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What is "High School" to you?

"High School" for you is??  

  1. 1. "High School" for you is??

    • 10-12
    • 9-12
    • 8-12
    • 7-12
    • something else? (please share!)

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Grades 9 through 12 start accumulating transcript credits and are used for the GPA for college application, class rank, etc. here. That's when high school starts here.


I typically saw a huge developmental change between 9th and 10th grades especially in boys. A 9th grade boy is typically much more like a middle school child than a 10-12 grader. I guess I see value in thinking of middle school as through 9th grade. But it doesn't happen here and I will treat 9th grade as high school both in planning and record keeping.

Edited by sbgrace
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All this talk around here of junior highs, freshmen and sophomores does my head in.




It took me ages to be able to talk American school jargon. But then in England we have something called 'sixth form' which usually encompasses the last two years of school (16-18). What sense does that make?


Actually, I think I know where it comes from: schools used to be in one room with rows of benches ('forms'). You progressed from form to form, based on achievement rather than age. The sixth form was the highest one and maybe you stayed there for two years to get ready for university.



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Here in Australia, there is no middle school (although some private schools are taking on the concept). We have primary school and highschool. In some states, primary includes year 7, and in some highschool takes year 7.

I grew up with highschool being years 7-12, and my kids are growing up in a different state with high school being years 8-12.


There are also "senior high schools" here which specialise in years 11 and 12 only.

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I grew up with three levels of school:


Elementary K thru 6


Junior High 7 and 8


High School 9 thru 12


Around here, they often now have Primary School, Elementary School, Intermediate School, Middle School, Freshman Campus, and then High School.


Yes, there is a whole separate campus just for 9th graders. It's partly to ease their transistion to high school, but it's mostly for their safety so that the older students don't bully them. :confused:


Another thing they do here that is strange to me is that students as young as 7th grade can participate in extracurricular activities at the high school level, such as sports and band.

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According to the Italian system, it's either 8th-12th, or 10th-12th, depending on the point of view. (Also, the school I personally went to was a bit different, at least "unofficially", so the continuity was 5th-8th and 9th-12th, which makes A LOT more sense, but that kind of division doesn't really exist in theory, and I'm not sure even they practice it any more, that school / those schools have probably "split" and stopped practicing continuity.)


8th-9th is called ginnasio / biennio, while 10th-12th is called liceo / triennio, but the two are parts of the same system. My daughter for example will start 8th grade next year and get in the "system" counted as a high school student.

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