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Healthier eating: Why are my hubby and I both sure that

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we have GAINED weight in the last few weeks?


We started our own "food revolution" about 5-6 weeks ago. Eating less meat, more veggies, a much larger percentage of whole grains vs. refined (we used to eat about 1/3 whole grains...now it's about 3/4). We are eating about the same amount of dairy products. Fewer sweets. More soy but not a lot (we've had tofu meals exactly twice, and occasionally substitute soy milk).


I honestly don't think our portions are out of whack.


Here's an example of a change we've made: Hubby was eating eggs (2 or 3) for breakfast about 5 days a week, plus toast or tortillas and sometimes a b'fast meat. He'd eat cereal or something else the other two. Now that's flipped - he eats Weetabix w/ a banana and low-fat milk about 5 mornings a week.


Neither of us weighs very regularly, so we didn't have a baseline weight. But we're both pretty sure we've gained a pound or two. What's up with that?? Are we just imagining it?

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Hmm. Well, you might not be imagining it. Sometimes when you add more roughage, you get a bit of the bloat factor until your body gets used to it. Occasionally, you will get a bit of constipation due to all the new grains/beans, etc - again, once your body is used to your new diet, it will get along just fine. I would suggest increasing the liquid intake and sticking with what you're doing.


Good for you, btw :).

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Same as Liz, I can't eat much for grains, even if they are whole grains, without gaining weight. I even have to be limiting of fruits. But, I can have all of the protein and veggies I want and in very large amounts without gaining. I guess its my metabolism.


It stinks too because I love pasta and would eat it every day if I could!



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Hmm. I don't think we are deficient in protein. Every meal has SOME meat, or has dairy, dried beans, soy, nuts, etc. BUT, I can see that we have probably shifted our caloric intake so that a lower percentage of it is from protein.


Sigh. This is disappointing. Don't tell my husband yet, while I try to figure out what to do. :)

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Potentially because of this:





I've changed my diet based on this article going from basic carbs for breakfast to eggs and fried meat (or beans) and have since lost 9 pounds and counting in a SHORT period of time (since the article was first posted on here). Hubby has lost about 5 pounds.


I think, at least for a certain portion of us, there's a lot of truth to this metabolism and timing deal. We now eat a heartier fattier breakfast, the same lunch as before and a light supper. We try to get the bulk of the veggies and fruit in on those two meals - not breakfast. That's all I've changed and we've lost weight pretty much without even trying.

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Hmm. Well, you might not be imagining it. Sometimes when you add more roughage, you get a bit of the bloat factor until your body gets used to it. Occasionally, you will get a bit of constipation due to all the new grains/beans, etc - again, once your body is used to your new diet, it will get along just fine. I would suggest increasing the liquid intake and sticking with what you're doing.


Good for you, btw :).


I've experienced some of this, but I didn't think it would cause actual weight gain. I was OK with it as long as we didn't go too overboard on the bean meals and end up gassy. (I have not queried dh on the specifics of any bloating, etc. he might be experiencing, ha ha). If our bodies will eventually adjust...gah...how long??

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I've had trouble gaining weight the past few summers in spite of swimming every day and biking almost every day. The nutritionist said it was the increase in fruits and veggies. We eat some protein every day but we eat more light things like salads and fruit in the summer. So, I gain weight. In the winter when we are eating more meats and chilis, I do not gain weight even though I am not "moving" as much (swimming for example). Even good carbs can be a problem.

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Eating whole healthy foods and dieting are two very different things. When you are talking about weight loss/gain, it really doesn't matter what you eat all that matters is that your calories out is greater than your calories in.


You can make everything from scratch and eat exclusively organic whole foods and gain weight. If your concern is weight loss then counting calories is something you should do regardless of your eating habits.


The good news is it is much easier to eat less when the foods you are eating are nutrient dense.

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Vegetables, especially green vegetables, contain protein. Wheat- even wholemeal- is notorious for upsetting people's metabolsim. Perhaps substutute other whole grains such as brown rice, for anything wheat. Eat more vegetables.

I admire anyone who goes for eating less meat, and I dont think the whole high protein- if it comes from meat- low carb is a long term healthy diet even though it can cause weight loss. It acidifies the system.

I think your diet just needs some tweakng. Dont be disheartened.

As for dairy- processed and pastuerised dairy is not necessarily good for you. Cheese especially is quite an addictive food and hard to give up but its not really of much benefit as a food.

All in all...I would say, eat even more fruit and veg, less grains and meat and dairy.

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