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An Oil Spill Solution

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It is a video of two, I believe, contractors who deal with erosion. Just ordinary guys who demonstrate how a couple types of straw/hay can attract oil and then be scooped out leaving the water essentially free of oil. They have been brainstorming ways to correct the damage caused by the oil in the gulf and believe this may be part of a solution.


They submit this is simple, environmentally safe, and readily available. Some other hay will come in season in a couple of weeks, making the resource abundant. It can be sprayed onto the water and then scooped with shrimping nets on boats or the equipment which collects seaweed from beach areas.


Since watching the video, I have looked online for potential problems with this. Some believe it is logistically difficult to disburse and collect enough of the hay to have an impact. Other concerns are for sea turtles, as they eat vegetation like the straw and for oil which may sink below the surface.


My thought is that this may work on a smaller scale near the shore and is better than the toxic dispersant BP as been using or the oil in the water. One article said that Walton County in florida is hoping to use this method near its shoreline.


It is such an interesting approach, although not perfect. You may look on youtube for the hay oil solution.

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Great!! Let's hope the people who need to see this will see it.


I love the ingenuity of everyday people. Sometimes I think the hardworking laborers of this country could do a lot if the "smart, educated" people would get out of their way. (Not that I'm against being smart or educated that is!)

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Oil eating microbes have been used in the past successfully. There are many extremely large underwater plumes that containe oil and methane gas pose great risk. Disperants pumped below the surface has kept the oil suspended below the surface. All those chemicals BP has used will cause further environmental damage.

As horrible as this sounds, some say BP is not trying to cap the well, but buy time so they can salvage as much oil as possible from this well as they have billions in profit at stake. Some say BP is attempting to channel the gushing oil where it can be captured, stored and reserved.

The amout of oil gushing said to be gushing out on a daily basis could fill 52 olympic swimming pools. That is a lot of oil. It has the potential to spread up the Atlantic coast, and all the way to Europe.

I read more than 200 sea turtles have been found dead, and that is only the ones counted. I am concerned as to why more locals are not hired to help. It is their own back yard so to speak, yet they are turned away.

One would think at least some of the surface oil could be cleaned up with some hay and oil eating microbes. It's simple, cheap, and works fast. it could save wildlife. Instead this just drags on and on. It would appear BP is more concerned about their reputation and profit margin.

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As horrible as this sounds, some say BP is not trying to cap the well, but buy time so they can salvage as much oil as possible from this well as they have billions in profit at stake. Some say BP is attempting to channel the gushing oil where it can be captured, stored and reserved.




I don't believe this statement. there are many wells around the world that oil companies just can't cap. there is one in Papua New Guinea that has been spewing tones of mud out of the ground for a few years now. Whole villages have been located,and nobody knows how to stop it,a nd it is on land! It is a mess.

I think the one in America is getting a lot of publicity because of where it is and the size. You don't hear about the other ones in poorer countries that they can't cap.

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