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S/O question regarding pantsless Christians.

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Otherwise, an attractive woman is an attractive woman. A man will find it so no matter what she's wearing.


:iagree: I'm not dressing provocatively by wearing pants and a shirt that doesn't completely mask my feminine shape. It's not my job to control the thoughts and actions of others (including men who may find me attractive). I'm not running around in skin-tight anything, but I feel (and look, imo) fat and ugly in clothes that aren't tailored. I dress modestly, which for me means shirts always have at least short sleeves, no cleavage, not skin-tight, no belly showing, shorts/skirts to the knee or longer. I do like my clothes to fit me, though, so you will see that I am a woman (boobs, waist, hips). ;)


Most women look bad in pants, including me.


That's a great illustration about how subjective fashion can be. ;) I completely disagree. I think properly fitting pants (please no tapered legs! :tongue_smilie:) are more flattering for most people. :)

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:iagree: I'm not dressing provocatively by wearing pants and a shirt that doesn't completely mask my feminine shape. It's not my job to control the thoughts and actions of others (including men who may find me attractive). I'm not running around in skin-tight anything, but I feel (and look, imo) fat and ugly in clothes that aren't tailored. I dress modestly, which for me means shirts always have at least short sleeves, no cleavage, not skin-tight, no belly showing, shorts/skirts to the knee or longer. I do like my clothes to fit me, though, so you will see that I am a woman (boobs, waist, hips). ;)




That's a great illustration about how subjective fashion can be. ;) I completely disagree. I think properly fitting pants (please no tapered legs! :tongue_smilie:) are more flattering for most people. :)


I have to agree.

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Me too. I look better in pants and a top versus a skirt which just accentuates my already short waste and makes me look frumpy. Being big busted, dresses are out of the question unless I want to resemble a tent. I don't. Nor do I want to be asked when I'm due just because I have to buy a dress 1-2 sizes larger to accomodate my bust line. Ugh. I'll stick with pants, thanks. Although now that my legs have been taken over by nasty spider veins, I only wear capris.

Nothin' against folks who wear only dresses though. It takes all kinds to make the world spin.

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I'm not remotely a dresses-only gal, but I have been appreciating much more how pretty a skort or casual skirt looks compared with shorts. Shorts look excessively casual to me anymore (said though I wear them, because I cannot go replace my entire wardrobe!) and since I wear them longer (bermuda-length), they really do look kinda man-ish to me. :glare: Another good thing about skirts or skorts is that the fit isn't as succeptable to fluctuations in thigh-chunkiness. ;) Seriously, time-of-the-month can render otherwise perfectly good shorts unwearable, but skirts or skorts pose no such issue. I love, love, love my casual skirts and skorts! I would wear them all summer if I could afford it.


I wear skirts to church almost always. Only if the weather is extremely cold or rainy do I do otherwise. I like it. :001_smile: I don't think it makes me more spiritual or anything, I just like feeling girly.

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That's a great illustration about how subjective fashion can be. ;) I completely disagree. I think properly fitting pants (please no tapered legs! :tongue_smilie:) are more flattering for most people. :)


If you are a "normally" shaped woman that may very well be true. I have a belly - a big belly that leads people to ask me when I'm due. A dress (not even a skirt) helps to streamline my shape. I'm sure for some body types a skirt would be better. . . or pants in a certain style. . .

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There are those that are very dictatorish about it.


For instance there was a group here that was going to a public campground (I think it was a campground..was a park or some such thing at any rate) for a BBQ, pool time and so on. The leader of the group said in no uncertain terms (think bold, italic and underlined) that girls could only wear one piece suits.


Now I don't consider two piece suits modest and thankfully my daughter doesn't want to wear them (humph I can't wear them...not pretty) however I would never tell someone else what they can or can't wear to a public function. That isn't my place and what kinds of clothes to wear is between the girl and her parents not the girl and a leader of a group. Granted there are extremes. I mean dixie cups and dental floss suits shouldn't be allowed no matter what but...we are talking extremes there.


