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"New Alarm Bells About Chemicals and Cancer" (Kristof article from NY Times)

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Some 41 percent of Americans will be diagnosed with cancer at some point in their lives, and they include Democrats and Republicans alike.


This was the best line in the piece!


I seriously wonder if our environment can ever be cleaned up. We needed to start yesterday. But I highly doubt Congress will do anything - it's the corporations that fund their campaigns.

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Some 41 percent of Americans will be diagnosed with cancer at some point in their lives, and they include Democrats and Republicans alike.


If I'd registered as something other than one of the two, I'd have never gotten malignant melanoma 5 years ago! Dangit! :lol:


Seriously, though, this is something I've suspected for a long, long time, and have worked on eliminating chemicals from my home and food. Can't say I'm super successful, but I figure any attempt is better than no attempt.

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Well, I think this is highly admirable on its face, but I'm afraid to have our government begin to supervise this. I also am afraid that they won't really take on Monsanto (or not for long, once Monsanto starts throwing around their weight and their money). There are already way too many high level officials who segway between chemical companies and government positions, depending on where they're needed at the time to get things done..... We don't need to put greater controls into the hands of folks like that.....

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