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Remember the anti-homeschooling athiest I work with?

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Well, I'd made a determination to get to know him (in an appropriate way) and see if we can find some sort of common ground. I surmised that he had either never really met a "freaky fundie home schooler" or had and was not treated well by them.


Until today, our paths hadn't crossed much, but when they had, he'd skedaddle from me pretty quickly. I overheard him one day talking about watching Glee. I started making small talk with him about the show (I watch it, too) and other tv shows, etc. Nothing major or deep, just casual conversation that was friendly. Tonight, he was working on the same project I was, and was in the next cubicle. I could hear he was having problems based on the heavy sighs and the sounds of papers being shuffled. So, I poked my head around the cubicle wall and asked if he was doing ok. He admitted he was not and asked for some help. We chatted a bit and next thing I know, he's showing me pictures of his banged-up car and telling me about his recent run-in with a deer. The evening progressed pleasantly and at the end of my shift, it occurred to me that he had no ride home. So, I offered him a ride, he accepted happily and I drove him home, which wasn't far from the office, anyway (no one should walk home at 11pm, no matter where they live).


I feel like we're turning a corner! I don't care if he never approves of home schooling, but if he has some negative stereotype in his noggin about what homeschoolers are like, I'd like to at least offer an alternative example of that. And, I honestly don't even think homeschooling was the issue. I think he connected that with "freaky fundies" who would judge him because he's gay. So, hopefully by finding some common ground and being kind to him, he'll realize we all ain't so bad! LOL

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Congratulations! Sounds like you're making progress breaking down barriers!


BTW, many of my dh's friends homeschool now...after saying for years they would never do that. It's been fun to watch them change over the years from being radically opposed, to pleasantly neutral, to advocates. :D

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Well, I'd made a determination to get to know him (in an appropriate way) and see if we can find some sort of common ground. I surmised that he had either never really met a "freaky fundie home schooler" or had and was not treated well by them.


Until today, our paths hadn't crossed much, but when they had, he'd skedaddle from me pretty quickly. I overheard him one day talking about watching Glee. I started making small talk with him about the show (I watch it, too) and other tv shows, etc. Nothing major or deep, just casual conversation that was friendly. Tonight, he was working on the same project I was, and was in the next cubicle. I could hear he was having problems based on the heavy sighs and the sounds of papers being shuffled. So, I poked my head around the cubicle wall and asked if he was doing ok. He admitted he was not and asked for some help. We chatted a bit and next thing I know, he's showing me pictures of his banged-up car and telling me about his recent run-in with a deer. The evening progressed pleasantly and at the end of my shift, it occurred to me that he had no ride home. So, I offered him a ride, he accepted happily and I drove him home, which wasn't far from the office, anyway (no one should walk home at 11pm, no matter where they live).


I feel like we're turning a corner! I don't care if he never approves of home schooling, but if he has some negative stereotype in his noggin about what homeschoolers are like, I'd like to at least offer an alternative example of that. And, I honestly don't even think homeschooling was the issue. I think he connected that with "freaky fundies" who would judge him because he's gay. So, hopefully by finding some common ground and being kind to him, he'll realize we all ain't so bad! LOL



Oh, that's good news! God works in the smaller details in a day as well as on larger issues. Your compassionion will hopefully serve as witness to him! PTL!!

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