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Art dvds?


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I'm trying to figure out art for next year. We did Artistic Pursuits this year and it was okay. Dd wants something with more instruction, more demonstrations. Ideally, I'd like to put her in a local IRL art class - but at $80/week for a 1 hour class, it is not in the budget. So, what are my options for books, dvds, etc....

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Take a look at Phonics of Drawing. It is not a DVD. In fact, it is a CD (or download) that you print off, but it has a lot of instruction and step-by-step illustrations of what the child should be doing. It explains how to do things quite well, including various techniques for painting and shading. I really like how it shows the different stages of each project so you can actually see what it should look like.

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We purchased Level 1, module A. Just the module - no parent pack, no art prints, nothing else. It came with a DVD and a notebook w/an outline of the lessons & other helpful info.


It was perfect for us. I don't think I'd get around to making any use of the other materials. We're getting ready to order for next year (via homeschool buyers coop, where there is a small discount), and we'll just get the modules.

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For those using Atelier, can I ask what products are a must? I am looking at it online, and there is a lot to order!


I think you could get away with just buying the dvds if you watch the lesson ahead of time. I do have the manual and like to take a quick look at it before the lesson, but all the instruction and information about what supplies are needed are all on the dvd. I wouldn't buy their supplies because they are all things that are very easy to pick up locally.



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If we do our own artist study, could I use Atelier just for the actual hands-on art instruction? We also own lots of art supplies, so it doesn't look like I'd need to buy their set either.


I think you could get away with just buying the dvds if you watch the lesson ahead of time. I do have the manual and like to take a quick look at it before the lesson, but all the instruction and information about what supplies are needed are all on the dvd. I wouldn't buy their supplies because they are all things that are very easy to pick up locally.



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Okay, so should I do this with my crazy talented daughter (she is much better than I was at this age and I had an art scholarship! :eek:) What level should I get and what all do I need to buy?




I've just checked it out and even called. So I haven't used this and haven't ordered it even. :D But, I talked with a gentleman on the phone, and he seemed very knowledgable about which level to start. He suggested level 2 for our almost 6yo and artistic 7-1/2-year-old.


I'm really trying to wrap my mind around $55 for a DVD. If I've read it right, there are 24 lessons in a level, spread out on 3 DVDs. So 8 lessons a module. My oldest DD loves artistic things, though, so I want to go deeper with her in this.

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I've just checked it out and even called. So I haven't used this and haven't ordered it even. :D But, I talked with a gentleman on the phone, and he seemed very knowledgable about which level to start. He suggested level 2 for our almost 6yo and artistic 7-1/2-year-old.


I'm really trying to wrap my mind around $55 for a DVD. If I've read it right, there are 24 lessons in a level, spread out on 3 DVDs. So 8 lessons a module. My oldest DD loves artistic things, though, so I want to go deeper with her in this.

Thanks! And yeah, about the money and the number of lessons!
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Take a look at Phonics of Drawing. It is not a DVD. In fact, it is a CD (or download) that you print off, but it has a lot of instruction and step-by-step illustrations of what the child should be doing. It explains how to do things quite well, including various techniques for painting and shading. I really like how it shows the different stages of each project so you can actually see what it should look like.


We're seriously considering this, so it's nice to get a review of it! Thanks!

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