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I am thankful for a husband who (fill in the blank) . . .

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doesn't tell me homeschooling "is a job", doesn't boss me around, or ask me to account for how I spend money, or really impose himself on me in any way. He just loves me, is patient with me, and always tells me how much he "enjoys" me, lol.


How about you?


My husband really loves me. He trusts me and really loves his kids. He works so hard and asks for so little. He also is good at sticking his fingers in his ears and lalalala'ing when I am PMSing and all is wrong with the world.


We may not have much material possessions and we may have to work very hard all the time to stay on top of it all...but we have eachother and for that I am eternally grateful.



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...is the kind of man who has brought me coffee every morning in bed for more than 20 years of marriage.


...is the kind of man who walks the dogs through rain, sleet, and snow.


...is the kind of man who is optimistic when I have fallen to my lowest point.


...is the kind of man who never gives up on any of our children no matter how grim it may look (and he's been right, too, that they all seem to make out better than doctors or anyone else ever predicts).


...is the kind of man who when one day, in utter frustration with the ps, I said, "Someday I want to just homeschool" responded with, "Why not now?" So here we are!


He is my first and only love (and the only person who would ever put up with me!).




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-Can take on the role as "father" to my twin nieces (we adopted have had them since birth) and love them as his own

-Can take time he would rather spend watching tv to spend playing with them, listening to their problems, concerns, etc.

-Can do to work and deal with difficult people, drive over 1 1/2, deal with heavy traffic so that we eat, can pay the bills, etc., and NEVER ONCE complain

-Can love me despite my mood swings, complaints, etc.

-Says after having a bad day at work when the twins meets him at the steps and act excited to see him "everything he went through during the way" was worth it

-Can make me feel loved after 25+ years


etc., etc., etc.



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I am thankful for a husband who...


accepts me for who I am and where I am in life. He doesn't care if the house is a mess or I don't cook dinner. He's just happy to see me when he comes home. I am so hard on myself that I am glad I married a man who extends grace to me at every one of my slights.

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respects and loves me

is a wonderful father to our daughters

has worked very hard over the years so I can stay home

puts his family first

is moral and has integrity and expects his children and wife to follow along

laughs and has fun

does not micro manage the household - trusts me to do my job

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who is cleaning the kitchen for me right now:001_wub:

who works hard to provide an abundant life for us and has had to compromise his wants to do so.


who loves me unconditionally, but who also holds me accountable to make me into a better person.

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