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Cell phone for young kids?

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Has anyone gotten a cell phone for their young children?


My DD just turned 6 years old. She has some OCD like quirks at times, she has been diagnosed with mild selective mutism, she has a speech issue, and she's very uncomfortable in many situations where I'm not there. For example, she attends a homeschool group every Wednesday for four hours (which she absolutely loves but just sits quietly and never talks). I usually take that time to run some errands, spend some one on one time with my 3 year old, etc. Well, DD6 gets very upset if she gets out of class and I'm not there. Last week she was in tears because she got out a few minutes early and I was not there yet (I was not late...she just was early). I make it a point to be there a few minutes early because I know how much this bothers her, but I got held up that day. I was thinking that if she had a small cell phone in her pocket with my number programmed on speed dail (plus her father's, as well as probably my mom's) then she would not be as anxious and just pull out the phone and call me. Then I could keep her calm. This would also be useful for if I happened to get caught in traffic or have car trouble on the way back to pick her up. She would just really freak out if I did not show up for a while. And she won't talk to people either.


What do you guys think? Have you done this for any of your young children? I can get a cheap pay-as-you-go phone for like $10 and then just put a small amount of minutes on it....we'd rarely use it. So cost is not an issue on it.

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When a friend of mine needed cell phones for her boys (8 and 6) due to complicated drop off/pick up arrangements during a divorce, she got them FireFly phones. These are prepaid phones that you can program the numbers into and limit incoming/outgoing calls and texting. They are really durable and worked great for her.

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Under those circumstances, I'd probably get one for her. Limited as noted above. Maybe she could only have it at group (or a similar activity).


At our house, a cell phone is a 16th birthday gift. I pay the bill for the first year. After that, they chip in if they want to keep it.

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We don't, but dds friends have cell phones at that age. DD is a confident person, and she would just ask to use the main phone. I can see where it would be beneficial.


I have sometimes wished I could text dd when she is home, instead of calling her. She is long winded and loves to tell me the latest story line with her stuffed animals LOL I have to cut her off and almost hang up on her most of the time.


If you do decide to do it, I would go with a prepaid cell, so if she looses, or leaves in on, wasting minutes, it it isn't such a financial loss. I would most likely let it be an 'extra' phone, instead of her phone, so you don't have issues it now or in the future (with her or the other kids).

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I can see why you would want one for her, but I don't think I personally would want to give one to a kid that young. It's bad enough that teens get them.

I understand the whole errands thing too. It sounds like she really needs you around as much as possible though.

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None of my kids have cell phones but I can see why you might think of getting her one in that situation. If so, I agree with getting a FireFly, something where calls can only come to and from numbers that you pre-program.


Or... you could talk to her and the leader of the co-op program together and her if she has a cell phone that she would use to call you on your daughter's behalf if that situation ever comes up again, and maybe even just knowing that would comfort your daughter?

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A couple times a month my 8yo gets to walk from her public school class to the public library to dh's office. It's a total of four blocks in a tiny little town, but I give her my cell phone for the trip. She doesn't really need it, but I her having it. I think just having it gives her confidence. She's never used it.

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