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Which DSLR camera for novice who will likely become quite serious about photography?

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We are considering a DSLR as a Christmas gift for EK (will be 16 in a few months), and I'm asking early because it will take awhile to save up enough money for a DSLR! EK absolutely LOVES photography, and has quite a knack for it. She's had a Canon A590IS for a couple of years, but she is quickly outgrowing its capabilities. We are thinking that she might want to pursue photography as a career. What would be a good (and reasonably priced--maybe up to $400???) next step for her?

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We got our dd a Nikon D90 two years ago right at Christmas. It has been an excellent investment. (She is a nut about photography too.) I don't know what current model is the equivalent, but I would suggest waiting until closer until Christmas and checking camera stores for a special package price. We were able to get the camera, a bag (not a great one, but hey), an extra lens, free memory cards, and several other items at a fantastic price. (It was lower than just the camera at Walmart! My brother got a bit miffed...)

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I would go with an entry level Nikon or Canon. The lenses are what really makes the difference, so a great add-on for years to come!


Be sure you get a fast memory card (I have a SanDisk Extreme III), an external flash, basic UV filter to protect the lens from scratches, etc.

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I love my Canon Rebel XTi--it's a terrific entry level DSLR.


http://www.bhphotovideo.com/ is a terrific place to buy cameras and gear. They are highly rated and their prices are good.


I think you can get an XTi for $450 now, since they have the newer model out. I would also get her this: http://www.amazon.com/Understanding-Exposure-Photographs-Digital-Updated/dp/0817463003/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&s=books&qid=1276742657&sr=1-1


Just a warning--if she wants to go pro, she won't be able to do it on the Rebel or the Nikon equivalent. It is a great camera to learn on, but you can only print up to about 16x20", and that's with no cropping.

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Steve's Digicams! I can't say enough about how helpful these guys were to me when I made my purchase. I have no intent of going pro in any way. I chose a Pentax model. Most pros go with Canon/Nikon because of the wide variety of lenses available. However, Pentax, Sony and Olympus have a good variety of lenses as well. It's just a matter of preference. Also, CameraLensRentals is a great way to "try before you buy", especially a pricey lens!
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A previous poster made the point about entry-level DSLRs not cutting it for pro photography, which is true. There are also some entry level lenses that are incompatible with the higher-grade bodies. So, research carefully what you really want from a DSLR before you settle on it. You'll be making an investment into a whole system and interchangability is one of the greatest advantages to DSLR systems.

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I'd go entry level Nikon or Canon. I recently got a Canon XS and have been overwhelmingly happy. I picked Canon over Nikon because I have more friends with Canons. Therefore, more people to get tips from! My understanding is the photography crowd is split almost 50/50 over which is better (with maybe a small leaning to Nikon).

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I haven't read all the replies but would definitely suggest the entry level Canon DSLRs. I am a professional portrait photographer and while I shoot with a little higher grade camera, I have a wonderful friend who is also a very successful portrait photographer and still shoots with her Rebel XTi. If you're curious what you can do with and XTi and a 50mm f/1.8 (a very inexpensive lens) check out her website:


www. somethingmephotography .com (remove the spaces)

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Always go with Canon or Nikon for someone who is working in that direction. They are the standard. They are what her teachers will be teaching from. Personally, I am a Nikon person. The one my mother bought me (non-digital) in 1981 is still working just fine thankyouverymuch. I also have a non-digital very high end SLR and a digital D5000 (a gift).


Digital evolves very quickly, as any pro photographer can tell you. And as dansamy has pointed out, you need to make sure that you do not make the mistake of getting a camera body that cannot accept higher end lenses.


Ultimately, photography is not in the camera, it is in the person. A cr@ppy photographer will take a bad picture with a $3000 camera. The person with an eye for photography will take a breathtaking photo with a throwaway point and shoot.


All of that said, your best bet is actually a used camera dealer who specializes in buying from professional photographers (who upgrade often). They are quite picky about what they buy, and you'll get more camera for your money. Peruse a big name camera place like B&H camera to get an idea of what is out there and then go to keh.com to actually buy something.






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I use Nikon all the way. Unless you are going to buy used a D90 with a lens at this time is more than $400. I just saw a new Nikon D70 with a 18-70 AF lens for $400 on Ebay. This should be fine for learning. If you make a career out of photography you will likely want more camera than that in a few years, but technology changes so much and what is top of the line now will be very outdated.

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