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Calling those who sew........

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I am a sewing machine novice. I want to learn to sew and possibly to machine embroider. I don't have a great deal of money to spend on this, so top-end machines will most likely be out of my range. I'm looking for:

-ease of use


-variety of stitches

-possibility of using to embroider

-portable would be a plus, but not a necessity.


Is there a machine out there that will fit my description? Where would I find it?


Thanks in advance,


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You might try finding a store that sells sewing machines and gives lessons. Also a store that will service them. Then ask to talk with someone and let them show you the machines and get a feel for them. Ideally do this with all the machines that you are interested in. Also there are websites that reviews various machines.

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Take a look at your local Wal-Mart and Jo-Ann's or other fabric/craft stores. Usually there are detailed descriptions and displays of the machines. A Jo-Ann's or such may even have a way for you to try a demo machine. Then, check around to see if you can find the same machine as the one you want secondhand on craigslist or at a sew/vac repair shop near you, esp. if the new machine is out of your price range.

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I don't sew but dd wants to learn. We just purchase a Kenmore machine on sale at Sears. I picked it because of good reviews and that it is made by Janome, a brand with a good rep. It was 139.99 on sale.


I can't give my own review yet but just wanted to mention Sears as another possibility.



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I bought mine a t Walmat and its OK for a beginner. They also had the scoop on a teacher (she came to my house and charged me $50/month) THe machine was 110.00 (Brother). I think if I had it to do all over again, I'd find one at Goodwill and have it repaired. The older ones don't have all the bells and whistles but they are more sturdy. Perhaps find a teacher, then the machine. (she may have the scoop on the right one for you.



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Personally I'd be hesitant to buy a very cheap machine from JoAnn/WalMart, as they tend to be not durable. I would investigate used machines, including older ones.


:iagree: Long time seamstress here. My mom sent me to a Singer sewing course with my best friend when I was 11 and I've been sewing ever since (over 40 years :001_smile:) When my oldest dd was wanting to learn to sew I got her a cheap machine at Walmart. Big Mistake!! It lead to nothing but frustration. I found it was better for her to learn on my Bernina. If you buy a machine at JoAnn/Walmart they tend to be cheaply made and there is no one to help you if you have a problem or need advice after the purchase. I highly recommend working with a reputable sewing machine store. As others have mentioned, they often have trade-ins that have been refurbished for sale. They can also help you with any problems you have and provide advice and/or lessons. Bernina has fantastic machines that are VERY high priced. But if you get an older, used one it is like buying a used BMW or Mercedes :001_smile: The quality is there and they are a pleasure to sew on. I got my Bernina over 20 years ago and my model is selling used for 3/4 of its original price. I wouldn't trade it for a new one - I still love it. I have quilting friends that love their Pfaff and Janome machines also. Take the time to research and test drives machines before you buy. The shop I got mine from let me take it home for a weekend to test it out. My husband said he knew what would happen when I carried it out of the store :001_smile: Having a good machine makes all the difference in the world! It can lead to having many wonderful hours in a fulfilling new hobby vs quitting in frustration.


Happy Sewing!


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Thanks everyone. That's exactly what I was looking for: a direction!! I have a few brands to check out and some review sites to check out. :) The biggest problem is that we don't have a plethora of sewing machine stores. :glare: There is one that I know of, but as for most people, they seem to get machines at Walmart/Joann's. Though frankly I am not aware of one person down here who actually sews! :lol: I'll be flying solo on this one! Thank you all for starting me off!!

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