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blogs - pics or no pics?

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I'm wondering why some of you don't have pictures of you or your kids/family on your blogs. Is it for safety reasons?


I kept getting told to write a book. I don't have time for that, but I think a blog would be FUN, especially now that I just saw a post that states you can download a blog onto your Kindle!!!


Please give me the whys and why nots.


Is it difficult to get one started?

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Most do not for privacy reasons.


I have photos all over mine though. Due to a couple of web-based businesses, and other things, my privacy online is zero. I figure I can have a stalker follow me home from the store just as easily as one finding me online.


If you use blogger, it's VERY simple to set a blog up.

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Guest Cindie2dds

Blogs are very simple. I went to blogspot and set it up by myself and mine isn't that original. I do pictures, but as with here, my kids names are nicknames, not real. I don't scrapbook, it's not me; so I figure this is a way to document all the things they do with ease. I hope to print it out someday.


I've done everything using their templates, I haven't added anything special. It's so easy!

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Guest mrsjamiesouth

A neat thing that I think is smart is Blogs where the moms photo the kids without showing their faces. Take Photos of the projects and the work from behind the kids or from chest down.

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Like Apryl, I had/have quite a public life with my online business, so I go ahead and post photos. It's a way for me to practice photography everyday. I love photos on blogs, and don't read them if they don't have photos. I prefer and use Wordpress for all my blogs, but all mentioned are super easy to start up.

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I'm getting more & more relaxed about my blog. It's currently set up with aliases but I do put pix of the kids up.


& lately I've been considering changing to our real names.


blogger is easy & if you use picasa for your photos, you can blog them right from picasa.

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I use photos but usually not directly of my DD's face - often side shots, etc... I also use an alias but it is a nickname of hers that we call her daily. I have a hard time reading blogs where they just use the initial of the first name so I prefer an alias (or their real name ;) .)

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I've had a blog in the past, and I'm starting a new one now. I had pics then and I have a bunch up now. The reason I feel safe about the pics is dh's input when I started blogging. Dh is a psychologist who has worked with stalkers, sex offenders and other seriously ill people. The percentage of people who would actually stalk you through your website is so small, you have a better chance of being struck by lightening or winning the big one. 99.999% of stalkers and sex offenders etc..are people you see frequently, like a neighbor, someone you ride the bus with or who works in the same building.


I understand why some folks won't take the .001 chance, but I feel safe.

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I post pictures frequently, but I use my kid's nicknames. If someone wanted to find us they would find a way. That said, we have 2 big dogs that are very protective of us, an alarm system and 2 shotguns. We're good.


I also love to read blogs with photos- especially if it is discussing a school project. I am a very visual person and if I want to duplicate something I need a photo.

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I don't like blogs without photos. I try to include a photo with each of my blog posts.


Like a few others have said, my theory is that a stalker can find you regardless. I've authored a column in my local paper for over four years, and am pursuing a career in freelance writing. So it would be strange at this point to use anything but our real names. And because of the location of the newspaper I'm sure it wouldn't be hard to find us.


I don't know WHY anyone would want to, though. We're poor, I'm not a looker and in general, we're an odd bunch! LOL

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