little bit like this only our lantern looks more traditional.



Edited by OrganicAnn
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