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What will you be doing for Mother's Day?

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Dh tiled the entryway...finally. I'll be dancing on the tile tomorrow once the grout has dried. :001_smile:


He had the good sense to NOT do it on Mother's Day? Good man! :thumbup:


Mother's Day 10 years ago my dh and my two oldest boys (3 and 6 at the time) painted the master bedroom. I was 7 mos pregnant and since I could not be breathing fumes, I got to spend that day alone--and running errands. I know he meant well, but I think it went down in history as the worst Mother's Day I've ever had.


That room needs repainting badly also as it looks (not surprisingly) like it was done by two little kids.

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Church and then some quiet time to myself (DH is taking boys to a cub scout outing at the planetarium that I was originally supposed to go to :D)


After they get home DH will be making fajitas , I bought lemon squares from Trader Joe's for dessert, and we have Sherlock Holmes on dvd to watch after the boys are in bed!


All in all not a bad Mother's Day!

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So far we weeded the front yard, I made lunch then I will be working on projects for my two jobs that are due next week, plus hopefully another project for my son's preschool class.


I did buy myself a book last week and told them it was my mother's day present.


We've agreed to try to celebrate next Sunday.

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So far I've had two different fights with my dh. Fun, fun. And my Ds, who is on meds, had been so so so irritable today. He's cried and had fits all day. Have to keep reminding myself that it's the meds, not him. ;) But my family gave me some really lovely, thoughtful gifts. Got hugs and kisses from all my little ones. And I'm counting my many blessings, and remembering that these little guys are my greatest gift.

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We're saving every penny right now for our "Grand European Adventure." So, I made up a list of things for the kids/dh to do around the house! Right now they're all outside weeding the front lawn. I was hoping I'd not have to cook, but being that they're all so busy weeding, I decided to go ahead and make dinner. I'd rather cook than weed!


I think I see a trend here - for holidays like this where gift-giving is expected, but we don't need anything - we'll do acts of service for the person celebrating.

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