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Chewing on that Elephant

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This is a brag on myself. I know it is not socially acceptable to do so, but I can't see you, so I'm going to do it anyway!


I have felt pretty chipper the last couple of days. (I think that's because I ran out of medicine and am now having to build up the levels in my body again but that's ok.) I'm taking advantage of having some measure of health so I'm working slowly on my particular elephant in my life - the backyard lawn. It is over a foot tall. Dh cannot mow it or he will end up on antibiotics within a day of doing so. Ds can't mow it because it is an unsafe terrain for a 12 year old. He does mow my front lawn (flat and level) for me though. We do not have the money to pay someone to do it although dh has mentioned that a couple of times.


I have resolved to mow only as much as will fill up two bags of the lawn clippings. Because of the tall grass the bag fills up quickly. Yesterday I mowed a 4 foot by 8 foot section of lawn. Today I mowed another 4 x 8 foot section. Both days I was shaking with fatigue, drenched with sweat and very achy afterward. But I think it's doable. My body was able to recover in a couple of hours. This is my own personal version of a 'couch to 5k' type of challenge. If it stays nice weather and if my health cooperates I figure it will take me a week or perhaps a week and a half to mow the backyard.


So - I'm pretty proud of myself. I'm going to eat this elephant (and hopefully lose some weight doing so)!

Edited by Jean in Newcastle
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Lol! That's what I meant - gas, power assist. Way to go Jean! That's not easy to do when the grass is short, and is super hard (no matter the assist) when it's long. Awesome!!


:iagree: Good for you Jean!


Does it help you to get that kind of exercise? Or is it really too much for you?

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:iagree: Good for you Jean!


Does it help you to get that kind of exercise? Or is it really too much for you?


Well, I was really scared yesterday that today I would be flat on my back in bed. But I was able to recover within a couple of hours and today I'm feeling great again, so I think it is ok. There is always a risk that I can overdo it and then I trigger a flare. But I'm hoping if I keep it at this level that I'll be ok.

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