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Anyone ever treat pinkeye at home?

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My ds recently had pinkeye and we ended up having to get expensive antibiotic drops to treat it. Now i have it. :glare: I would really like to just treat it without having to go see a doctor. I don't have one currently and don't want the hassle of finding one. Is there a way to treat this myself?

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I tried this just last week. I used polysporin drops, which are antibiotic but not prescription strength. I used them for a week to keep it at bay - it kept getting slightly worse, but not enough for me to want to visit that doctor. This past Saturday I ended up in the ER because I woke up in the morning with one eye literally swollen shut (I looked like an orc from Mordor or something) and a cheek that looked as though it'd been attacked by bees. I got the drops and by that night the swelling was gone and my eye was (almost) white again, but the face was purple, and anyone would have thought that I was on the wrong end of a bar fight. Next time - I'm just going to a doctor for the script. ;) It was NOT worth it, especially since I had to get the meds anyways.

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We know what it looks like so when we see it just start to flare up, we start hot compress soaks every couple hours and do an eyewash before bedtime.

I think we just get a generic eyewash, brand doesn't matter.


We haven't had to take our dc in for pinkeye since our first two were toddlers due to using these preventive measures.

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My son's oncologist told us to wash his eyes with a warm, wet rag and then get a clean warm, wet rag to lay on his eyes and wash his hands frequently. For viral infections that worked great and he was better in a day or two, but the one time that it was bacterial he ended up on eye drops.

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My son's oncologist told us to wash his eyes with a warm, wet rag and then get a clean warm, wet rag to lay on his eyes and wash his hands frequently. For viral infections that worked great and he was better in a day or two, but the one time that it was bacterial he ended up on eye drops.



That. :iagree:That's what I did. You'd know within a day if it was bacterial and could proceed accordingly. If they know your son had it, though, you could prbably just get them to call you in a Rx.

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Yep, with breastmilk! We cure any eye infection that way and it's super fast.


I tried that with my DD about a year ago and she just got awful. It ended up being the worst pink eye I've ever seen and we see it a lot here. I thought I must have made it worse but maybe she just had a breastmilk resistant bacteria! After 2 doses of the drops she cleared up very quickly. I always use the drops right away now. Our Dr gives us enough to last a while and we can just call and ask for more if they know someone else in the family has had it. They get free samples too in our office, so it doesn't hurt to ask for a sample if you can't afford the prescription. It takes so little to do a full course that 1 sample should be enough.

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ditto on the breastmilk. Fastest cure out there (I used to get pink eye all the time).


if breastmilk isn't easily available, you can use contact lens solution. It's basically just boric acid. I used to get an rx for pink eye every time, but haven't had to in at least five years now because either one of those always works.

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I've used WalMart brand triple-antibiotic ointment. It says not to put it in your eyes BUT one of their pharmacists told me long ago that it was safe to do so. I've used several times in our family and we've never had a problem AND it cleared up the infection.


In the meantime, I also do the hot compresses, etc.

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I've used WalMart brand triple-antibiotic ointment. It says not to put it in your eyes BUT one of their pharmacists told me long ago that it was safe to do so. I've used several times in our family and we've never had a problem AND it cleared up the infection.


In the meantime, I also do the hot compresses, etc.


:iagree: Our family does the same......we have some other families in our church that do the same and suggested we try it once. IT WORKED! We don't squirt in our eye, we use a q-tip doused in hot water.....usually if one of us gets it (usually around the time PS starts here which is Sept.), everyone just gets a dose of the ointment before bed to help head off any possibilities!

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