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I think I figured out Lost

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I think I figured out Lost, but I have no one to share it with so I'm posting here because it's going to burst out of me if I don't. I'll post in white text.


Everyone is starting to become aware of their island life. I think Locke will be the last one to realize he had another reality and when he does he will raise from the dead on the island and kill the MIB. He will either raise bodily or somehow he will inhabit the doppelganger and kill himself. I think Jack's wounds are a kind of Lockian stigmata that point to John Locke being the Savior, John's wounds were on his neck, Jack is bleeding from the neck. Plus, John's body was lying in the shadow of the statue, John has to be the one to save them. Once this is accomplished the only reality will be off island and everyone, except Locke and maybe Jack, will live happily ever after.


What do you think?

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Neat idea! I keep wondering where are Rose and Bernard? Aren't they on the island. Couldn't they just stay there and guard the light? They are even black and white - if that theme has to be carried out.

Oh - my whole family really likes this idea!!!!


45 more minutes till LOST!!

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Neat idea! I keep wondering where are Rose and Bernard? Aren't they on the island. Couldn't they just stay there and guard the light? They are even black and white - if that theme has to be carried out.


Great idea. I guess I was thinking the island is going to wind up where we saw it on the season premiere.

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Well, I think that sideways reality is ultimately going to be the "final" reality,but I'm not sure how they're going to get there. Probably something to do with Desmond and some major electro-magnetic event.


I think Juliette is going to turn out to be Jack's ex-wife. All of the major characters in sideways reality are going to end up at Dr. Chang's museum fundraiser, where Sawyer and Juliette are going to meet and hit it off. I guess that leaves Kate to get together with Jack?


They have made many aspects of sideways reality very appealing to the audience at this point. Sawyer is a mostly "good" police officer. The Kwons are alive and happy, and pregnant. Jack has a son and is developing a great relationship with him. Ben Linus seems to be starting a healthy relationship with Rousseau and Alex, who will presumably become his dear stepdaughter.


I think I'm stuck after that. :D

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:40 minutes here!


My theory is new -- I think the river flowing into the "heart" of the Island is the river Styx. I don't know enough Greek mythology (yet -- kiddoes are only 6 and 4 -- that will be next year!). So tell me if I'm crazy.


I also like the OP theory.


Re: Ben -- is he finally completely evil?

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Would it be arrogant to say I like my ending better? :lol:


Nope - I would have preferred it, too. It was a perfectly fine ending, but I don't think it was as clever as the previous seasons have been, KWIM?

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