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S/O Calvert question-is there any boxed Christian curriculum that is decent?


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I am so tired from years of planning, etc. I just want it done for me-something spiritually and academically sound.


I even *gasp* looked into the BJU dvds, but I am not that desperate yet. :)


Basically I am the proverbial perfectionist, and a huge tweaker, and I have ended up with various curriculum choices that are *the best* and would work if I only had one dc, but are too teacher intensive to keep up with two dc.


I will have a 5th and 2nd grader next year. I have curriculum plans made but just want to chuck it because it's too involved and I will be like a deer in the headlights and get nothing done.


I was reading the Swanns thread on the general board (I own their book too but the thread reminded me of them) and that's what I want to do-4-5 hours of planned out curric and we're done for the day. No piecing together, wondering if it's enough or too much, etc.

Edited by HappyGrace
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If anyone knows, with BJU, do you need to teach it all out of the school-ish TMs, or is it taught to the student in the texts?


I love teaching my kids, don't get me wrong, but I am looking to get significantly less teacher intensive than we are-right now every subject for both dc needs me teaching them!

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Guest Dulcimeramy

Sonlight cores and science are in-the-box, open-and-go.


The hardest thing about Sonlight is restraining yourself and letting it be enough.


Especially if you've wandered down the classical road, Sonlight seems as if it needs so much tweaking! Compared to WTM, it does. Compared to public school and much of what the hs curriculum world has to offer, Sonlight is excellent and doesn't need a thing.


Do you have the moral fortitude to not tweak a boxed program? :lol:


(I laugh, because sometimes I do and sometimes I don't. I have one son who is Sonlight all the way and he doesn't want any changes. That is so hard for me!!! Yet I must concede that he is very well-educated. It really is enough.)

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If anyone knows, with BJU, do you need to teach it all out of the school-ish TMs, or is it taught to the student in the texts?


It depends on the subject and grade. For the elementary grades, the bulk of the instruction is in the TM. But they are easily tweakable for home use.


One thing you might consider is to just do 1-2 of the subjects with BJU DVD (that is available now...FINALLY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!), some of the SUPER teacher-intenstive stuff. I'm tossing that idea around for next year myself.


MFW is another "box" curriculum that is biblically-based.:D

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Thanks for the suggestions. I actually almost went with HOD CTC this year, but then a df gave me her TOG.


My biggest worry is that I am such a tweaker and I've been in the classical box for our whole schooling so far and I'm worried nothing else will seem *enough* to me!


RZbackmama-thanks for the bju info. I looked at it closely last night and don't think I could teach it-too teacher intensive. I'm going to consider the dvds for the following yr, if not this yr.

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BJUP, ABeka, Rod and Staff, Alpha Omega, ACE, Christian Light...school in a box. They're all good. Just go down the order form and check off what you want at the grade level you want. Voila. Instant school. :)


CLASS. Sign up, test the kidlets, let CLASS send you a box of books.


Christian Liberty Press: Order a kit.


Timberdoodle: Ditto.


Sycamore Tree: Ditto.

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Happy, the closest thing to what you've already been doing would be to get the Scholars lessons from VP. They have a transitions, one-year history survey class new for this year too. http://reg126.imperisoft.com/ScholarsAcademy/ProgramDetail/37313437/Registration.aspx It's already full, but you could use the reading list. You could do the Scholars stuff for your LA and then do Around the World in 180 Days. Search the board and see HollyDay's excitement over it and how her girls have been using it. I have it, and I think it's going to give us that flexible year that can be more when we want it to be and enough when we are overwhelmed. A mix like that can work great. You don't have to find one curriculum to do EVERYTHING for you. You just need to find something that takes over the LA in a way that will fit her, something to do the science in a way that will fit her, and something you can live with to make your history component easy/auto-pilot.

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