Some may not agree with me but I am just too much of a rebel to have others dictate like that. (This same person would fuss at me because my thick strapped nursing bras would show under my tank top straps:glare:) I can't stand it when they do. Which is why we aren't part of the group anymore :)


Anyone else thinking of Borat's one-piece right now?

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I don't want to get in trouble on here, either...but I just can't resist.


If women are forced to wear skirts/dresses for religious reasons, why aren't men forced to follow the appearance requirements for Orthodox Jews? You can't pick and choose what part of the Old Testament you want to adhere too, right? Why not just follow it all?


Why not completely cover women from head to toe, so men have absolutely, positively NO opportunity to become aroused by the form of women.


And why are men and women sitting together in the pews during our service? Don't they know something could happen?


There's nothing in Jesus' Sermon on the Mount that says women can only wear calf-length denim skirts from Wal-Mart.


I apologize. If you need to ban me, go ahead. I understand.


Might I add the following? If one were really going to follow the OT's law and not cherry-pick, you would have to...


1. Stop eating any shellfish.

2. Stop eating cheeseburgers or any milk/meat mixture.

3. Two words: NO BACON.

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Might I add the following? If one were really going to follow the OT's law and not cherry-pick, you would have to...


1. Stop eating any shellfish.

2. Stop eating cheeseburgers or any milk/meat mixture.

3. Two words: NO BACON.


Bacon cheeseburger, yummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.

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:iagree: I'm not dressing provocatively by wearing pants and a shirt that doesn't completely mask my feminine shape. It's not my job to control the thoughts and actions of others (including men who may find me attractive). I'm not running around in skin-tight anything, but I feel (and look, imo) fat and ugly in clothes that aren't tailored. I dress modestly, which for me means shirts always have at least short sleeves, no cleavage, not skin-tight, no belly showing, shorts/skirts to the knee or longer. I do like my clothes to fit me, though, so you will see that I am a woman (boobs, waist, hips). ;)



:iagree: I LIKE the feminine shape. I ENJOY being a woman and I am not dressing in a formless potato sack because guys can't keep their own thoughts pure. I do not dressy slutty but I do not try to erase all evidence that I am a woman either. I will not be blamed because they have lust issues.

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I've actually come to the conclusion that dressing in a less conservative way actually draws less attention to me and my body. I'm a size 12 (and short- so that's not a good thing). I've been sweating myself crazy in the south wearing capris and short sleeved shirts even when outside for several hours.


You know what? It's hot out there and everyone else is wearing short shorts and tank tops. My conservative dress (by my standards) really makes me stand out like a sore thumb. Plus, it's hot! So a couple of weekends ago I decided I was going to wear longish shorts and a tank top. In spite of my fat arms and knees I felt so much better about myself and so much less self conscious and so much cooler.


That's not really a good example but I think there is a point at which dressing outside the norm draws so much extra attention to you that it defeats the purpose. My chubby size 12 butt isn't going to draw anyone's attention in a skirted tankini at the pool but if I was wearing something that covered everything up I would get all sorts of looking.


I got brave and wore a spaghetti strap tank the other day. It was layered over a strapless bra and another tank. It was really okay. I know I got less attention than if I had a long sleeved shirt on in 95 degree weather.


I realize I'm kind of off topic but I've actually become less conservative and feeling pretty good about it (and haven't felt any unwelcome attention from men).


If I had a smokin' body I think I'd be more aware of it. That's not the case here and not the case for most 35 yo and up moms :) I certainly know that some of you fit that category though.


I'm for whatever makes you feel good about yourself and confortable without showing the world all your business. For some of you that is clearly very conservative dress. For me, a little less conservative dress makes me comfortable. If I'm at ease and feeling good about myself I have much more to give to all those around me. I'm trying to accept myself for who I am at this point in my life and being overheated or trying to sit modestly in a skirt just leaves me with alot less grace to spread around.

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