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How long do you keep past workbooks etc???


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I have a 7th grader and a 2nd grader. I have all of my oldest daughter's work from Kindergarten on up. How far back do you keep all of those workbooks, etc....:001_huh:


We live in Michigan if that matters in what I should do.




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I keep them until we have our yearly moderator visit. Sometimes it s awhile before I get around to chucking them out, but last holidays I did a massive clean out and it felt so good! I had garbage bags worth of stuff....things I had photocopied or printed off the computer, old workbooks...I couldnt believe how much I had collected in 5 years of hoemschooling...

I have only kept a few sentimental things, and I will keep our history notebooks, and some of the kids' best writing assignments.

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I don't keep any workbooks in their entirety. Tests or samples of work I put in a 3-ring binder by subject for each year, most, if not all, workbooks get tossed. I struggled w/this at first but now I keep only the best samples. The one thing I have kept all of is the SotW coloring, maps & projects in a giant 3-ring. Dd has fun looking back through all of it. I feel we have a sufficient amount to judge progress or present to any officials should they ask what we have been doing.

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I just tried to throw away two workbooks that my dd just finished. However, she didn't like the idea and rescued them. She has them in her bedroom and she play school with them. If it was up to me only, I would throw them away right away. I need the space. :)

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This sounds like me. :) I figure once he's in college, I'll purge. I may make some portforlio's at some point, but time escapes me. In the meantime, I've kept it all - just in case the "homeschool police" come a knockin'. I don't need to, but it just makes me feel better knowing I have proof we aren't just goofing off every day.

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I am keeping our stuff for 3 years because I read somewhere (wish I could remember where) that if we ever were audited, although unlikely, I could prove without a doubt that the work written in my planner had indeed been done. I just keep each year's work in its own box in our basement.

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I take out samples of their work from each subject & put it in a file to keep as a portfolio.


I do this too, along with each of that dc's IHIP and quarterly reports (required paperwork here in NY). I end up with a manila envelope per child per year.


When they get to high school I toss all the grade K to 6 stuff, except for the IHIPS and quarterlies.


My oldest graduated a couple years ago. I think I've gotten rid of his 7th & 8th grade envelopes except for those same two items.


I'm sure at some point I'll get rid of it all.

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I am in my second year homeschooling. I have tossed out some workbooks. I am keeping some my little ones can use as they grow older. If I didn't have them I would probably put them in my yard sale this spring!! I think it all depends on whether you think you can use the books. If not, let someone else enjoy them!!



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I have kept things just in case I'm ever called on to produce corroboration of what we've done. Sometimes I refer back to things we've used in past in helping answer questions for people, or in teaching coop classes for others. I had to pull a ton of stuff from about seventh up for creating my high school transcript, etc.


Now, I happen to have a place to store these things, or I would purge more often, but I'm keeping things for now, until he goes off to college. And when I have more time, I'll go through everything and pull out stuff to make memory books - and cry......

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I don't keep any workbooks. The only thing I save is their history notebooks because it is so fun for them to look back over them. These include their writing, their art, and pictures of them with all the projects they have done. Everything else goes right in the garbage!

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