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High school reunions - do you go?

Do you go to high school reunions?  

  1. 1. Do you go to high school reunions?

    • Yes, I have been to all of them!
    • Nope, never been to one and don't want to.
    • No, but I'd like to someday, maybe
    • Other!

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Looks like I should have put the option "have been to some" on there. Whoopsie! I'm glad to see most of you haven't gone. Not that I need the moral support in my decision, but it is nice to see that my friends and I aren't entirely abnormal. Well, we *are,* but that's another post :D


One of the main reasons I don't want to go is there will be prizes handed out on Saturday night and *VOTING* for the prize winners will occur on Friday and early Saturday. Prizes that require voting for the winner... really? It all seems silly, and like others have said, I know everyone will wind up sitting in their same little cliques and talking. Not enough time has passed.


I'm going to go to a wine "tasting" instead. One of my REAL friends is hosting it :D

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I didn't go to the 10th (on my honeymoon) and after that, who cares? The only thing I had in common with most of those people was that we went to the same high school. Besides, looking at pics of the two that have been held, it's all the same people (you know, the "it" crowd back in the day) who seem to be holding on. I've reconnected through facebook with all those I wish to, so I wouldn't torture myself by having to endure a 'reunion'.

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I had to vote other, because I went to my 20 year, but not my 10. (i.e., I can't say I've been to all of them.)


The 20 year was a BLAST! Even though there were 450 people in my class, and none of my friends from high school came to the reunion, ti was still a ton of fun to catch up with everyone.


From what attendees said, the 10 year reunion was much more awkward, with everyone still sort of trying to impress others. The 20 year reunion was pretty relaxed.

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My 20th was last year and I didn't go. In fact, I have never gone.

HS was not a pleasure nor was it 'the time of my life' as some would say.

I have re-connected with some old 'friends' (using that term very loosely). But, nobody that I talk with much at all.


So strange you can spend years of your life seeing certain people almost everyday and then 'poof' no more.


With no remorse...



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I didn't go to my 10th, because I never heard about it, but I did go the 20 year reunion. I went to a small high school that's only about 60 miles away. Still, I had to give it some thought before going, because high school was not the prime of my life. I had a much better time than expected at the reunion and even had a nice conversation with two formerly snooty high school girls who had morphed into reasonably pleasant adults. Maybe they thought I had improved too! Probably we had all just matured quite a bit after 20 years. I won't knock myself out going to future reunions, but if I get word of them and the timing works out, I might go.

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My 10 year reunion will be in 2013, and I'll probably go. I graduated with many of the same people I started preschool with, and even if I wasn't particularly close to anyone I went to school with (hung out with the older, bad!! kids) I'd still like to see everyone and reconnect for a night.


Besides, by then I'll be working on my PhD, and it would be nice to redeem myself from "that girl who slept all the time" and "that girl who only makes it to one class a day"!! lol. :D

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I'm undecided. I didn't attend my 10 yr and this summer is my 20yr. I'm still friends with the couple of friends that I care to be friends with. The old friends/acquaintances that I see on Facebook don't really look like and situations I'd want to spend a few hundred dollars being around. I'm amazed how many of them still think a weekend partying and drinking (they do have kids) is the ideal way to have fun. In some ways I'm curious but I just really and honestly don't think it will be fun. I didn't have horrible high school years but it isn't anything I want to relive. :)


I don't know... I guess my vote would be "I haven't gone and can't decide if I want to." :)

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