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I keep all this years work and all last years (just in case......) so each year I chuck most of the year before last, just keeping a sample for that years scrapbook/portfolio. I photocopy a sample workbook page, and the last MUS test.

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I keep all of my daughter's homeschool work. I want to be able to look back on it some day and for her to be able to look back on it some day. I wish my mother had kept more things from my childhood.


When we finish a grade, I box everything from that year up, label it, and store it in my closet. I guess eventually I might have to start using the basement, my closet isn't that big. But I can't bring myself to throw her work away :)

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I keep all of my daughter's homeschool work. I want to be able to look back on it some day and for her to be able to look back on it some day. I wish my mother had kept more things from my childhood.


When we finish a grade, I box everything from that year up, label it, and store it in my closet. I guess eventually I might have to start using the basement, my closet isn't that big. But I can't bring myself to throw her work away :)



My parents saved everything from my childhood. Every. single. thing. While that was really thoughtful, it was tedious to have to sort through myself. I can't tell you how many times we moved those boxes and boxes of my school work. I finally (a couple of years ago) condensed 15 boxes into 1 with the help of my dh. We both groaned at how many times him and I had moved those for my parents. :tongue_smilie: There was so much junk in those boxes. While I appreciate the sentiment, I do not want to burden my kids in the same way. :tongue_smilie:


I keep the stuff that is special or required "extra" effort. I do not keep old math workbooks (math is the only subject we use workbooks in) or any of their grammar work. I don't think it'll be worth looking over when they are older.

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I don't use MUS - are there a lot of workbooks?


I buy a big, heavy duty accordian file for each child every year. Into it goes EVERYTHING they do for the year, in no particular order. I label the file and store it when the school year is out. I figure if the keepers of the homeschoolers come a knockin', they can have fun digging. :)

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I kept the cover, stapled to the table of contents, and if there were any tests, I stapled those to the cover, too.


I kept those things for a few years, then tossed them out. The tossing usually took place after the kids had taken a standardized test. That was proof enough for me. Plus, my statute of limitations had passed. :D

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I can not imagine keeping old workbooks, esp in elementary school. Ugh I might keep some writing if it was exceptional, but I am a minimalist and don't like keeping stuff.


For high school, I'll keep tests, but not daily assignments.

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