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s/o boys and food

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Does anyone here wonder about their girls and food? My dds are still young (10 and 8) but my 10 yr old eats more than my dh and me. I cannot keep her full. She is tall and skinny and I have no idea where the food goes. When I bring it up around others they just say to be happy I don't have boys. My dh is tall, skinny and a runner and he doesn't eat as much as our dd. Do boys really eat that much more? Is it unusual / weird for a girl to eat so much?


I remember as a teenager that I had a huge appetite but I was made to feel weird if I wanted to eat as much as my brothers. It felt wrong. I was active and into sports - but so were they. It seemed to be ok for them to eat large all day but not ok for me (or any girl). Does anyone else here feel you have girls that eat just as much as the boys?

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People have all sorts of wierd trips around food. I say if I kid is hungry, let them eat. If there is a weight issue...deal with it delicately. Dont create food trips in kids by making too many restrictions around food.

My kids have never been huge eaters till lately, when my ds14 is going through a growth spurt and eats a lot. My dd15 is not very physically active though, so tis good she is not a big eater.

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Well, mine are both still little but my 2yo DD eats WAY more than her 6yo brother... She gets up before him and eats a huge breakfast (more than me!!). Then she has a snack. Then she wants breakfast #2 when her brother wakes up and has his. Then she finishes his breakfast... She eats ALL DAY LONG. And she's a skinny little thing!! Very healthy too - so we're not concerned about the amount she eats. Just constantly amazed... So, in our family at least, the girl is "out-eating" the boy... :)

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I let my kids eat however much food they want. My DD used to eat at least as much as her brothers do, but not any more. This is primarily because she has become so concerned about nutrition. She never goes the least bit hungry, but she doesn't stuff food in her mouth constantly either. She is more likely to make a fruit smoothie than to eat another meal for a snack.


She went to an amusement park this weekend, and was absolutely horrified that the other kids were eating deep-fried Oreos. I'm sure she ate a lot of unhealthy food there, too, but the Oreos were too much for her to bear -- I've heard about them all day.


Her latest kick is for me to try a smoothie. I've never had one and I don't see the point in drinking fruit when I can just eat it whole. Today I turned down an orange-mango smoothie. Tomorrow she will probably hogtie me to a chair and force one down my throat.


Anyway, if any of my kids do have food issues, it sure isn't because of me. I am especially careful of making sure DD doesn't develop any body image or eating problems.

Edited by RoughCollie
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Her latest kick is for me to try a smoothie. I've never had one and I don't see the point in drinking fruit when I can just eat it whole.


Because you can't fit both orange and mango in your mouth at the same time without your cheeks bulging.





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When I was a teenager, I ate huge amounts. I have no idea whether I ate as much as teenaged boys or not. I do remember once in biology class we had an assignment to write down everything we ate for a weekend and then total the calories. I was eating 5000 calories a day! I was an athlete and slim.


So whether girls eat as much as boys or not, they certainly can need to eat a lot at that age.

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Teen athletes easily require 4k+ in caloric intake daily in order to have enough energy for both their activity level and for growing. Totally normal. Doesn't matter at this age boy vs girl. They are both going through tremendous growth. Feed them good food. Have good snacks available. Don't freak out if they drink a whole gallon of milk and eat a loaf of bread with a jar of peanut butter for lunch. (Well, you can freak out about your grocery bill!) As long as the teen isn't struggling with a weight problem, don't make how much they eat into a big deal. Feed them when they are hungry and leave it be.

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My 14 yo was eating as much as than most of my friend's ds, but then she leveled off. Now my 12 is there. I think the difference in boys and girls (and what gives teen boys the eating reputation) is that the stage lasts a lot longer for boys.


We just make sure they eat a balanced diet. We don't have junk food in the house, and we make sure if they takes seconds at dinner, they don't just load up on carbs or dessert, but eat a bit more of everything. They are both in great shape.


I think the reasoning behing parents wanting girls to not eat as much as boys is that boys can sustain that amount of calories longer in to life, where teen girls start to add weight if they continue past their growth spurt. If it lays a habit for the girl of eating anything she wants, then she may have trouble controlling portions later. I am confident that feeding our girls healthy food will eliminate that problem. Few women gorge themselves on vegetables, fish, and rice. :001_smile:

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My 16 year old dd eats constantly. She has a HUGE appetite. But, she also dances 5 days a week so she's burning it off.


My almost 3 year old also has spurts where she eats a lot - way more than her brother but he's Mr. Picky. I figure she's having a little growth spurt when she eats non-stop for a few days.

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